Today was a tough, tough, tough day.
When Chrissie was bleeding so badly and rapidly earlier today, we knew that it was serious. Dr. Kupferschmid was looking really stressed about getting Chrissie off the ECMO machine. There was just no way to stop Chrissie's bleeding unless we got her off the ECMO because they couldn't give her any blood-clotting medicine while on the ECMO, in fact, they had to keep pumping her full of anti-coagulating medicine in order to keep her on the ECMO.
If Chrissie hadn't started bleeding today, she would still be on the ECMO now. The right side of her heart still needed rest. It was still too weak to perform on its own. It was obvious when viewed via echo (sonogram) that there was no way this girl's heart could hold its own. Not for a few more days, at the least.
So, when we were told about the "do or die" situation with getting her off the ECMO today, it was a bit of a panicky mode for Matt and I. We knew that Chrissie's heart and lungs were still in very bad shape. We knew that if they disconnected the ECMO and Chrissie's heart and lungs weren't strong enough to hold their own, then we would lose her and there would be NO getting her back after that. The ECMO is the biggest, baddest life support system out there, particularly the rescue circuit that she was on! There would be no other options out there if Chrissie's body failed her.
On top of all of this, I never mentioned to you that our beloved cardiologist, who was sent straight from God, left today to go to Iraq on a heart mission trip with Samaritan's Purse. She's my earthly rock. She gives me the low-down in layman's terms. She cries with us, prays with us, laughs with us, and reminds us of Who is really in charge, The Great Physician. Dr. Porisch had been recruited for this heart mission trip (which she volunteers to do quite often) before Chrissie had so many complications. Dr. Porisch told us last night (in tears) that she REALLY didn't want to go to Iraq and leave Chrissie and us behind at this time. God reminded her that He was calling her to head to the ancient town of Nineveh, the same place where He also called Jonah to so long ago. But, Jonah disobeyed God and ran away because he didn't want to go there. And we all know what happened to Jonah! So, Dr. Porisch told God she would obey Him, and she would leave Chrissie in His hands as she obeyed and headed to ancient Nineveh, even though she REALLY didn't want to leave Chrissie at this time.
So, my cardio-rock was GONE today during this time or crisis. UGH! This forced me to rely solely upon God, knowing it was all in His hands from Day 1, and He ordered these steps with sovereignty. Dr. Porisch stopped by to see Chrissie and tell us goodbye before she headed to the airport. We hugged and reminded each other that it was going to be OK, it was all in God's hands, and He didn't need either of us in order to make His plan work!!! She left the room in tears while I was forced to face the reality of getting Chrissie off the ECMO machine without Dr. Porisch around. (As if I had anything to do with getting her off the machine, but still!!!)
The team came up with their do or die plan to get Chrissie off the machine, and the first attempt failed. Chrissie's oxygen sats dropped down to 40, so they had to turn the ECMO back on. At that time, I went to Chrissie's side (she had been asleep, totally out of it), and I prayed Ezekiel 16:6 over her. "Then I passed by and saw you kicking about in your blood, and as you lay there in your blood, I said to you, "Live!", and the moment I said the word, "LIVE", Chrissie raised her eyebrows!!! I knew at that moment that Chrissie was telling me she was going to fight her heart out to LIVE. Dr. Kupferschmid said to keep doing whatever I was doing because her oxygen sats went up in the 90's when I spoke to her! I prayed over her, spoke Scripture over her, and continuously reminded her of how much we love her and how much we needed her to fight. She responded to EVERYTHING I said. Chrissie used the movement of her eyebrows to speak volumes to me as I claimed life for her broken body. Every time I told Chrissie that I loved her, she would raise her eyebrows, to tell me that she loved me back. The medical staff in the room (about 8 people) kept telling me to stop asking her to respond to me because her carbon dioxide sats were too high for her to be able to respond, but I told Chrissie to show them what her God was made of, and CHRISSIE RAISED HER EYEBROWS! Take that! My God is bigger than any paralytic meds and carbon dioxide levels that prohibit movement. Chrissie ministered to ME through her eyebrow talk!!! I knew she was going to fight her way through this.
There was a LONG way to go to get Chrissie off the ECMO with little time to spare. I started telling Chrissie to be the boss of her heart. (Chrissie is always looking for opportunities to boss someone around!) I told her to tell her heart exactly what it needed to do, and I explained it all in detail to her. Then I told her repeatedly to "boss her heart", and guess what?!? Right there on the screen of the echo machine (sonogram), Chrissie's heart started doing what it needed to do!!! Chrissie was bossing her heart, and her heart was obeying!!! The entire medical team witnessed it with their very eyes. I heard one person say, "There's no way." Another said, "Amazing."
So then the doctor shouts out for me to tell Chrissie to "boss" her lungs!!! I cracked up, but they were witnessing our God at work before their very eyes with medical equipment to capture it in action!!! So, I told Chrissie to boss her lungs, and I told her exactly what her lungs needed to do. I told her that her lungs were dirty/icky, and they needed to get cleaned up. I told Chrissie to send her lungs to the bathroom to wash up, and each time, they were coming back a little more clean, but not totally clean. So, each time that occurred, I would tell Chrissie to tell those lungs to march right back to the bathroom to finish getting cleaned up. They had to remove the icky carbon dioxide and open up and accept blood from her heart and oxygenate the blood. There was so much bossing to be done, but Chrissie hung right in there and bossed and bossed and bossed. She would tell me how hard she was working to boss her heart and lungs by physically shaking and moving her shoulders, arms, hands, and eyebrows. (This was all while she shouldn't have been able to move at all due to drugs and high CO2 levels!)
The doctors and entire medical team witnessed miracles before their very eyes. Right here in Chrissie's PICU room as I told Chrissie to show the world what her God is capable of. It was absolutely amazing. Seriously. Words cannot describe what we witnessed today. We went from a heart that was broken and collapsed, to a full heart where every chamber was beating perfectly and filled with the right capacitites, beating properly, pumping properly and doing exactly what a healthy heart would do.
