Dr. Porisch's partner (another pedi cardiologist) visited this morning to let us know that she has a long, hard road to recovery ahead. She's still a long way from being weaned off the oscillator/ventilator lung support, she's still on tons of meds that are telling her heart and body what to do, and there are still so many risks of infection. Kind of a gloomy reality, but our God is so much bigger than those things. They all seem so miniscule when compared to what mountains God has already moved.
This doesn't mean that it's going to be smooth sailing by any means. It just means that God has shown His mighty healing hand in so many miraculous ways over the last 11 days as a direct answer to our prayers and pleads. That tells me that if all of you prayer warriors remain on your knees for our princess, that He's going to carry us through this and overcome all of the obstacles that appear to be impossible to the human mind. God and Chrissie are going to show ALL of the staff at this hospital just how mighty to save He really is, and He's drawing all of you closer to Him in the process.
One reader commented on how Chrissie is performing open-heart surgery on the world. She is circumcising hearts around the world. "The LORD your God will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants, so that you may love him with all your heart and with all your soul, and live." Deuteronomy 30:6 I have prayed this prayer for my own heart for somewhere around 8 years now. God has been circumcising my heart in a mighty way over the years, but nothing compares to what He's done through this journey with Chrissie. I know He's using her to circumcise hearts around the world so that you may love Him all with your heart and with all your soul, and so that you can LIVE. He will breathe His eternal life into your heart, just as He has revived and sustained Chrissie and given her LIFE. All you have to do is ask.
Here are some things to pray for:
- That Chrissie's heart and lungs will continue to improve and get stronger each day.
- That her entire pulmonary system will perform perfectly with the heart carrying blood the way it should, the lungs accepting blood the way they should, the proper "treatment" of the blood (oxygenation and removing CO2), etc.
- That Chrissie would be able to be successfully weaned from the oscillator to the ventilator and then eventually to no outside lung support.
- That Chrissie would not have neurolical damage. (Cardiologist today was concerned with some rolling movement of Chrissie's arm that was indicative of neurogical damage.)
- For Chrissie's comfort during this painful and oh-so-hard to understand time. Chrissie is metabolizing her sedation and pain meds so quickly that they can hardly keep up with her. She's been having panic attacks when she gets enough movement to show us that she "feels like she's drowning" (the way people feel when they're intubated). This has been the hardest thing for me to watch. My daughter will appear to be sleeping soundly when lall of a sudden, she'll wake violently with a jolt while she opens her eyes quickly with a huge startle, as she tries to gasp for air, over and over and over. Picture someone physically drowning and trying to come up for air, yet continuing to sink in the water. Panic. Horrible. Can't stand it. Nothing I can do but pray over her and speak love into her until the nurse can get extra drugs pushed into her line. But she runs through the extra drugs so quickly that it's happening more and more frequently. The doctors and nurses say this is normal and can't be avoided because she's on the enormous amounts of sedative and pain killers already, in a constant drip, plus she's being given extra dosages on top of it all!!! This is killing me.
- Prayer coverage for NO infection, anywhere.
- That Chrissie will slowly and successfully be able to wean from the heart support medications and other various meds that are telling her body what to do.
- Would love for Chrissie to get this tube out of her throat so that she doesn't feel so panicked, but her lungs must clear and her entire pulmonary system must be in much better and stronger condition than it is now. Godspeed on the total healing of Chrissie's pulmonary system...heart, lungs, and everything in between! (Pressures in the veins and vessels and arteries that run throughout her pulmonary system to be acceptable, too.)

I am so blessed that a friend posted a link to your blog on his facebook. I have been following it everyday. I anxiously wait for more posts! I feel like God is really teaching me how to pray without ceasing through Chrissie's ordeal. He is also helping me to remember how BIG of a God he is. There have been multiple moments in your story that I have thought - this is it....it's over...and then God performs a miracle! AWESOME! I'v shared your blog with my co-workers and friends, and Chrissie has her own little praying/cheering section in South Carolina! Praying for you too Mom & Dad!
