Chrissie technically died. God revived her.
Dr. Porisch was in tears. We were all a wreck. Major wreck.
She's being kept alive by the heart and lung machine. Her chest is open, she's in the OR, her poor cardiac surgeon has been operating on her for almost 12 hours now.
They've reopened her chest 3 times now.
For a few hours, we lost all hope. Never have felt that way. Ever.
Matt kept feeling guilt that he promised Chrissie we would take her to get her heart fixed, and this morning she was fine and smiling. She trusted us. Matt felt like we failed her.
I was feeling like my gift of prophecy was wrong. I was all wrong. What happened?!? I've never felt that way.
Our little girl, who we promised to heal and who I felt confident that God had promised to heal, was now gone. Suddenly gone. Slipped right from our hands in a matter of seconds.
Horrible. Hysterical.
But, God has returned hope. I am humbled and in awe of the number of prayer warriors who have contacted us to return hope.
The current prognosis is that Chrissie's heart and lungs have failed. She only has one good lung, and it's filled with blood/fluid. Blood cannot enter that lung (her only good lung) to be oxygenated and remove carbon dioxide. Her heart stopped. Totally stopped, but they miraculously (all glory to God) got her connected back to the heart/lung bypass machine in time to revive her. They did compressions all the way from the PICU to the OR, which are 3 floors apart.
Their plan at this time is to keep Chrissie on the heart/lung bypass machine for a few days, to keep her alive. No one knows what things will look like from moment to moment. We need her lungs to clear (the good lung is completely filled with blood/fluid, and it needs to be empty). We need her heart to beat/pump.
Dr. Kupferschmid is exhausted. He followed Chrissie to the PICU prior to her heart failure, and walked past us in the waiting room. I cannot even tell you the look that he gave us. It was a hung head low, I am so ashamed, I cannot look this family in the eye kind of look. It was a look that I never, ever, ever want to see again in my life. I knew something was seriously wrong. At that time, Dr. Porisch came to us in tears to let us know that Chrissie's heart stopped and they were doing compressions. We lost it.
I'm rambling in circles now. Please pray for Dr. Kupferschmid and Dr. Porisch to have wisdom, strength, energy, focus and ability. They are under the Great Physician's hand. They love Chrissie. We all do.
I cannot imagine our Colombian daughter, Meribeth, having to live through another death. She has suffered so much loss in her traumatic past. It's not OK.
I wholeheartedly believed that God told us He planned to save Chrissie and restore her heart and give her an abundant life.
I lost all hope just an hour ago.
I now have hope again. It's coming from your prayers, answered by our Jehovah Rapha, our healing God. He is mighty to save. All hope is not lost.
Keep praying, my beloved prayer warrior friends.

i've been praying and posted about chrissie on facebook so others can pray too! PRAISE GOD!! I'll keep on interceding for precious little Chrissie. GOD is great!
Praying for Chrissie!!!!
I have been following your updates and praying.
Patterson family,
My heart and prayers continue to be with you and precious Chrissie. Nothing is impossible with God- He is mighty to save.
The verse that has been the most on my heart as I prayed for your family and Chrissie is that He heals the broken hearted, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
What He has spoken, He will do. Hold onto His hand and His Word.
Love and hugs and prayers,
I am continuing to pray for you all. Constantly asking our Loving Father to heal her and restore. All this weekend I kept repeating to myself that He is my Hope and He is Faithful because that is what He has been speaking into my heart the past few months and just recently it has really sunk in. I know that He is good and we do not hope in vain when we hope in Him. Holding onto that for you and for Chrissie!
Melissa - Journey to a Promise
AKA Liza's Mom
Praying also for the amazing and good Doctors and medical personnel involved with Chrissie.
We are with you, right there beside you even though you can't see us know that we are standing strong and steadfast right beside you all with God. My prayers are for the wonderful surgeons that are so diligently working to make sure that everything is taken care of for Chrissie.....
{hugs} {prayers} {tears}
I am so sorry. Praying for you all. Especially for Chrissie's healing and wisdom for the doctors. Praying also for strength and peace while you all wait.