We also went from lungs that were filthy and not filtering or oxygenating or removing carbon dioxide from the blood to lungs that were giving oxygen sats in the 90's while CO2 levels consistently dropped!!! Dr. Kupferschmid asked me to stay right where I was, doing exactly what I was doing while medical staff worked all around my daughter and me. Everyone was crawling through wires and tubes and machines just so that I wouldn't have to leave Chrissie's side. We only had "crawl" space available, but no one wanted me to move as God directed my steps and breathed LIFE into Chrissie. His life. Right before our very eyes.
Before we knew it, the ECMO had been turned off for 1.5 hours, as I "coached" Chrissie as God told me exactly what to say to her. She continued to communicate with me through her eyebrows. (She can't talk due to the intubation, and she had very little movement ability, but she forced her eyebrows to communicate with me!) So, the decision was made to convert Chrissie's PICU into an operating room (for the second time today) and completely remove the ECMO machine!!! I explained to Chrissie what they were going to do and what would be required of her, and how we needed her to continue to boss her heart and lungs so she could tell the world what her God is capable of, and Chrissie totally agreed with me by shaking her eyebrows up and down with absolute agreement and purposeful movement. She even cried. I cried, too, but I KNEW that God was going to save her and pull her through this. He was doing it miraculously before our very eyes.
We were kicked out of the PICU as the cardiovascular operating team moved in to do their stuff. (They all know us now and we know them...not something I wish upon anyone!) I told them that if Chrissie started to die, to come get me so I could tell her what to do so they could see our God at work. They assured me that they would.
Matt and I, along with my mom, sat in the waiting room and prayed. A man from our church, Mr. Bill Taylor (who has faithfully come by to pray with us), led us in prayer before he headed out to donate blood. It was all in God's hands.
About 2 hours later, Dr. Kupferschmid bee-bopped with a glow into the waiting room and told us to come back into the room. She did GREAT! He was able to get the cannulas out and repair both the jugular vein and carotid artery. (He had planned to not repair them and just tie them off because he didn't think he'd have time to get them repaired before she bled out.) He opened the lower portion of her chest and sternum and drained off a lot of extra blood. Everything remained stable during this time, and Chrissie was successfully removed from the ECMO machine!!! This was impossible just a few hours prior. It was so obviously God. Dr. Kupferschmid rubbed Chrissie's head and said, "Amazing...just amazing." He shook his head in disbelief, but a smile and joy radiated from his face. Our miracle girl was alive!
At that moment, Dr. Porisch texted me to say these words:
"I am in Denver now. It was the longest plane ride ever being unable to check phone, text or blog. I have been in constant wrestling match with the Great Physician since takeoff from SA. It is killing me to not be tehre with Chrissie and both of you! But God is in control and He is mighty to heal and save. You have been such an amazing witness to me and thousands of others. I am praying that God will strengthen you and uphold you on this unbelievable roller coaster. ~Mary"
I texted Dr. Porisch back to tell her to call me if she could! Moments later the phone rang, and I gave Dr. Porisch the praise report! Dr. Porisch was elated, and she shared with me that she spent the ENTIRE plane ride praying for Chrissie. She told me that the last blog update she got was that the bridging off the ECMO failed when Chrissie's O2 sats dropped in the 40's. At that time, she was forced to power off her phone. So, she cried and prayed and yelled at God the entire plane ride. She looked up every Scripture that had to deal with healing and giving life, and she prayed and claimed those for Chrissie. She said that the lady next to her surely thought she was crazy, but she couldn't control herself. Dr. Porisch said she finally gave up the wrestling match with God and cried out with desperation to The Great Physician as she drifted through the heavens, as close to God as she could be, claiming LIFE for Chrissie!
Well, would you believe that Dr. Porisch's prayer time occurred during the exact same time that Chrissie started to "boss" her heart and lungs and things started turning around so miraculously with Chrissie's sats and functions that the ECMO was able to stay off for an entire hour and a half?!? This is NO coincidence that on the very day at the very hour that Dr. Porisch is flying through the heavens with no internet or phone service, while she fervently prays for her patient to live, that God was moving mountains in PICU room 1 at Methodist Children's in San Antonio, Texas!!! Dr. Porisch obeyed her God's command to leave her patient and go to ancient Nineveh, and in her obedience, she trusted God and petitioned Him to grant Chrissie life.
And God answered her prayers and honored her obedience. A little different ending than Jonah's.
We are amazed.
Truly in awe.
Utterly grateful.
Forever blessed.
Dr. Porisch, you will never know how much you mean to me, precious servant of God. You took the risk of contacting me back in the summer of 2009 to let me know that you were willing to help save Chrissie's life if we were to obey God and bring her home from Serbia. When all other cardiologists stated that Chrissie's condition was "not compatible with life", you chose LIFE. His life. His way. You obeyed God's command to leave and go to ancient Nineveh, even when you didn't want to. Even when you begged God to let you stay. You sought His will and obeyed, even when it wasn't what you wanted. You prayed and prayed and prayed and cried and cried and cried and begged and begged and begged and pleaded and pleaded and pleaded on behalf of our precious angel, Chrissie. And guess what our faithful God did? He healed and healed and healed. He has used your obedience to breathe new life into our Serbian Sensation. We cannot ever express our gratitude for you. Ever. We love you and I already miss you immensely.
I will need to thank Dr. Kupferschmid and all of the medical team members and ECMO specialists for saving my daughter's life, multiple times, literally. I will have to save that for another post.
I have to thank YOU, my faithful prayer warriors, for continously lifting Chrissie and our family up. Please don't stop now as the road is still not clear. As you've witnessed on this Wonderful Witness Wednesday, God hears our cries and He answers our prayers.
"The LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." Genesis 2:7

Awesome news! I am still praying!
Wow! Tears are rolling down my face. Thanks for taking the time to explain all of that! It is amazing to see God at work like that. I would have totally missed out. Thank you Jesus!!!