-Debbie Russell
AMEN! She has shown the world- what God wants for us all. What a beautiful story God has written. PRAYING continuously for Chrissie & all of you too!!!!!!!!!!!
I couldn't help but share with you the "random" (pfft! Nothing random about it!)Verse of the Day and the "thoughts on this verse" that accompany it on my facebook for today!
Here is your Verse of the Day:
2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV). But he said to me,''My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.'' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
...... Thoughts on This Verse... While other preachers in Paul's day were parading around their credentials, Paul refused to get into a bragging contest to prove he was the most impressive of Jesus' disciples. Even though he had the religious education and Jewish pedigree to silence his rivals, he preferred to acknowledge the areas of his weakness where God had triumphed over his own limitations. Let's be careful today about examining and determining the ministry-worth of someone based on his or her resume. Instead, let's look for people in whom God's grace has triumphed.
God's grace is triumphing in Chrissie! His grace is enough!
Still praying for your little Serbian Princess, daughter of the one true King!
Hugs and our prayers remain for Chrissie! Our precious children all by themselves said prayers over her this morning during our morning devotional time at school! They are praying for her to wake up fully healed!
I was telling my husband the very thing you wrote about how God is using your princess and His to bring others to their knees and give them LIFE!
Would you choose this road? NO WAY! But if it meant this was the only way for others to be set free and His plan to give them life - then BRING IT ON GOD! ALL FOR YOUR GLORY!
Blessings to you all!
I am praying! God can do ALL things! Praying that He clears those lungs and makes them strong so that she can be off the vent (it makes such a difference). Praying also that she will get to a place where you can hold her and she can rest a bit in your arms (what better medicine than a Mama's arms?).
Hugs & Prayers,
My two (adopted) 5 year old daughters were sitting next to me on the bed while I read this update. Now they want to know why Mommy is crying. The part about Chrissie's panic hurts my heart so much. I guess I was surprised they didn't put her in a drug induced coma.
My tears were for you because watching our babies suffer is so much harder than just taking all of their pain on ourselves. If we could, we would!
I couldn't help but marvel that you signed up for this knowing full well what you were getting into. And there are people who follow the sensational media reports of adoption tragedies and indict the entire adoption community without stopping to consider that most of us are excellent parents. A few of us even volunteer to love children with special needs that "are not compatible with life" believing that hope and love and prayer and good medical care can beat all the odds and give that child a future.
Thanks for sharing Crissie's story. It makes me appreciate my kids and our health and the strength of the human spirit and, of course, the sheer beauty witnessing another miracle from God.
Our Blog: Double Happiness!
My family and I have been following your blog since April 19th. A common friend in a bible study in Denton sent out the link for our group to pray. I am not a blogger, nor reader of blogs or facebook-but this story has captured our family. My little girls 9,6,4,3-ask daily about "Baby Chrissie" and pray for her. The glory given to God in this process is amazing. The ministry to the hospital staff, families in the waiting room, and people all ready this blog are being blessed. We will be in continual prayer and are hanging on for the ride that God has Chrissie on-she must love roller coasters! God has a plan for her life and your families-thanks for being obedient to His calling. Jeremiah 29:11
Praying and praising!!
Sammie and Kenneth
Too funny, Lorraine -
Today I'm fasting again, and have been focusing on praying for Chrissie and your WHOLE precious family. Focusing on YOUR family more than my own 4 kiddos here at home.... As I was sitting at the computer praying, I felt some "sprinkles" on my leg. I finished my prayer and looked down. My 2-yr. old boy (warning - he and Kiefer will probably be in the same SS class!) found the Hummus in the fridge and sneaked the opened container into the study, smushing it between his fingers and letting it drop to the floor. He also decided (for the first time) to adjust his diaper so that the "important part" was sticking out. I don't know why I didn't hear the splatter before I felt the sprinkles... but I guess I was just deep in prayer at that moment.
