Well, the past 9 days have been our own version of Fiesta Texas amusement park, Chrissie style! :-) It just so happens that Chrissie LOVES amusement parks and drama, but my guess is that Chrissie would say, "I no love this musement park. I love Disney World musement park." Chrissie, honey, I agree wholeheartedly!!!
Dr. Kupferschmid just examined Chrissie and all of her outputs and stat reports for the day, and he wants to just watch things for now. He's hopeful that the internal bleeding point will slow/stop so that he doesn't have to open up her chest again. Whew, I think I can breathe again!!!
The head pediatric ICU doctor as well as the on-call pedi cardiologist said several times that it was "just miraculous" what happened. They are all in a semi-stunned state. In fact, the pedi ICU doc said to Dr. Kupferschmid, "I'm really just stunned right now. This was just stunning." They were all shaking their heads with a stunned disbelief of all that happened in a mattter of about 3 hours with a miraculous ending! When DR. K arrived, Chrissie looked GREAT. She made the nurses and doctors look like liars when Dr. K arrived!!! The entire cardiac surgery team was on stand-by, literally standing by Chrissie's bedside in scrubs and masks, awaiting Dr. K's arrival so they could whisk Chrissie into the OR (they had even taken the bed apart incase surgery had to be done in the PICU room), then God did his thing, calmed everything down and saved the day!!! I heard the on-call cardiologist explain to Dr. Kupferschmid that Chrissie had classic VCS (vena cava syndrome). She was purple. The right atrium was collapsed, totally compressed, getting worse by the second, then all of a sudden there's this miraculous change. Stunning. Totally stunning when the echo shows this perfect right atrium after nothing we did could fix it. The doctor's last words were, "I was just stunned. Miraculous."
That's our God and your prayers being answered as your throw yourself at the foot of His throne on behalf of our warrior princess!!! Oh how He loves His children, and oh, how He loves to hear your voice petitioning for one of the "least of these".
We're ready to go home from the amusement park. Or atleast hang out at one of the feel-good shows. No more rides please. We're nauseated.
PS I will try to put together a post to explain what happened today, but I'm too exhausted right now. You can always call in to Brent's radio show tonight at 10PM CST if you have questions. 347-677-1517

I'm not one for amusement rides either!
Whew this has been one heck of a day!
Love and hugs!
I am praying all the time! I am new to your blog, but from what I can tell, Chrissy is one tough cookie! I will keep praying for Chrissy and your family!
Our God is amazing!!!
Thank you God.
I feel like I've been on the roller coaster along with you!
And I don't even LIKE roller coasters!!!
Still praying for Chrissie...
I have been praying all day and catching quick updates at my work breaks but unable to post until now.
I am so anxious to see all that took place between collapsing right side of her heart, bleeding and blood clots and "going in again" and a relatively stable Chrissie.
The specifics I can remember praying for is for God's peace, clarity and counsel to fill the room and Dr.s, finding the souce of the leak, heart and lung function, God's glory in the fulfillment of His will and your peace through it all.
I did not want Chrissie to leave us on my prayer watch from 5-6 pm.
To God be the glory who always writes the story so much better than we can.
Love and hugs and prayers,
He loves Chrissie and your family and all who put their trust in Him.
Phew!!! The crazy thing is, some of us feel like we are on the ride along with you!!! (Though not to the same extreme of course).. Praise the Lord for his miracle today!!!
Love to watch God stun us all with His amazing response to prayer for Chrissie! I'm sure you would prefer less drama, though. :)
Big hugs...
found your blog through shannon's blog. just wanted you to know i am lifting up your daughter to our Lord! i am so thankful for the miracles you are experiencing! (ps- i think we might be in the same town based on places you alluded to!).
Lorraine, I am emotionally exhausted just keeping up with your blog and praying, petitioning for Christyn. I can't imagine living through all this. Tonight I will pray for excellent rest for Chrissie's parents, a night without any big events, and God's perfect healing.
Praising Him in this storm with you,
Amazing to watch God's Hand!!! Praying for Chrissie to hug you really tight again!!!
Standing amazed and rejoicing!!! Father God grant this child complete physical heeling here on earth!! Praying for chrissie in Abilene, KS!
If yesterday's weather had happened today we could have called it "twister Tuesday". I don't think I like this ride either, but you know, I sure do love the "miraculous" answering of prayers. I have to admit this is my first drop everything and pray for someone action. Recently I've been asking my friends if prayers really work. I mean, God already has our lives written in His book, so why do prayers matter, I've been asking them. I can tell prayers do work, and I have seen miracles before, but this is really amazing. I'll continue to wear my watch on my right arm instead of my left to remind me constantly to pray for Chrissie, you and your family.
Grace, peace, and (((hugs))) to you both and Chrissie.
Leslie in Atlanta
We prayed before this all began, have prayed throughout, every single thing I do, everywhere Chris travels, we think of and pray for you guys and for God to heal Chrissie if it is His will. And of course, we pray that His perfect plan is YES! That Chrissie comes home with you to sing, dance, play, and make all those adorable and silly faces once more! I am very moved by your faithfulness in this, the biggest faith trial ever.