Oh the breath of LIFE! For the Lord is faithful and never deserts us. I will go to bed praising the Lord for miracle and pleading for more Life--life abundant and life to the full. This broken heart is being made whole, despite the impossibility of it all. The Lord is being glorified today!
This is such a testimony that God really is the GREAT Physician. I am praying multiple times a day for princess Chrissie. She sure is a fighter!
What a beautiful beautiful day. Praise the Lord!
My head aches from all of the sobbing I did while reading this update. Beautiful news!
Amazing! Truly God's Work. Amazing!
As I have said before, after witnessing such an astonishing miracle with my Grandma and her heart/lung transplant, "Who could NOT believe in such an awesome powerful God after seeing His hand in these miracles?" There really is no alternate explanation, no scientific foundation, no reason at all for what has happened to Chrissie other than God's divine healing hand! I continue to be amazed, though NOT surprised because like you said "Our God is might to save!".
Thank you Jehovah Rapha! Thank you for saving Chrissie! Please continue to heal her heart and lungs. Please be with Dr. Poriche as she works for Your good in Iraq. Keep her safe and bring her home soon!
Praising God!
Continuing to pray.
I just found your blog today and am in Ahh of your little girl... Words can not describe the pure joy I felt reading this post and knowing the miracles God provided today. I cant wait for the next update. I am praying for a quiet and restful night for all of you.
Just for Lorraine and Matt:
I woke up this morning praying for Chrissie and prayed all day--through the playtime, through the gardening, through the cooking--all the while checking to see what the latest on Chrissie is. After your last post around 6:30 and things started to get feed-the-family-clean-up-bath-bed-time-for-four-kids crazy, I tried to hold my worry to myself... The oldest, Jenna-15, saw that I wasn't wholly present. I told her a bit about Chrissie's day and how I was really worried that Chrissie wouldn't make sometime after 7:30, I stole away into the office and closed the door. I got on my knees (which I don't typically do) and went deep into prayer for Chrissie to BREATHE BREATHE BREATHE. I could hear my heart beating in my head and I was watching in my mind Chrissie's blood flowing through her body in beautiful symphony and begging for God to make it so. I realized I was breathing so hard I was getting a head rush. I just wanted so much to be able to breathe for her! But then I felt God remind me, "Not you, ME!" And my body just kind of went silent (and for some unknown reason my house was silent too) so the moment was relaxed and peaceful. And I thanked God for the gift that Chrissie is and told him how I want so much to look in Chrissie's eyes and tell her how special she is.
[I realize this might seem long, but I promise it gets somewhere really good!]
I went to bed having checked a few more times and not seen news. I began to worry that no news was not good news... Shortly after midnight, my eyes just started to burn and itch. I tried rinsing and blotting, to no avail, couldn't find the drops upstairs...didn't even know if we had any. I went downstairs to look for some--walking with my eyes mostly closed. Woke my basketball-fan husband up off the sofa and was drawn to the office to check just one more time.
I didn't need to find drops--I was crying the burning and itching right out of my eyes! You had just posted again with the GLORIOUS NEWS! God didn't make my eyes burn and itch to get me up to read your blog. God got me up to read your blog so that I could know that in the same way that He can work miracles on Chrissie's broken little body, He can heal my eyes. Lorraine, I have Usher Syndrome Type II. That means that I'm severely deaf and I have RP (retinitis pigmentosa). I'm going blind. There is no treatment, no cure. Just visits back to the doctor once a year so they can run the usual tests and say what always feels like, "Yup, you're still blind. Yup, it's worse than last year. Nope, there's still nothing we can do." When the tears were washing my eyes clean, I knew God wanted me to know that if he can move in mysteriously beautiful ways like he did today for Chrissie, that it's okay for me to ask him to heal me, too.
I have loved Jesus as long as I can remember. And when it would come to asking for healing for me, I just couldn't. I'd think that I wasn't worthy of that, or that this is how he made me so I should accept that and use it as part of my witness. But tonight when He used your words to wash my eyes clean, I felt for the first time that it's okay for me to ask Him for that healing--and that He can! I hesitated to tell you about this story but I thought you might like to hear yet another example of how wide and long and high and deep His love reaches. (Eph 3:14-19)
I was going to tell Britany and Jenn to give you a hug from me, but I forgot to call if you read this before they get there, tell them to hug you for me :) Continuously praying, Brenna
Amazing!!! Wow God!!!
Thank you for taking the time (in the midst of your craziest week ever) to keep us up to date.
LOVE the story about the doctor having to obey God and go to Ninevah, even when she didn't want to. Every detail. Every little detail ... brings honor and glory to Our Lord in Heaven.
Praise You, Lord. Praise You. You are Faithful and True.
Dear Lorraine and Family,
(Just awoke to feed the babies.) I've continued to pray. Last night, the Lord allowed me to participate in prayer with you, so I just kept praying, "Breathe life into her, Lord. Breathe life into Chrissie's lungs." Thank you for sharing the precious details of your evening. What an awesome testimony of our Almighty God. Going to try and drift back to sleep. What an awe-some God!
In Christ's Love~For what other love is there, right?
Praying without ceasing,
It's 3:30AM & I had to get up & check your blog because Chrissie has been on my mind. Praise God for this wonderful news!!! Someday that little girl is going to have quite the testimony!!!! I will continue to pray that Chrissie continues to improve & that you can finally get some rest. I know that you feel like you've been through a war, but remember that the battle is His.
Lorraine, I had such a restless night last night. I was up working until 3am on RR buttons (software crashed and so I had to redo some things sigh) but William and I have been praying so for Chrissie I was refreshing, goodness not sure I let 5 minutes go in between refreshes.
I went to bed praying for her and kept waking and praying when I did, more like 'please God save her' then falling back to sleep. I was imagining coming here in the morning to read what I so desperately hoped NOT to read.