Will post soon. We love you guys.
Dear Lorraine,
I have been praying more regularly over the past few days than I have prayed in years (I am ashamed to admit normally I only pray once a day at bedtime.) I have been following your updates diligently and I cannot IMAGINE the strain you are all under. I obviously don't expect a reply to this. I just want you to know that even though I have problems with my knee (irrelevant--esp. now but also in the grand scheme of things) I want you to know that as soon as i saw your message, I went down on my knees crying out to God to continue the miracle that is Chrissie and to guide the hands of her awesome doctors, fill them with strength, give you ALL that perfect peace which passeth all understanding. I prayed that the Lord will clear Chrissie's lungs of stuff that shouldn't be there...the blood and fluid blocking the paths and that He would raise her oxygen levels, keep her blood pressure stable and just hold you ALL close. Even though I don't "know" you, I love you guys. I pray also for your Meribeth that she endure no more traumatic losses. I hate seeing any child --any human being for that matter, suffer. Please tell your husband he is an awesome father--that's why God has chosen him to be Chrissie's and your other childrens. Love, hugs and definitely prayers, Lori
Praying for the doctors and for sweet little Chrissie. God is the Ultimate Healer!
Just wanted you to know I saw the update on FB, & am praying for you & your family. Sending many hugs from Ohio ~ Dardi
Praying that our Sovereign God will not let you go for a single moment through all of this! Praying that He will be your sufficiency.
Praying, praying, praying, praying, praying... and so many more are as well through the people we've shared your story with. ((((HUGS))))
Meredith- RR
Have been praying for y'all and will keep on. Love you...
I'm praying for your daughter!
God in Heaven please hear the prayers for Chrissie & the Docs & this family. They need you more then anything else.... Amen.
We are still praying and believe in a MIGHTY GOD! HE is indeed MIGHTY TO SAVE.
I am praying.
Still on our knees! We love you guys!!!!! TRUSTING and KNOWING HE IS MIGHTY TO SAVE!!!!
Hi, I am sitting here feeling deep in my heart Chrissie. I will be praying. Jesus is healing dear Chrissie. His calling on her life is soooo strong that's why there's battle. But we know Jesus has won the victory. Praying praying.
If the Holy Spirit leads you that I may come to the hospital to pray please call me at (210) 325-4463.
I will keep on praying. I have faith I have hope. Chrissie is not done with the mission Jesus has for her. It is just the beginning.
There are no words that I can say right now. All I have to offer is prayers. I can not imagine your day that you have gone through. Praying for all of you.
Praying over you and your treasured daughter as I type - trusting entirely in the One who knit her together and numbered her days without mistake. Laying your heartache at His feet and claiming His blood over everyone involved.
A friend of a friend in Christ.
This is Emily Sweet.My sis and i went to her bible study group in sanmarcus we went to pray for Chrissie.Just to let you know we have tons of people from all over texas state praying for for Chrissie.I love ya'll.And im praying for you constantly.
We are praying and we are getting the word out for others to pray. I copied your post into the yahoo group and they are all praying as well. Jesus come and heal!!
There is one stronger here. There is one stronger here, Jesus the mighty warrior. There is one stronger here. There is one stronger here. His name is Jesus. Jesus is here. No weapon formed against us shall prosper. By His power we will overcome. There is no one like our God. No one like our God. There is no one like our God!!! He is stronger. He is able. He will heal!
Jeremiah (4) prayed for Chrissie tonight - and afterwards said he wants her to join his 'ghost busters club' when she gets to come to church and play with him. We're praying that's very soon!
I'm also praying for peace for all of you waiting, and that your faith will only grow during this time. May He give you strength and endurance as you wait, and peace enough to rest....
Trusting in Him for a miraculous recovery,
Karen Stone
We will continue praying. I'm sure God has the right plans for the entire family.
She's a strong beautiful little girl, keep HOPE alive, don't loose it. You are in my thoughts & prayers.
I am sharing your story on my facebook & twitter as well, so Chrissie will be in a lot of prayers tonight. (((HUGS)))
You may not know me, but as I sit hear in tears I am praying...praying...praying...