As I was cleaning up the hummus/pee mess, I was reminded that our messes never surprise God. He's there, waiting to catch us before we even fall. He equips us with what we need for every trial. He's got the scott-towels ready. :>
"All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be." Ps. 139:16b
Praise the Lord!
During the last few months I have struggled with my relationship with God. I felt so distant- and no prayer I said seemed to help with this feeling of loneliness and despair. Through a friend I was informed of Chrissie's story- Since then I have been reading your blog and praying non-stop for God’s healing hand to touch Chrissie in ways no doctor can. I have also been praying for peace and serenity for you and your family. I feel closer to God than I have in years. In praying for Chrissie God has drawn me in and set my heart on fire with His never ending love and joy. My husband and I have only been married 18 months and have not yet been blessed with children, so I cannot possibly imagine what you are going through as parents. Your strength and testimony is so encouraging and motivational. God definitely knew what he was doing when he placed Chrissie in your hands! Your family will remain in our hearts and prayers
During the last few months I have struggled with my relationship with God. I felt so distant- and no prayer I said seemed to help with this feeling of loneliness and despair. Through a friend I was informed of Chrissie's story- Since then I have been reading your blog and praying non-stop for God’s healing hand to touch Chrissie in ways no doctor can. I have also been praying for peace and serenity for you and your family. I feel closer to God than I have in years. In praying for Chrissie God has drawn me in and set my heart on fire with His never ending love and joy. My husband and I have only been married 18 months and have not yet been blessed with children, so I cannot possibly imagine what you are going through as parents. Your strength and testimony is so encouraging and motivational. God definitely knew what he was doing when he placed Chrissie in your hands! Your family will remain in our hearts and prayers
During the last few months I have struggled with my relationship with God. I felt so distant- and no prayer I said seemed to help with this feeling of loneliness and despair. Through a friend I was informed of Chrissie's story- Since then I have been reading your blog and praying non-stop for God’s healing hand to touch Chrissie in ways no doctor can. I have also been praying for peace and serenity for you and your family. I feel closer to God than I have in years. In praying for Chrissie God has drawn me in and set my heart on fire with His never ending love and joy. My husband and I have only been married 18 months and have not yet been blessed with children, so I cannot possibly imagine what you are going through as parents. Your strength and testimony is so encouraging and motivational. God definitely knew what he was doing when he placed Chrissie in your hands! Your family will remain in our hearts and prayers
Keep pressing into Him...you have done an amazing job so far...just keep pressing into Him. Come on Chrissie!!
Continuing to hold your beautiful little miracle up. God's Hands are so amazingly obvious and it'a amazingly cool.
Continually praying for your precious family and miracle daughter!!!
God has proven just how amazing He is throughout this whole crisis. It IS tiring, but I'm reminded of Moses and the battle against the Amalekites where he held his arms up for so long that he couldn't do it by himself anymore, so God gave him helpers to help hold up his arms. They literally gave him a rock to sit on and held his arms up for him. You see, as long as his arms were raised to God, the battle went well for the Israelites & whenever he lowered his arms, the battle was lost.
I don't pretend to understand what happens in the heavenlies when we raise our voices in prayer, but through Chrissie's battle I'm being vividely reminded that there IS power in doing it. We serve an awesome God, don't we? We are priviledged to be part of his plan unfolding on this earth. What a sweet mystery.
"Moses built an altar and called it The Lord is my Banner. He said, 'For hands were lifted up to the throne of the Lord." - Exodus 17:15
I don't think I'm alone when I say that I am committed to keeping my hands lifted to the Lord until this battle is done and if you feel too tired to keep your hands up, we are here to help you.
We love you and Matt and are praying for all the best!
- Julie
Hi I am 4 years old and My name is Hallie Ann. I have been praying for you and when you get out of the hospital would you like to come to our house and play? We live in Corpus. We can have a sleep over too!
A friend on Facebook posted about your blog. I just read about your Chrissie. I'm praying for her! I will ask my friends to pray as well. May God be glorified.
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