We've prayed and commanded life into her little body for days now and many times we actually felt the faith that those words were not in vain. Last night, I confess, I didn't have that faith. Part of me did but part of me didn't and that kept me from being able to sleep.
When we awakened this morning the FIRST thing I had William do was come to your blog to find out. I was so scared to read the outcome.
(a flash back to when Meredith's Emma had her surgery and our computer was broken so I finally after two weeks of not being able to know if she'd survived her heart surgery went to the library to read their blog-you know the outcome of that! Praise the Lord)
Well, as William read this post aloud tears were streaming down my face, Eden was in my lap wondering what on earth was going on (with all the work for orphans I do you'd think she'd be used to me being in tears lol). But oh we were praising God! This is an amazing testimony!
And Lorraine, two nights ago we decided to start reading the REAL Bible to Eden rather than her children's Bible (she's also 4 years old) and William read... the story of Jonah. As you mentioned Ninevah in your post the hairs just stood up! We KNOW that we were interceding on behalf of Dr. Porisch lol. She was struggling with her leaving Chrissie and our choosing to read that must have been for her.
What an amazing testimony. And Lorraine, you've posted about the things people have been sharing about their being called to pray at THOSE moments, we too have been in that same position, feeling the urgency to pray and speak life into her and then your post minutes later confirming just what we were praying. SO MANY of your readers have experienced this.
What an amazing thing that across the globe the SAME Holy Spirit that is in the room with Chrissie is also urging us to sacrifice our prayers and telling us exactly what to pray. God IS amazing!
I hope you don't mind but I'm going to share this post of yours on anything I can lol! No hiding God's amazing testimony under a bushel!
Praising Jesus today!
Oh I forgot to tell you this lol So many times yesterday when I was tweeting and asking on facebook for prayers I felt I was to ask people to stop what they were doing and get on their knees. I texted people we know here in England (we live in London) asking them to stop what they were doing and get on their knees to pray. William and I felt we were to get on our knees to pray and we did. There is something about removing yourself from all the distractions and submitting your entire body to God when you pray. So we did...
I've felt this for a long time and I believe it even more today... when we are asking God for a healing in our own lives the most important prayers you pray towards YOUR healing are the ones you sacrifice your time to pray for SOMEONE ELSE'S healing.
Anyway, I forgot to mention that in the previous novel length comment I just posted lol.
God is good, Lorraine. But you know that!
Our God is Amazing! What a miraculous, wonderful Wednesday Witness! He is truly our Miracle Healer. I'm still praying for all of you, and for Chrissie to have a good and restful Thursday, healing and bossing those lungs and heart around so they continue to do what they need to do. She needs to take a hundred steps forward today - I'm praying that she's turned a corner and that she'll be working her way toward dancing out of that hospital in the months to come. Praise the Lord for his miraculous healing!!
It has been such a privilege to witness this with you. The way you've kept up this blog and kept us all informed of what you need and what God has done has been truly amazing. Praise God that he is using technology to keep us all up to date on what's going on. The witnesses to his miracles with Chrissie will be many. I can't begin to tell you what this has done for me. (One day, when you're not quite in such a life/death situation, I'll email you and explain what was going on in my life, and how this miracle has made a difference.)
I prayed almost all afternoon yesterday (in between meetings at work and other work committments). I cried and cried out begging the Lord for his mercy to heal her. We're Catholic, and I asked various angels and saints (and the Blessed Virgin) to pray for Chrissie and intercede on her behalf.
God is so good. His miracles are many. And this is truly, truly an amazing miracle to witness.
Keep fighting, little Chrissie. Keep bossing those body parts around!
Hallelujah! It's 0500 for THIS update & there's no more at this time so I am assuming God allowing all to rest while He conintinues to HEAL His Christ Child Warrior Chrissie!!! And her parents!
HE is such a Loving God & only wants the BEST for his children! For us all not to lose Faith In Him & for those to become believers in HIS Son Jesus Christ!!!
I say this again, but to EVERYONE this time... REMEMBER, even when one is in a COMA, they can still HEAR you SPEAK!!!!
I woke up to a beautiful moon with a "raninbow" around it, and it reminded me of Chrissie. I told God that He was the One who hung that moon (impossible by human standards), and I asked Him to do the impossible for Chrissie too. Came downstairs to read this news...tears of thanksgiving are rolling down my face. We will just keep claiming all the Scriptures that we've been claiming. Our hope is in GOD ALONE! (((HUGS)))
Awesome. God is GREAT! I want to ask you to Pray for John, My Moms friend who rents a room from us. He is going in for a defibulator today and we Pray he comes through with no troubles. Thank you. xoxo, Kandi Ann
PS. Forgottensaw on twitter didn't work for me yesterday.
What an amazing story, an amazing little girl, amazing parents, and even more amazing God. I've had some work worries and haven't been sleeping well. Each time I woke last night to worry, I prayed for Chrissie. It put my worries to bed. I will continue to lift y'all in prayer.
What wonderful news. I prayed for Chrissie throughout the night last night. Thank you to our mighty awesome God for his healing hand.
PRAISE GOD!!!! What an exhausting day Wednesday was as I spent it bouncing in and out of prayer -not that this is about me -but every time I felt wiped out I was reminded of how much more you and the staff must be feeling weary of the turmoil with Chrissie.
There were many times yesterday where I would be mid-sentence talking to someone and then start talking to God. When the blog became so quiet in the evening hours, I thought I'd go crazy wanting to know what was happening. I love hearing the reports from all your friends who were praying and now, knowing what God was doing during that time is the BIGGEST BLESSING EVER!!!
If there is someone out there watching this story unfold, or a staff member working with your family who doesn't know the Lord, then I say:
What are you waiting for?!
- Julie
Prasie God for the mountains he has moved! Will continue to pray for today's daily Bread, and also pray for Dr. P's safe travels. What a blessing to have a doctor who kneels before the throne on your behalf!
Shaking... and praying. God is so good. Love you, Amy
Matt and Lorraine - all I can say is WOW! WOW! WOW!