As a side note too, my favorite picture of her is the "don't unleash the monster" attitude shot! Cracks me up every time. Peace and blessings, love and strength, faith and healing for each of you. Abe has prayed with us too, so she has a fellow 4 year old prayer warrior! Of course, Gabi has as well, we are all anxious and concerned for her well being and that of your family.
T Callow, Wimberley, TX
I am in awe of the miracles that happen. I pray for Chrissie several times daily. and for your family too. God is really awesome and wonderful and I am so glad he is in my life!!
BUT GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep on fighting Chrissie; we're all here cheering you on sweet, precious girl, DAUGHTER of the Most High KING of Kings!!!
I hope Lorraine the roller coaster COASTS for a while now. Phew!
This is an incredible answer to prayer!!! What a joy to know that not only is God doing the two-step with Chrissie, but He is CARRYING her through it. I will continue to pray for more "miraculous" and "stunning" moments for Chrissie!
Just amazing Lorainne!!! I am not surprised, however, because we serve a mighty might God...he has that precious baby in the palm of his hand!!!!!
WE will continue to pray for you all!!!
In HIS Mighty Grip
I'm still praying. I've posted prayer requests on my blog as well. Good luck on the radio show!
Chrissie, honey, you are incredible!
Amazing! Amazing! Amazing!!! God gets all the glory! God gets all the praise!! Hang in their Pattersons! We're lifting you all up to Abba Father!
God Bless Ya'll, I have been gone today and just now catching up on your eventful day. I have had ya'll on my mind today. I am so greatful that our Mighty God has gave Chrissy the strength to pull it off again!!!! What an amazing God we have in control, and that little Princess is truly an amazing little girl!! Praying that tomorrow is so uneventful that you can call it "Wonderful Wednesday". Hang in there Mom and Dad, wish I could do more for ya'll, but know we are praying for your little Princess, and it appears that our Mighty God has give that team of DRs. the ability to meet her every need. God Bless Ya'll
Love and Prayers from KY
YAY GOD! I laughed out loud with joy when I read about the outcome of Chrissie's scare today. It IS a wild ride and I'm praying for all of you to get some much needed peace/rest tonight.
About that rainbow we saw, it was the craziest thing. No rain or moisture in the air to speak of, but there was a full circle of rainbow around the sun today. God's timing was so cool to show it to us as soon as we'd finished saying "Amen" for Chrissie.
Guess it was a heavenly "loop-d-loop"! Please Lord, let my friends have a quiet day tomorrow and continue working out your miraculous healing of Chrissie's body.
Love you guys -
WOW- came home from our day out. We have been lifting you all up in prayer all day. And WOW doesn't cover it. OUR GOD IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! We will keep covering you all in prayer!
Thank you, Jesus!
Lorraine, it was so nice to hear your voice last night on the talk show. You did a wonderful job!
God's hand is all over you,girl. :) Thank you so much for following His lead and being obedient when He called you to Chrissie. I'm so blessed by 'meeting' you on your blog and watching God make himself known to the hospital and staff.
I was just imagining today, when Chrissie grows up, God might call her to speak to many and share her story...so that others will glorify him and see his miracles.
Here is a verse I just posted to my blog on April 21:
Not to us, O Lord, but to YOU goes all the glory for YOUR unfailing love and faithfulness. Psalm 115:1
Chrissie, we love you and are praying that you get to go home soon. You are one special little girl and God loves you so much. {{{HUGS}}}
I live in New Braunfels, but am here at Methodist Children's Hospital myself right now, with my 3 yr old son who has spent close to 400 days of his life here off and on, including several weeks down there in PICU..in Jan following brain surgery and again earlier this month septic. We are here septic again. You are in good hands here. A friends emailed me about your blog tonight and I just brought myself up to speed reading all the blogs since the surgery. What an amazing child! I too know with my whole heart that these children were given to us to bring people closer to God, Rowan has and I can tell Chrissy has. I can only imagine how amazing their testimonies will sound, especially when we they get to tell them themselves! As mothers, its our job to tell people right now, but I pray that they both make it to share their testimonies outloud themselves some day. And I know they will lead countless people to the Lord. Rowan wears an anklet that is inscribed with Psalm 119:175 "Let me live that I may praise you" and I pray that for Chrissy today too. If you need someone to talk to or another Mom to pray with, I am just upstairs in rm 3C47 or only a phone call away (rm: 210-575-7047) or (cell:210-573-0118) I would be blessed and honored to meet you and to come pray with you downstairs. WOW!!!!! Rowan is laying next to me in his hospital bed, resting on morphine right now, and he just opened his eyes for a second to see me crying looking at the pictures of your sweet angel in her PICU room. He looked at the pictures and said "Aww Mommy that little girl is here too?" When I said yes, he closed his eyes and said, "Then pray for her too". God is so good!
Wow, not really a ride ya wanna be on huh? I am so very happy to hear she is stable again. We have been praying like crazy for her here in fl. ((hugs))
Praying for a peaceful night for all of you. Praising God for his wonderful works.
Hugs, Barb in Calif
Yay! Simply an act of our amazing Father in Heaven!!! Praise God! We will pray for continued success!
Lorraine, I don't say this lightly: I just keep praising God for giving Chrissie the very best of parents - exactly the parents he knew she needed. God bless you, bless you, bless you!
We continue to keep you all in prayer from here in Serbia, with trust in our mighty God.
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