Chrissie has also had a decrease on her oxygen sats which began around midnightish. She had a big drop for a while from her steady sat of 98ish down to 80, while her blood is being oxygenated by the ECMO and the ventilator is on as well. They've been able to adjust the ECMO by turning up a few settings, and they suctioned out her lungs via the chest drainage tubes, but this has me sitting up worried about the cause of the drop, etc. Grateful for the ECMO and its ability to keep Chrissie alive.
I've been sleeping really well at night in my recliner, but tonight I'm awake...thinking, praying, watching, wondering, and now blogging.
Praying for our Miracle Monday to be a glorious day of our Jehovah Rapha's healing hand reaching out to fully heal our daughter, His sweet princess, in a way only the Great Physician is able. Please God, restore CHRISTyn Joy to be a living testimony of your power and might.
As I close, Chrissie's song is playing in the background on K-LOVE. God is so good! Chrissie, don't you give up now. It doesn't matter what you've heard, impossible is not a word. Overcome the odds when you don't have a chance, baby girl. Show them what faith can do. Broken hearts can become brand new. Even if you fall sometimes, sweet princess, God will give you the strength to rise. Show them what you and God are made of, our warrior princess, little Serbian Sensation! Fight, baby girl, fight. Heal, mighty God, heal!
This message is sent to you via the blessing of Lorraine's cell phone. :-)

In the still of the night is one of my favorite times to spend time with God. Our house is never quiet unless everyone is sleeping so when I woke up from a deep sleep at 3:00 AM (central) and felt the need to check on Chrissie I knew there must be a reason. I'm praying for Chrissie's oxygen levels, the bleeding to stop, for any infection in her body to leave and for the team that will operate on her today. Keep fighting Chrissie! You are going to have a MIGHTY, MIGHTY testimony to share with the world someday!!!
Love in Christ,
Mary Wusterbarth
is it possible that she isn't waking up as quickly as some because of pain medication? i don't remember reading much about that, but she's gotta be on major doses of narcotics, which will slow down breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, and ability to respond.
i've been through 2 MAJOR brain surgeries in the past year, and i know i was sooooo out of it, just from anesthesia & pain meds like morphine or whatever they put in the IV. i'm VERY tolerant of medication because i've taken it for years, so on a daily basis pain meds that are narcotic-based affect me EXACTLY the same as aspirin - i'm so tolerant that it doesn't feel like a narcotic to me, which i love so i can function & not be knocked out, but it's easy for me to forget that before i was tolerant, one oral dose had me out for a day! i can't imagine what Chrissie's body is going through, especially because her meds are all IV (no way she can do oral meds with the tube in her throat).
i know it isn't the same, but after my first brain surgery, i wouldn't wake up. although the procedure was major in terms of physical impact, it was also relatively routine as far as brain surgeries go. (how's that for an oxymoron?) the Neurosurgeon had done this thousands of times, and i'd had anesthesia for a hernia repair when i was just 6 (i was 22 during the brain surgery a year ago).
anyway, i was in the PACU and they took me off the ventilator and i was "holding my own," my vitals were okay, but i wouldn't wake up. hours dragged on & i was stable, just totally out. just as they were preparing to move me to ICU (they generally keep you in the PACU til you wake up, but they didn't think i would) i woke up. i suffered "brain damage" in the sense that i had major memory issues for awhile, and couldn't read or write well until i practiced for a bit, and if i was in a room where there was noise other than ONE person talking, all i could physically say was "shhhh!" they could never explain why my brain couldn't handle the extra sounds, but now the ONLY lasting effects are that i have some short-term memory issues.
i'm CONVINCED that prayers woke me up. there was no reason for me to be out that long, but there was also no reason to wake up. nothing had changed, and if anything, my brain swelling was getting worse for a day or so. i woke up "for no reason," but the real reason is God.
praying for Chrissie, the family, and the medical people.
just to clarify my earlier comment, when i asked if pain meds could be slowing her waking up process, i was in NO WAY saying she shouldn't be on them! poor girl needs them, quite clearly, i was just asking if that had been discussed as a factor.
I woke up about 4:30 this morning and prayed for Chrissie (and my Aaron who is still far away but deep in my heart). Praying God's peace, wisdom and Grace on you, the doctors and your family.
thinking of you
Praying for Chrissie as the doctors take her back in to the OR today. May God guide their hands, and may the miracles continue!
Jenn in Georgia
HI, I am simply at awe with your strength, Ive been in that hospital chair, not yet for heart surgery for my daughter ,but that will be in the future when her condition worsens. She has CFC syndrome, and has a lot of medical issues. I too sit and wonder that the next day will bring anxiously waiting for the worry to cease. No one has a definate asnwer for you so all you can do is sit. Knowing God wanted me in this chair for some reason and I try to think of what God wanted me to learn here.My prayers go out to you and your family and most of all your daughter! my email is if you ever need to chat im on facebook. God bless!
Chrissie, it is quiet in our house right now and I am praying for you this morning. Your heart of joy and love has filled me with hope today and I am praying God restores you to complete health in the way that only He can. I am praying for wisdom for your doctors and God's amazing peace for your Mom and Dad who love you so very much.