Our God is MIGHTY to SAVE!
My children prayed for you while I went out for a much needed date with my husband. We prayed at dinner too. Our family will not stop and we love you all!
THANK YOU JESUS for Dr. P and her obedient heart! Thank You Jesus for answering our prayers for divine wisdom for every doctor and nurse in Chrissie's care. Thank You JESUS for using the Patterson's to show that YOU LOVE to perform miracles today!
God you have us all in awe! We love You!
In Jesus' name I pray for more miracles today for this beautiful family!
Love and hugs to you!
Who is smiling and crying at the same time!
So glad to read tihs great report. I've been praying with y'all and am so glad to hear this great news!
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty! To God Be the Glory - great things He hath done!
Continuing to pray for your precious daughter to fights harder than anyone I've ever known. Also, praying that you and Matt are able to get rest and for the kiddos at home.
Oh dear Jesus thank you for your mercy and grace you RAIN down on Chrissie and her momma!
I will continue to pray!
I am sobbing with relief, happiness and awe at our God! Chrissie has not been far from my mind for days and I couldn't stop thinking and praying for her last night.
Praying for continued miracle healings and for blessings to rain down on these wonderful Drs. too!
Thank you for sharing this journey with us. We have been praying since last week and I am amazed at not only your little girl but yours and Matt's ability to trust the Lord. I listened to you speaking last nite and your faith in the Lord comes thru so strong and with such "knowing" in your heart of His power to do His will. Chrissie is an amazing little girl whom the Lord loves deeply. I should not be so amazed as you have "seen" His mighty hand at work and that is deeply convicting. May we continue to see the Lord in all of this and our prayers are continuously going up for Chrissie.
Tears ..... oh my goodness the tears! God is good, ALL the time!
I want you to know we have been waiting and waiting for a court date to return to bring our girls home from Bulgaria. I had been praying for a miracle to bring them home by the end of May.
The last few days I have prayed that God would give our miracle to Chrissie! Today I wake to a terrible email that our dossier is going back a step and leaving court! Such a huge delay! And right away I thought of Chrissie and just knew u had to check your blog!!!!
Praise God!!!! Chrissievus getting her miracle and ours as well!!! Thank you Jesus! Praise you Jesus! Love you Jesus, with all my heart!!!
But He said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” (Luke 18:27)
Don't you just wonder what God has in store for Chrissie? Wow. When I read about the miracles taking place in her body I am speechless. Thank you for taking the time to witness to others and share the miracle of Chrissie with the world. This girl is going places, in Jesus name. What an amazing story.
I can't help but think that all of this has happened in such perfect timing from God. My husband and I adopted 4 siblings from Ukraine the summer before last. I know from my own experiences that bonding, trust, and language would not have been there if you had taken Chrissie to get her heart fixed right away. Thank God that his perfect timing put your family through so many bonding experiences, gave you time to grow closer and Chrissie to really trust you before she had her surgeries. How much more scared and confused would she be if her mama was speaking to her in words that she did not understand to try to reassure her? She must have a gift for linguistics because she seems to have picked up so much in so little time.
Blessings to you as Chrissie grows stronger each day and continues to heal miraculously,
This is a have been reading your posts...and sharing with everyone I know, to have been SO encouraging and strong. Amazing to see God's hand at work in that operating room. No doubt those physicians and nurses and attendants feel the presence of God's Holy Spirit in that PICU.
Please know that the Pruet's are praying for Chrissie and can't wait to meet her.
As I was praying for Chrissie in the car yesterday afternoon, the following song was playing....
When God's People pray by Crystal Lewis
Deep in the dark of despair
Deep in my heart there's a prayer
That faith will reign over fear
That courage and strength will be mine
My heart is heavy I don't understand
Yet I know my life is in your hands
I realize that I am incapable
Of changing alone the impossible
But I believe in miracles
Together our voices will rise
We are not powerless in the face of fear
As one we will stand and make our voices clear
When God's people pray things will change
When God's people pray all the earth will obey
My faith can't be shaken because I have seen
The amazing, miraculous happens
When God's people pray
Our defense in danger
Our light in the midst of life
Our strength in the weakest moment
Our hope through the night, the night
All things are possible when we let go
Let go of what we can't control
When God's people pray things will change
When God's people pray all the earth will obey
My faith can't be shaken because I have seen
The amazing, miraculous happens
When God's people pray
The peace that we need will only come when we get on our knees
When God's people pray you know things will change
When God's people pray all the earth will obey
My faith can't be shaken because I have seen
The amazing, miraculous happens
When God's people pray
Lorraine....Just wanted to encourage you to continue rallying the prayer warriors on Chrissie's behalf. God hears us....He's listening...He's answering! Praise God!
Glory to God! Your cardiologist is a treasure.
As I was praying for Chrissie in the car yesterday afternoon, the following song was playing....
When God's People pray by Crystal Lewis
Deep in the dark of despair
Deep in my heart there's a prayer
That faith will reign over fear
That courage and strength will be mine
My heart is heavy I don't understand
Yet I know my life is in your hands
I realize that I am incapable
Of changing alone the impossible
But I believe in miracles
Together our voices will rise
We are not powerless in the face of fear
As one we will stand and make our voices clear
When God's people pray things will change
When God's people pray all the earth will obey
My faith can't be shaken because I have seen
The amazing, miraculous happens
When God's people pray
Our defense in danger
Our light in the midst of life
Our strength in the weakest moment
Our hope through the night, the night
All things are possible when we let go
Let go of what we can't control
When God's people pray things will change
When God's people pray all the earth will obey
My faith can't be shaken because I have seen
The amazing, miraculous happens
When God's people pray
The peace that we need will only come when we get on our knees
When God's people pray you know things will change
When God's people pray all the earth will obey
My faith can't be shaken because I have seen
The amazing, miraculous happens
When God's people pray
Lorraine....Just wanted to encourage you to continue rallying the prayer warriors on Chrissie's behalf. God hears us....He's listening...He's answering! Praise God!