My thought and prayers are with you all. GOD has a plan. I pray it is to keep her here longer so she can teach us all GOD's lessons.
Praying for Chrissie and your entire family.
Phyllis in Oklahoma
I heard about Chrissie from Brent and Michelle Riggs and wanted to tell you that I have stopped to pray for your precious daughter right now...10:41 PM Oklahoma time (CST) We have known the Riggs for quite some time, love Abby and her whole family so much, and are continuing to trust God with them as well. But that said, right now, I am lifting up your daughter before the throne of Abba Father God, for the healing she so desperately needs and praying that it be an earthly healing so that your family may continue to be united with Chrissie for many years to come.
We too have an adopted daughter who has some ver special needs and we are waiting for the word , any moment that we may come get our 2 year old son in Liberia who has needed brain surgery since birth. I understand your hearts and your ache. I'm standing with you for Chrissie !
We're praying for you.
I found your blog through the Rigg's blog. I will be praying God will touch and heal Chrissie and bring peace,comfort and strength for you and your husband and children.
praying for your family, your daughter, the physicians . . here from the Riggs blog . . . bless you all.
Came here from Abby's page... spent the day praying for her. Chrissie is on my list now too ! I have walked where you are walking and cried your tears. My beautiful Jacob received a heart transplant on 12/15/07, after 18 months in heart failure caused by the flu.
May our Blessed Mother wrap Her arms of protection around your Chrissie and whisper in the ear of Her Son so that your girl will be healed.
praying, praying, praying,
gena in NJ.... I believe in miracles, I've been blessed by one.
I am so sorry your lil sweetie is going thru this. I am saying so many prayers for her !!!! ((((hugs))))
OHHHH MY GOSH, Brent Briggs just told us all about Chrissie, I ama heart and adoptive Mumma, our daughter has a single ventricle heart and we were given no hope and told we were crazy for adopting her, YOUR story is breaking my heart. HAVE HOPE, and Faith our almighty healer has a plan for Chrissie. We are on our knees down here in Queensland Australia praying for sweet Chrissie and your family. Our daughter is now 12 keep the faith.......Miracles happen.
Hugs Nicki
May God overwhelm you with His peace and healing.
What do you say to a stranger on a day like today? As your sister in Christ, I lift you up before our Father in Heaven who is able to do infinitely more than we can imagine. May He hold you all in His tender embrace as He works out the plans He has for each of you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. May every breath of your daughter's life bring glory to Him who loves her with an everlasting love that nothing can ever separate her from. May you know that no matter what happens, He is still God, He is still good, He has still won the victory for each of us. Even in her fragile state, your daughter is more than a conqueror.
OUR FAMILY IS PRAYING!!!!!! Praying for Chrissie, praying for her miraculous recovery, praying for all glory to be given to HIM, praying for doctors, praying for wisdom, praying for your family, praying for a peace that this world doesn't know, praying for a RUSH OF LOVE TO FILL YOU ALL TO OVERFLOWING!!!!!! Lifting you all up to our Father right now!!!!!!
I am visiting your blog through Abby's blog. Please know that you have another person praying for Chrissie and your family.
I came from Brent's blog. I am praying for your precious Chrissie. With God all things are possible.
I'm an avid fan of Abby Riggs and come here from there. Just wanted to let you know that Angela in Ohio is praying for Chrissie.
God Bless...
Oh bless you and sweet Chrissie...I pray for miracles in your little girl's life. Even when it seems impossible, God is able.
We were so very very sorry to hear about all you have been going through with your daughter.We will definitely put this on our prayer chain.We will continue to pray for you and your family and especially your little daughter!!!!We are always in God's hands!!!!Sincerely IN HIM, Don and Pam Buttry and family
I am praying for your family!! I don't know what else to say. But God knows!
Debbie W
So sorry for what you've endured today - I heard about you through the Riggs' blog. I'm praying for your daughter, that God will work His perfect will in her life and in all of your lives, and for His grace to accept whatever that may be . . .
Love in Christ,
Jeremiah 29:11
Praying for your family
I am praying for your family. I don't know what else to say, but God knows!!
