While I'm updating, in your prayers for Chrissie, would you please also mention two kids having open-heart surgery today with the same cardiac surgeon and cardiologist? Both have pulmonary atresia (part of what Chrissie has). One is a newborn, and the other is a 10-year-old who is having a "fixer-upper" surgery to replace some parts that they put in a long time ago.
We know Chrissie is a fighter, our Serbian Sensation. We're begging her to fight, fight, fight.
We know God is the Healer, our Jehovah Rapha. We're begging Him to heal, heal, heal.

Our family is lifting your family up in prayer. We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God placed Chrissie with you for a wonderful purpose. We stand in faith with you now, praying strength and peace over you. To God be all the Glory,
Jana & Shane Williamson
My thoughts and prayers will be with you today and in the days to come. I ventured over from Abby's site and I know what courageous girls you BOTH have. May God look upon your little one with grace and healing hands through His physicians on Earth. I will pray for strength for you and your family as you walk this difficult path. May God give you strength and peace.
Just letting you know God has added one more to His body of believers who will be lifting you to Him...praying for you.
praying, praying,for Chrissie and the other children, and your family too.
I will keep praying for her and the entire family. Many hugs for all of you.
Fight, fight, fight Chrissie. Praying for y'all nonstop.
I was gone this weekend, at the memorial service for those who died 17 years ago in the Waco tragedy, an did not see the post about your precious daughter on Brent & Michelle's site until just now. I want you to know I am praying for your Chrissie, and also for your Meribeth that she will not have to face another loss.
We're praying, Lorraine!
Praise God. My prayers are with you, Chrissie and your family.
Praying for her,and your family that the Lord will give her total healing,and all of you peace that passeth all understanding.That His perfect will be done,and I'm sending lots of (((HUGS)))
from one momma to the next.
My heart broke last night as Jenny read me your blog. Please know I am praying for Chrissie to fight, and for God to be merciful.
My heart broke last night as Jenny read me your blog. Please know I am praying for Chrissie to fight, and for God to be merciful.
My heart broke last night as Jenny read me your blog. Please know that I am praying.....right now....for Crissie to fight and for God to be merciful.
Crying and praying to the Lord for his mighty, healing hand to be on Chrissie. (((Hugs))) and prayers for you all.
Because we love Abby Riggs...we are praying for you and your family as well! May God give you the strength and grace you need for each day. May HE give you rest when none seems possible.
Michelle Mann
Praying for your dear sweet daughter Chrissie. I pray that the lord will lay his gentle healing hands on her delicate body & protect her. Also that the other children having surgery are in his precious delicate hands as well. Take care & Hang in there. You are an inspiration to me. I am an adoptive Mom of 2 boys. Families like yours & the Riggs are truly a testimony of what God can truly do. God Bless
Chrissie and the rest of you are in my prayers. God bless you and give you strength.
I'm so sorry she's having to go through this. To some extent, I know the battle you're facing. I have a child with special needs. They're all hard to handle sometimes. Hang in there.
We are praying for precious Chrissie and for all of the precious Patterson family!!
Sammie & Kenneth
I'm praying for your sweet Chrissie. I found your page through the Riggs' site. God comfort all of you and give you peace.
Praying for your sweet girl, your whole family, and the other two having surgery!
My first time here after reading about you on riggs family site. Praying for Chrissie and for the medical staff. she is in the tender loving arms of our Lord and He alone has the power to HEAL...Praying for your precious blessing. I will follow your blog for as long as the Lord leads.
Be blessed.
Love in Him,
Praying for you today and for Miraculous healing for Chrissie!
Franklin, TN
We are praying LIFE into little Chrissie & for your strength & faith to remain.
Isaiah 49v25 God says 'I will save your children'
Holding Him to His promise!
Praying for sweet Chrissie. Thank you for the updates.......and know you have a lot of people who care about your family and who are praying.
Begging God with you and praying for the new born and 10 year old too. We love you guys! PRAYING!!
I've been sitting here crying and praying over your sweet daughter, laying hands on her pictures... Please Jesus, heal this baby girl...
Praying for your beautiful Chrissie, and your family in this trying time.
Lorraine - your family and Chrissie especially are in my prayers! We pray for healing and comfort and God's love to pour over all of you.
Saw your story on Abby's blog. Praying for Chrissie and your family. She's a beautiful little girl!
Rochelle Sanderson
I came to your blog through another blog I follow. I am so sorry to hear everything that is happening right now, but as you said God is the Ultimate Physician and He will guide the doctors. Your family and your beautiful little girl will be in my thoughts and prayers!
Praying HARD for your sweet girl!
Nancy in CT
Praying for your sweet girl & for all of you!!!
Praying hard for your sweet girl! That she may be healed and come home to your family soon!
You are in our thoughts and prayers!
Praying for miracles!!!!
Also Praying for peace for all involved....May God wrap his healing hands around everyone today.
Stay strong, our prayers are with you! We know she will pull through-
I found you through the Riggs. Please know we are lifting you all in prayer. May God bless you all.
Amy <><
God Bless you little Chrissie...God is holding you in His arms; His plan for you is unknown to us, but we are praying your family is trusting Him at this difficult time, and keeping the faith...
Visiting from the Riggs blog. Just wanted to let you know I'm saying a prayer now for Chrissie, your family, and the other two families you mentioned. Lean into Him and find strength!
Praying from Charleston, SC.
The Hope for Orphans team spent some time praying for you and your sweet Chrissie. We will continue to ask God to bring healing to her body. You are loved & are being prayed for.
Praying for you. God is in control.
Jesus has His arms around your whole family. You have many people praying for you. I can't imagine how you feel.