Rejoicing, rejoicing, rejoicing! Continuously praying for another miraculous day of healing and rest!
WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! What an awesome GOD WE SERVE! Who can doubt as the HEAVENS PROCLAIM OUR GOD IS MIGHTY TO SAVE! In AWE & we will continue our prayers & praises of our LIFE BREATHING GOD!!!!!!!!!!!
What a testimony of our God. And He loves to work through our children! Praising God with you today and praying that there will be complete and total healing.
I am so happy for you guys! I was worried since there were no new posts last night but I just cried my eyes out this morning reading your "Wonderful Wednesday Witnessing" post. God must have BIG plans for Miss Chrissy!
Jer 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Crying, I am sending praises to HIM! What a TESTIMONY. I am in AWE of his awesomeness! John Bevere came to my church on sunday, Northplace Church in Sachse, TX and spoke of God's grace, which is GOD'S EMPOWERMENT! With God, any of us can be empowered beyond expectations, and can be testimonies of how powerful and big HE is! Sweet Chrissie showed the world that she has God inside her and how powerful He is! Way to go, girl!! Love you and will continue to pray. -Kelly Stokes
I wasn't able to get on to check the blog yesterday because I was attending a funeral for a friend who sadly cut his own life short. I still prayed for Chrissie every chance I got yesterday. I am so so happy to get on here and see THIS update from you!!! Praising God for miracles and praying for Chrissie. Also, if you can spare a moment of prayer for the Lewis family in GA who have lost their 20 year old son it would be appreciated. They are experiencing a great pain in their hearts right now under the circumstances that he left this earth. Thank you. And many many prayers for little Chrissie! She is such a witness for God at such a young age! Amazing!
I wasn't able to get on to check the blog yesterday because I was attending a funeral for a friend who sadly cut his own life short. I still prayed for Chrissie every chance I got yesterday. I am so so happy to get on here and see THIS update from you!!! Praising God for miracles and praying for Chrissie. Also, if you can spare a moment of prayer for the Lewis family in GA who have lost their 20 year old son it would be appreciated. They are experiencing a great pain in their hearts right now under the circumstances that he left this earth. Thank you. And many many prayers for little Chrissie! She is such a witness for God at such a young age! Amazing!
I had open heart surgery when I was 5 weeks old. And an additional suregery on the aorta valve when I was 5 months old. I'll be 27 in August. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. I'm happily married with 2 beautiful daughters, and God is my everything! He was there for me, as He is there for Chrissie! Thank you Jesus for being our Healer!
Tears of joy, tears of joy my friend are rolling down my face.
Yesterday I felt this strong urge to jump a plane to
Texas and believe me if I didn't have responsibilities of my own I would have been there praying.
I went to bed at midnight last night praying that I would wake to good news, this certainly is the news that I was praying for.
When I awoke this morning I prayed that I would have the courage to go downstairs and read your blog no matter what the outcome.
Praise the Lord I'm so thrilled that Chrissie is doing so well. Keep up the good work God and Chrissie!
Continuing to pray in Virginia.......
I am in tears...and I rarely cry. The first thing I did when I got my kids off to school was run to the computer to check your blog--to see how Chrissie did through the night. PRAISE GOD!!! I am SO amazed and thrilled by all that happened yesterday. God is so amazing. Thank you for writing it all down in detail so that not only you and the staff there could watch God at work, but also so the rest of us could see as well.
Amazing news this morning. We serve a Fairhful God whose mercies are new every morning. I fell asleep praying for Chrissie and woke up with her on my heart. I am overwhelmed by the love he bestows on His people. Chrissie is truly a Princess Warrior!!! My prayers will continue as will those who I pass this journey onto. Thanks for inviting us to be a part of this intense journey so we can also experience the blessings that you all are experiencing first hand!!!
Rejoicing with you!!!
Lori King
God is SO good!!! Praying for Chrissie to continue to "boss" her heart and lungs!!!
My only response is to cry.
There are no words to describe Chrissie's story except miraculous, absolutely miraculous.
Praise God!
Praise God! Continuing to pray. Wonderful news.
In tears...
God is so good!
I have been following your story since Chrissie's surgery. I am sitting here this morning in tears of joy and relief! God knows that Chrissie is a special little girl and has a mission here in our world. Looking forward to watching what that becomes. I pray for strength for you and your family (and of course for Chrissie).
I just found out about Chrissie (via the Rigg's blog) yesterday and she has been in my prayers every since. What an awesome modern day miracle. Our God is so good!!
Crying, praying, praising and thankful for the great news. What a glorious God we serve and what an awesome daughter he has blessed you with! I pray for God's strength to continue to cover all of you!
Praise be to God!! Tears won't keep coming; just praising my God. Thank you for updating and telling Chrissie's story, God's story!
Continuing to pray for Chrissie. for our father's loving warm embrace around her to continue it's healing and protection. Prayers for you for your wonderful faith and testimony before many readers and our father himself. What a wonderful blessing he has bestowed upon all of you! Praying for Chrissie's lungs to be strong and for her heart to be strong and do what it's supposed to do according to God's will. Praying, Praying, Praying.
How wonderful is the God we serve! Even at such a young age, Chrissie is such an amazing testament to us all. Praying that these miracles continue to happen and Miss Chrissie continues to defy the odds!
This post brings back lots of memories, as I was once a PICU nurse. What a beautiful testimony of God's faithfulness to your obedience. What a fighter Chrissie is, I am so amazed. Thank you for sharing this incredible journey with all of us!
OMG. Our God is amazing.
I will continue to lift up Chrissie and your entire family in prayer, as well as lift up in prayer the medical mission in Iraq.
Yes, amazing!!! Praise God, praise God! We will continue praying for Chrissie and her sweet family. Thank you for allowing us to pray and worship our miraculous Savior for your precious girl. She truly is bringing me closer to God as I reach to Him for her.