Joining you in prayer - have been awakened during the night - I believe to pray for you all. Our hearts go out to you and our prayers for your family will be ongoing thoughout today and through the rest of Chrissies recovery.
God Bless this family, encamp angels around this baby,Dad, Mom, and the Drs. today, keep your healing hand on this babys body. God we know what you can do and we Believe this is Truly gonna be a Miracle Monday if it is your will Lord. We pray this in Jesus name amen!!!!!!
I just wish there was something I could do to help You all through this time, but I know I can Pray,Pray,Pray!!!!!
Sending my love and Prayers, From Ky
checking in with you this morning to say our prayers are with you! i love your heart and faith lorraine! God's love is unfailing! i praise Him for the testimony of your family's faith!
God bless and much love! know you are not alone!
I am in! Fasting and praying for your sweet girl today and anticipating a Miracle Monday!
Praying for you! May this truly be Miracle Monday.
By the way, when I highlight the words that said how many comments you currently have on a post--like 0 Comments, 1 Comment, etc.--then I can leave a comment. However, if I highlight the pretty box that says something about leaving a message, it takes me to what seems like a totally unrelated site.
Lorraine, While reading my devotional (The Upper Room) this morning,the scripture, Joshua 1:9 said "Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go". May it speak to you. Praying for you and Chrissie here in Illinois today.
Amy B's parents
Lorraine and Matt,
We haven't fasted before and honestly, I don't know the Scriptural significance of it besides the opportunity to focus on something else besides OUR needs. But Eric and I are both going to set aside a meal today to pray for Chrissie. The post about her reaction to Matt was emotional for us, especially Eric. Wow. Wow. Wow. Certainly your blog is a ministry itself, as well as a support for you to be able to write your thoughts while you're alone with Chrissie. We follow along daily ... if not several times a day! Thinking of your ENTIRE family. The Minnesota Lees.
~As my daughter Nadia and I were saying prayers last night the Kutlass song came on,(she goes to sleep by K-love each night), and I told her why it made me smile. We then said prayers for Chrissie. Don't let Satan steal any joy for you today. Let the Army of Angels and all us prayer warriors take him on today. Peace be with you.
Maryann Foster
Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness [a] will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I..... The LORD will guide you always; HE WILL SATISFY YOUR NEEDS IN A SUN SCORCHED LAND AND WILL STRENGTHEN YOUR FRAME You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.
Isaiah 58:8,9,11
5 And the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all mankind together will see it.
Isaiah 40:5
get better and dance for Jesus baby girl. thinking of you all the time. so many people pulling for you! dont give up!
Matt 19:26 But Jesus looked at them & said, "With man this is impossible, "BUT WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE." Praying for healing and repair and for ALL of Miss Chrissie's vital systems to work the way our Mighty Father has intended them to be for Chrissie. Father God we ask that this bleeding issue be fixed today. Father please guide the hands of the sergeons and their hearts and all that is involved with Miss Chrissie. Father YOU ARE the MIGHTY PHYSICIAN, Father if this is in your will I ask that it be done today. Thank you Jesus, Thank you
The first conversation my husband and I had at 4am (when he had to awake unusually early for work) was about Chrissie and even greater (if that's at all possible) need for prayer today. We are fervently praying for her healing. God is just so much bigger than any "impossible" or "statistic" than man can churn out.
My prayerd are with you today.Chrissie has come too far for her story to end here. My heart goes out to you. Michelle
Oh Lorraine, we are praying. Read your post on fasting as well, and I am in. No matter what, GOD IS GOOD. That's one thing we can count on!!
Melissa G
Arnold, MO (near St. Louis:)
I continue to pray for little Chrissie. God, please be with the entire family,strengthening them as only You can!
Praying and fasting this morning. Our God is mighty to save and He can move mountains. He can certainly fix a little girl's heart. God, not our will but yours be done but oh how we petition you that your will is to make Chrissie a living, breathing, walking testimony for your glory until she is a very old woman.
My heart is breaking for you all as I am imagining what you all must be going through . . . I say a prayer everytime you come to mind and ask for healing and peace. I don't know what else to say except to let you know another prayer goes to our Lord on your behalf.
Just wanted you to know we are here, we are praying and we love you guys.
Chrissie, you are an amazing, precious, beautiful little girl and we have been so blessed because of you and your life. Keep fighting sweet girl. The world needs more Chrissie's in it! The Blocks
Praying for Chrissie and the doctors working on her today!! Looking forward to see your next post and praying praying praying for a great report!!
Just another note to remind you people are praying. We are praying for you guys here in Clifton.
Lorraine Fuller
Praying and fasting for your little one today, and for many in my circle dealing with terrible health issues. God is BIG ENOUGH for our needs, regardless of the outcomes, He is WITH US. Hugs to your sweet family.
Hoping no news is good news. I am sure the prayer warriors are hard at it today (including myself)
Heidi in ND
Praying for Chrissie and your family today.
Love and hugs and prayers,
Tomorrow is the 2 year anniversary of our Carmen's death. In honor of our sweet angel I pray that Chrissie is restored to her family here on Earth. Carmen was such an angel and I am sure she is listening. She is so special, I am sure that she will pull at God's heartstrings for dear Chrissie. God bless you all!!
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