Hang on.
Oh my goodness...I am just finding out what has transpired in the last 24 hours. I am praying. Our God is MORE THAN ABLE to deliver this sweet girl and restore her to full health!
Praying for all to see God's glory manifested and for Chrissie to indeed DANCE her way out those hospital doors.
Have just read your updates on Chrissie...words seem so inadequate at the moment. Please know that I am praying for you all - Chrissie, your whole family and the doctors and staff at the hospital.
I am new to RR yahoo group, but I wanted to let you know that I am praying ever so hard for Chrissie and your family. God is still in the healing business and He can make her whole again!
Your generous spirit amazes me. While your own baby is fighting for her life, you have asked for prayers for strangers' kids as well. They will be remembered in my prayers, too.
Your blog is posted on my facebook and Chrissie is the star of my status updates, asking all my prayer warrior friends to plead to God for her healing.
I wish I could give you a hug right now!
My daughter Johanna and I are praying for your Chrissie and the other children having heart surgery today.
i am continuing to pray for precious Chrissie; may God give you and her physicians His wisdom, strength and comfort during this time.
Prayers for her and the whole family.
I'm praying for Chrissie and the rest of your family.
I myself am truly sorry this little girl is going through this. Our continued prayers are with her.
Father God we lift up Chrissie to you, we ask for your continued healing of her lungs and her heart. Thank you Jesus for all you have done. Please continue to bless and annoint this family too.
Hold onto your promise...hold onto the prophesy GOD gave you! For HE does all things with and for a purpose!
Prayed with confidence that God has a purpose in mind for that beautiful child of HIS. Praying that same God will come and speak into your mind and heart...Words of hope, peace, and truth.
Prayers from all over the country are being lifted for all of you! PRAISE GOD!
praying wishing hoping begging for baby's life. I can not imagine the pain you must feel. know that so many people are thinking of you and baby and praying for you.
Oh, Patterson family! We are praying, praying, praying for our Healing Father to bring total restoration to your sweet angel's body.
And how selfless you are to remember those who face surgeries today. Lifting them up, too.
On my knees now...
Amazed by HIS grace,
Praying for Chrissie, your family and the two children having surgery. Dear Father, I ask the you wrap your arms around Chrissie, her family, and the two children having open heart surgery. Bring them healing and comfort during this time. Guide the doctors as they work. Your will be done. In Jesus' name I pray...
Just found out about your sweet girl from Robyn. I will pray for her recovery and for your strength. Blessings for you all!
I'm praying so hard for your family!Carolyn
Lord, please be with this little girl and with her family and Drs. Surround them with your love and healing. Bless them all beyond what can be imagined, I plead with you. Thank you for your love.
praying,hold on,your family is very loved.God bless you all.kmberley
Praying for your sweet girl,your family, and the doctors and nurses attending to her.
Aww. I am so sorry to hear of Chrissie's struggles. Chrissie and your family are in my prayers.
Praying for Chrissie, and for your family to have faith, strength, and comfort while waiting.
Praying with you Lorraine!
Praying for the newborn and 10 yr old too!
God is Yahweh Rophe!
Love and hugs,
Praying for the whole family.
God Bless.
Praying for your family and Chrissie as we saw the posts on the RR group. Praying for His hands to guide the doctors as they work so hard to help her. God bless, Jennifer in DE
We are praying for you and your sweet baby girl. May God watch over her in her sleep and keep her safe until waking.
We are praying for Chrissie and your whole family at this hard time. God will keep you wrapped in His arms and watch over you. Trust in His love.
Amy B's Mom and Dad in Illinois
Praying that our Father, the Great Physician, will heal Chrissie's body and restore her to full health.
Praying for complete healing for Chrissie and peace for your family at this time. I was sent this way from Renee's blog.
Dear Sweet Chrissie,
We (The Robertson Family) just joined together in the living room to pray for you. It is a little after 2PM the day after your surgery and we have and will stay in an attitude of prayer begging for your life. We serve a God who does the impossible every single day, so today we're asking that His favor be on you and your precious family by not only saving your life, but also healing and making your heart work perfectly. Perfect is the word that the Holy Spirit keeps pouring into my thoughts... God is perfect and he can perfect your heart. As you rest and heal may your little spirit sense the power and peace of God in your room. Our specific prayer is that you will see the angels encamped about your room and that you will feel Jesus in the bed right next to you so that when you wake - not only will you have a perfect physical heart, but also that God himself will be etching his love on that heart.
Be blessed in this journey Patterson family! We love you all,
The Robertsons
I keep checking in...hoping for GOOD news. I have been praying...
I saw this link from Hope for Orphans' Facebook page. I'll be praying for your daughter.
Praying for Chrissie.
-Susan in NC
Here from the Riggs - praying for sweet precious Chrissie and your whole family. Praying that the Great Physician works through the hands of the wonderful medical staff for a swift, complete and miraculous healing of your baby girl.
I have added Chrissie's button to my site. Prayers for Chrissie and for her parents. Can't forget the parents in the midst of this; it is a traumatic experience for all. (I know; I have been there too many times to re-tell and definitely too many to want to re-live.)
I'm stopping by from the Riggs blog to say I am praying for Chrissie, her doctors and you. God is in control, stay strong in Him.
I am the mother of a child who needed open heart surgery. My prayers are with you tonight. I am praying that your daughter returns as alive and well as our Sophia. I am just in tears here reading your story. God Bless you all. Your faith is so inspiring.
There is not a moment that goes by without thinking of dear Chrissie and you!! I pray and pray... God has you all in his arms.. Praying peace for you!
Praying for your beautiful little girl and for all of your family...
I'm praying for Chrissie!
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