I have been following you guys for a couple of days now, and cried when I read what God did yesterday. I will keep praying that He continues to heal Chrissie in all ways necessary for a long, abundant life. Thank you for reminding me that my God IS mighty to save.
Thankful, Terrific Thursday! Oh, I am crying think of all the lifes Princess Chrissie has touched. When I read about you praying over her, and telling her to "boss" her heart and lungs, and the Dr.'s who were there...what a huge thing. What a God thing. That all these dr.'s, who will continue to touch thousands of lives a year, could know the healing power of our Almighty that can and should change their worlds, and affect the way they practice medicine! What an amazing testimony. I can't stop crying...tears of amazement and wonder and joy. Oh, Chrissie...keep on fighting, little warrior! God is using you even when you are paralyzed...oh, how He will be able to use you when you are up and dancing! Amazing!!!!!
Hugs and prayers...Nancy in CT
Thank you for helping us all to share in God's faithfulness & greatness! My tears are sending thanks to Him who sits at the throne.
What utter joy to read this update on Chrissie this morning!!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! We will continue to pray for complete healing for your Christyn Joy!
Praise the Lord! Isn't he just amazing!
My cleft affected and CHD 3 year old, just prayed: "God is good. Help Chrissie's heart."
God IS good.
We are the Shelton's. We live in Kentucky. My husband has been a pastor for 25 years and now is doing drug/alcohol recovery. We have ten children, one son-in-law, one grand daughter and another grand baby on the way.
We just wanted to let you know that we are praying. We have been blessed by reading what God is up to.
We want to pass on some words to a song that have carried us through some hard times.
When the valley is deep
When the mountain is steep
When the body grows weary
When we stumble and fall.
When our choices are hard
When we're battered and scarred
When we've spend our resources
When we've given our all
In Jesus name we press on
In Jesus name we press on
Dear Lord with the prize
Clear before our eyes
We find the strength
To press on
Love and Prayers,
The Sheltons
Came to your blog through different others.
I have a child with RCM (a cardiomyopathy that is not operable).
It is hard on me to read through your posts. The pictures not so much. But I understand much of what you write. And it is one suffocating fear ...
We are in a different time zone.
Praying while others sleep, Bee
After finding your blog through Brent Riggs, I've been reading it for about 2 weeks now. During those 2 weeks I've been praying fervently for Miss Chrissie! I'm in tears after reading this post! What a testimony!! I will continue to pray!! Fight, sweet girl, fight!!!
You are just simply amazing and it is so nice to see you showing the doctors that they don't know everything.
Keep fighting and get well
Hi Lorraine~ My name is Sarah Castillo & we are members of HHBC. I have been praying on & off for Chrissie & you for the past week.
Last night (Wednesday) right before I fell asleep I asked God for Chrissie to live through one more night. This morning my son woke up at 5am and as I nursed him in the rocking chair in the dark, I was wondering how Chrissie was and praying for her. In my sleepiness a refrain kept going thru my head over & over--"We lift up our eyes, lift up our eyes, you're the giver of life." This is a song we sang during the revival services last week. I was so excited to see your newest post later this morning. Glory to God!
Wonderful Wednesday.....INDEED!!!!
Thank You, Father for hearing our cries. THANK YOU, for granting us MUCH faith, through Your work in Chrissie!!!!
The refrain going thru my head is from the song "You Alone Can Rescue" by Matt Redman!
I am new to your blog...Oh My WONDERFUL and MIGHTY God!!!!! I am at a loss for words. My heart was pounding as I read your day and Chrissie's fight and tears streamed my face for someone I've never met. My heart and prayers are with you now and will continue to be.
Do you know that your daughter's fight in that room probably brought someone to eternal salvation-I feel that in my heart that Chrissie's healing brought someone in that room Christ's healing. He works...24/7.
Hoping and praying to hear more news like this until Chrissie is home.
And the doctor in heart and prayers are with you. If all doctors were like you, this would be a different world. Thank you for having a servant's heart.
We're sisters in Christ!!
Hugs & Prayers
Thank you, Jesus. Amen.
Praise the Lord! God is truly performing a Miracle. And Chrissie is a witness to Him by her story. Even those of us that are strangers are crying and praying and thanking God for helping us on our spiritual journey through Chrissie. We will continue to pray and pray and pray.
Amy B's Mom in Illinois
Praising God, Thanking God!! Amazing and beautiful. This has brought me so much closer to My God, my Daddy, my Savior,I went from being a "luke warm" christian to an ON FIRE christian! Chrissie's testimony will never let me cool again. I am blessed God led me to your blog and Chrissie's life, my life and my family's life will never be the same. Thank you Jesus!
Still praying for OUR Chrissie. Savannah(3) says Chrissie needs to get better so they can play togther when her Boo Boo's are better.
Speechless once again.
Our God is MIGHTY TO SAVE!!!
Yippee Jesus!!!
I can't believe how strong your little girl is! What a fighter!!
God is AWSOME. I found your blog by reading the Rigg's. I am praying for Chrissie. My oldest daughter had open heart surgery at 16 months old for an ASD. Praying for you in Austin.
Thank you so much for sharing this testimony!! So many of us have been praying and praying, storming the gates of heaven with you!!
May His name be glorified!!!
Thank you for sharing the mighty and awesome works of our Heavenly Father. He truly is an AWESOME GOD! Blessings.
Im in awe of how God is working to bring healing to your precious warrior princess and the testimony of His faithfullness that you are sharing with us. Praying for the rollercoaster ride to be over so you can enjoy riding the teacups - I am so not a park gal -this is the most exciting ride I can handle.
God's best to you and your husband as you endure day after day in a hospital room. May you continue to be such a good witness for our Saviour. Also praying for your precious children at home. Sweet Chrissie is such a sweet fighter.
Lorraine and Family~
I am so inspired by you all. This story should be published some day as a means to help those of little faith. As I was thinking of Chrissy on the drive to work this morning (while listening to The Message on xm/sirius radio) I heard some of the lyrics in a song by Chris Thomlin "Jesus is healer, awesome in power, our God our God" it touched me. I pray for continued strength and healing.
