Wednesday, April 28, 2010

She's alive thus far!!! Just finished. Definitely need prayers for all to work. CO2 is still higher than should be. (It's double where it should be.) keep praying.

This message is sent to you via the blessing of Lorraine's cell phone. :-)


Becca Harley said...

lifting you up all day - praying for complete healing

Susan said...

C'mon, girlfriend! You CAN do this!! Witness Wednesday! We're waiting for the miracle of healing to happen for Witness Wednesday!!

Lara said...

Still praying!

Lara said...

I'm having trouble posting a comment, but I do want you to know that I am praying.

Lisa said...

Father release the CO2 from Chrissie's body. Father breath the breath of life in to your daughters lungs and body.

Kat said...

I keep on thinking of Chrissie and Jesus saying, "Rise and go; your faith has made you well."

My whole family is praying and will have our Church praying tonight. May God's Hand of peace be on you as well.

Anonymous said...


JennyH said...

You are so strong. Thanks for all the updates.. I check several times a day to see how she is doing. She sounds like the biggest fighter I know. She so wants to live... and I believe God will pull her through this.

Anonymous said...

Praying all day for your precious girl!! Asking the Lord to heal her heart and make her healthy and strong, all for His glory!


Marianne said...

Dear Lord I pray that Chrissie's CO2 levels lower and that her heart works the way that you have designed. Continue to hold her family in your loving arms.

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Will keep checking! PRAYING!!!!!!!!! Please Lord, when we have no words- just know our hearts for this miracle child you have given life to!!!!

Rebecca, Idaho said...


Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

praying sooo hard!

Anonymous said...

We are here...praying...

-the Linams

cosby2 said...

Praying for your sweet child that God will heal her little body.

Mama H said...

Praying, praying & praying. God has placed your sweet girl on my heart so many times today. Please know that I am praying for all of you.

Lorraine Fuller said...

Praying like crazy for you guys.

Jennifer said...

I was in church today and lit a candle in front of the tabernacle (Catholic church) and prayed for Chrissie. I was at a loss, truly, with so much that she needs, just what to ask, and so I asked for God's will but told Him just how much you want to take your little girl home. I asked Jesus to let her feel his embrace. Many blessings to your family - may God let you continue to feel his loving presence.


Anonymous said...

Praying hard for you and Chrissie. <3

Donna said...


my3 kids said...

Praying hard for your beautiful little girl....

Jodi said...

praying for sweet Chrissie, I can't get her off my mind....

kate said...

Praying for your sweet girl right now! God is mighty to save!!!

Ohilda said...


Family Rebuilding the Wall said...

Continuing to pray here in Georgia. Agreeing with you in prayer.

Kate said...

Continuing to pray for your precious daughter. Thank you for providing regular updates!

JonesEthiopia said...

Just want you to know that I'm praying for you and having been reading your posts since the Riggs posted about your daughter last week. I may not comment a lot, but I'm continually praying for you all and read the days' posts each night after my girls go to bed.

Anonymous said...

praying for the miracle she deserves.

Heidi in ND

De said...

Words from a song come to mind:

God will make this trial a blessing
Though it brings me to my knees
Though my tears flow like a river
Yet in Him there's sweet relief
There's no need to get discouraged
There's no need to talk defeat
God will make this trial a Blessing
For the whole wide world to see

Keep fighting Chrissie.
Keep healing God.
Keep praying everyone.

Anonymous said...

I told my friends on Facebook to pray for her today.

Debi said...

The silence and waiting is so hard. Trusting and believing God with you and holding onto hope.
Chrissie and your family are in my heart and thoughts and prayers.
God loves Chrissie and holds her life in His hands. He loves you and is with you- hold tight to His hand.
Love and hugs and prayers,

Pam said...

Praying for Chrissie and your family in Florida!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Going crazy with love for a little girl I've never met. Thank you for sharing her with the world.

D8a said...

My 7-year-old wanted to e-mail Chrissie to say, "Get well, Chrissie."

Shannon said...

I am back and so glad to see the updates! I am praying right alongside you for healing in each and every spot. Also praying for peace for you guys as you wait...
Hugs & Prayers,

The Fab 5 said...

Still praying you are so right God is mighty and the ulitmate planner.

Amy said...

Praying, praying and praying some more! Please God!!!! Love you guys so much!

Andrea said...

I read through the posts. I am praying for Chrissie!
Storming the heavens,

Betty Copeland said...

Please know that you are being raised up in prayer constantly. I attend Hays Hills -- when you are there -- I'm about two rows behind you-- we have common friends in Karen and George Foster. I pray for your strength as a mother-- we tend to take everything upon ourselves -- lift it up to our Father! As librarian at Dahlstrom Middle School, many of our young people have found out that I have been monitoring your blog on a regular basis -- they come by for updates -- so prayers are being sent up by our innocent young people. I know Chrissie will love playing in Heaven, but we selflishly want her to here to be with us -- so we pray in community for her strength - her health-- her voice to tell us what God has done -- Stay strong-- your family is a wonderful testimony to God's power and presence. Betty Copeland

Connie said...

Praying. Standing with you as you pray for her, speak life to her. God is faithful!

free_to_dream said...

Dear God, make everything work for dear little Chrissie. Her heart and her lungs and just everything...bring this little girl back to herself! I pray.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I have been following Chrissie's story and I am praying for her and your family daily. Your story has touched me and my family deeply. Praying for Chrissie.


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