Came to you via the Riggs Blog and wanted to let you know you and Chrissy are in our prayers. Hugs to you all in this trying time and prayers for her doctors and nurses as they try to work her through these difficult hours. May God guide their hands.
I am so very sorry to hear what you and your family are going through. I know that our Lord has a plan and sometimes all we can do is have faith.
Dear Lord, please watch over this beautiful family. Lord please protect them, give them the strength they need to endure the pain they are going through. Lord please bless this little girl with your light and your love. Please guide the surgeons with your wisdom. Lord I pray that you will bring peace right now to this family and Lord please let them be filled with your presence. You are mighty Lord, we believe you have the power to heal. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
We send Chrissie love from San Diego!!
God bless,
The Graves Family
I'm praying for Chrissie and your family. She's been in my thoughts and prayers all day. Please let me know if there's anything else I can do.
Praying for your dear girl and family.
Cathy in Washington State
I was directed here when Michelle Riggs posted a link to your blog on her facebook page. I just wanted you to know that my husband and I are praying for your sweet daughter and for your family.
Sarah Rose
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade—kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls."
1 Peter 1:3-9
On my knees in Indiana.
I read about your prayer request for precious Chrissie on the Riggs family blog. I can't imagine the pain you are going through but I wanted to encourage you and let you know that Jesus is holding all of you in his arms. He feels your pain and is experiencing every moment with you. I pray that you will find comfort in his peace and presence and that you will rest assured that he is in control even when things seem hopeless. Our God is a God of HOPE! I believe that you heard correctly when you had a word from God that Chrissie is healed because the Bible says that she is healed. By his wounds we ARE HEALED! And I am standing in faith believing with you that Chrissie is healed NOW; that God is working a miracle in her life right NOW. I pray healing and complete restoration for her heart and body in the name of Jesus Christ! I encourage you to stand strong. Even when all hope is gone, know that you are carriers of hope because the Hope of the world lives within you! Jesus will never leave you or forsake you. He is a mighty healer and a loving father. Just trust him with your daughter's life. He is her creater; her heavenly father. He knows what she needs. He knows what's best for her. Give her into his care and trust that God will do what He deems best for her. Jesus loves you all so very much. His plans for you are GOOD! Keep standing strong in your faith and when you feel that you can no longer stand, rest in his love and let Jesus fight the battle for you.
In Christ's Love
Leslie Hutsler
Bella Vista, AR
I found your site from the Riggs Family blog. Know that I am praying for Chrissie and the family...and will not stop!
Isaiah 41:10
In Him,
Lorraine D.
My heart is filled with tears as I type for your lttle Chrissie, but my heart is knowing that you will come through and yes dance you way out of the hospital. I thought of you all day today. It is still raining here in Louisiana, but at the end of my day I saw a rainbow. and you know I thought of you when I saw it. I knew that somewhere on the other end waits a pot of gold. You are the pot of gold for many, the end of our day that begins with a rainbow. Full of beautiful colors that fill up the sky that once was dark. You have enlighten my life as you have others. Not every have gotten to hug you up close I felt your warmest through your sweet little smile. My prayers this early morning is to find that you are doing much better and I sent prayers for comfort for your dear sweet parents whom love you all so much. In Jesus name I pray that you do well and get to feeling better soon. We need you on this earth for your small smile to continue adding happiness to others around you. Your sweetest has touched us all and you are very much loved. Please I ask that you please fight your way through this, for you are strong and have many battles in life left to challenge. Let they not be medical any more. Let this be an end of your pain and discomfort and that you are able to wake up soon wanting icecream and cake. I will continue praying for you, hugs alway's..denise
Puppy-Dog Kisses & Kitty-Cat Hugs
are being delivered specially to you as you sleep. Sleep well Little Angel and May God's Angels watch over you..
Prayer Warriors across the USA are praying for your sweet angel and for peace to fill your hearts. Knowing that ALL things are possible through Him...
I am praying for your little angel. May God bless you and keep you in his loving arms.
I don't know you, but I'm praying for your daughter and your family. Nothing is impossible with God!
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