Praise God!! He is truely a great God!! I read this and have felt God tugging at all of my heart strings. I will pray for you and your family and check for updates!! When we are obedient to our God, he is sooo gracious in His love to bless us in all ways. This is a wonderful reminder of how GREAT our GOD really is and Thank you for sharing with us your miraculous story!! In Christ's Love, Traci Olney
Thank you, JESUS!! Praying prayers of healing, strength and joy now. GO GOD! GO CHRISSIE!!
I am a Christian, a mother of two and a Pediatric RN. Thank you for sharing your little girl with all of us. I love your "boss" idea...and will remember that and use it in the future! We all need to feel a sense of control, and that allowed Chrissie that control. She is lucky to be under the care of the best and mightiest physician of all! God Bless your family...Kerry
Loraine: PLEASE forgive me for MY selfishness, but when there are long periods of time without an update, I get scared and worried to the point of it being all consuming. I pray like I never have before. Never. I have written before that Chrissie has brought me to place that I have never been, but am happy to be here. I just wish it was under different circumstances. Please tell that Serbian Sensation that there is an army out here bigger than she could EVER imagine, praying for her, thinking about her, and changing their lives because of HER!
What an AMAZING AWESOME GOD WE SERVE!! And what an AMAZING TESTIMONY SWEET CHRISSIE IS!! Dear Chrissie, YOU, a little 4 yr old girl that I have never met are strengthening this grown up's faith! I am fighting my own fight right now---which is NO WHERE NEAR as big as YOUR battle, sweet angel and I admit, I have almost been beaten down at times. But then I think of God and I think of YOU and I say "If Chrissie can fight to get better after ALL she's been through, if she can shed a tear but STILL believe and STILL fight" then I owe not only that sweet angel, but God and myself that SAME determined fighting spirit! It's NOT about me--I just wanted to tell you, sweet Chrissie, that I have never prayed more in my life as I have for YOU --and you, my little friend, you and your family you love soooo much are bringing ME closer to God. Thank you, dear one. You keep fighting ok? Love, Lori
AMAZING!!!! Praying all the time for Chrissie.
I have no words... one of the most beautiful stories ever written. Praying!
To God alone be the glory! And all His people praise His name!!!!!
Thank you for sharing this and for the testimony your family is sharing by your faith.
Continuing in prayer....
Amazing. A friend just shared your blog with me yesterday and we've been lifting Chrissie and your family up in prayer and will continue to do so. Praising our awesome Lord and Saviour with you. Keep the faith!
A-MAY-ZING! Praising Jesus for his gracious answer, and continuing to pray!
Lisa H.
Wow. I used to pray. Not as much as I should have or wanted to. I would have to consciously think "It's time to pray". Since this whole struggle with Chrissie, I have realized I pray constantly. Throughout the day I talk to God and I am more grateful and compassionate. Chrissie did that! Thank you, Chrissie for moving me closer to Him.
And when I pray for Chrissie, since I'm teaching or adminstering the TAKS test or taking care of Henley or whatever I'm up to- sometimes my prayers are one word- Heal. Mend. Chrissie. Please. Comfort. Chrissie. Heal. Like a HEARTBEAT!
So while I wish this wasn't happening to y'all, I am thankful for Chrissie for it. You know what I mean?
And I'm certainly not the only one. I love to see your counter at the bottom of your blog and click "refresh" and see how many people are hitting it every few seconds. It's amazing! We are seeing God working miracles using Chrissie, whether healing her heart or strengthening up hearts like mine.
Wow. Wow. Wow. Praying for everyone constantly.
God's amazing goodness and power at work!
The one worship song that I could not get out of my mind after reading this amazing testemony is:
"Majesty, worship His Majesty, unto Jesus be glory, honor and praise,
Majesty Kingdom authority flows from His throne unto His own His anthems raise.
So exalt, lift up on high the name of Jesus.
Majesty, worship His Majesty, Jesus who died, now crucified, King of all Kings."
What God declares, He will do and empower us with His authority.
God put that "bossiness in the heart of Chrissie for just such a time as this and we are so thankful for the design of a strong will and confident trust.
Love and hugs and prayers,
Lorraine and Matt, We were in Mexico with the Kruegers, Edmonds, etc. and had our daughter Amber checking your blog for us.
We have everyone we know praying for your precious angel. God is indeed mighty to save! When God breathed HIS breath into Chrissie, it truly was the breath of LIFE as it was to Adam... we breathe HIS breath! How amazing is that! what a remarkable Savior! We are praying and believing every day for incredible reports of victory. Love to all.
"And lo I am with you always....even until the very end of the age."
You do not know me, but I am a CVICU nurse at a pedi ospi and came across your blog on another blog asking for prayers for your sweet Chrissie. Understanding everything that you have written from a medical perspective, understanding everything about ECMO and TPA and hemorrhage...I am here to tell you that your sweet daughter's life is a miracle! Praise Him, who has breathed the breath of life into her little lungs once again. HE is right there with Chrissie, all of the time. Every time a doctor or nurse says "that can't be," Chrissie shows them: "then you don't know my great and powerful God!!"
Sending you love, encouragement, and big heart prayers from fellow cardiac people in Dallas!!!!
"And lo I am with you always....even until the very end of the age."
You do not know me, but I am a CVICU nurse at a pedi ospi and came across your blog on another blog asking for prayers for your sweet Chrissie. Understanding everything that you have written from a medical perspective, understanding everything about ECMO and TPA and hemorrhage...I am here to tell you that your sweet daughter's life is a miracle! Praise Him, who has breathed the breath of life into her little lungs once again. HE is right there with Chrissie, all of the time. Every time a doctor or nurse says "that can't be," Chrissie shows them: "then you don't know my great and powerful God!!"
Sending you love, encouragement, and big heart prayers from fellow cardiac people in Dallas!!!!
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