Here are a few of my favorite resources for adoption.
(Click on each title to visit the website for each resource.)
Please add your favorite resources in the comments section at the bottom of this post.
Interested in adopting? Don't know where to start? Feel overwhelmed?
Visit for excellent information to get you started today!
Interested in adopting? Don't know where to start? Feel overwhelmed?
Visit for excellent information to get you started today!
Helpful Literature Before You Adopt:
(or once you're in it and need some help!)
- The Connected Child (book by Dr. Karyn Purvis), a MUST-READ for ANY family wanting to adopt or for those who have already adopted and want/need some help! This is THE BEST adoption book out there!!!
Click HERE to learn the rules and requirements to adopt from ANY country. This is an AWESOME site, sponsored by the US government, so the information found here is accurate.
Sites that Might Lead You to Your Kiddo(s):
- Project Hopeful (Non-Profit Special Needs Orphan Advocacy, Awareness, and Education)
- National Down Syndrome Adoption Network
- Eli Project (Non-Profit Special Needs Orphan Advocacy)
- Grace Haven Ministries
- Adopt US Kids
- Rainbow Kids (you can sign up to receive email updates, newsletters, and you can even specify which ages/types of kiddos you're willing to adopt and receive emails about kids who fit into your criteria)
- CHASK (special needs adoption of babies in the US, plus disrupted adoption re-homing)
- Hope for Orphans (Love the founders of HFO, lots of great info, particularly helpful for those wanting to start an adoption ministry in their church)
- Together for Adoption (T4A) (lots of helpful all-around adoption info)
- Domestic Adoption Info (info from a bloggy friend)
Adoption Gear/Fundraising:
- 147 Million Orphans (fun adoption gear; each purchase feeds a child)
- Adoption Bug (lots of great fundraising t-shirts and gear!)
Adoption Grants/Funding/Fundraising:
- Lifesong for Orphans (adoption grants and other helps)
- Show Hope (Steven Curtis Chapman and family: adoption grants and other info)
- Abba Fund
- Chosen Marathon
- Lutheran Social Services (domestic and international adoption agency that we used and were pleased with)
- Bethany Christian Services (domestic and international adoption agency that we used and were pleased with)
- Family Link (Central Texas Christian foster care)
- The Zoe Foundation (helping save babies from abortion and other domestic adoption opportunities)
- Charis Orphan Care and Adoption Ministry (Central Texas mission to save babies from abortion and other adoption mission info)
- Mother Goose Adoptions (domestic adoption agency working in all 50 states)
Help for Families Parenting Seriously RAD
(and other diagnoses) Kiddos:
- Families by Design, Nancy Thomas with Attachment Parenting. Tons of helpful info for MAJORLY challenging kids (RAD, ODD, Bipolar, Tourette's, ADHD, etc.). Life-saving help and encouragement for those who are seriously considering disrupting an adoption!
- Institute of Child Development at TCU (Dr. Karyn Purvis), Lots of info for help with "challenging" kids
- The Connected Child (book by Dr. Karyn Purvis), This is THE BEST adoption book out there and it will help you understand your child's actions. It's not the child; it's their history that they had no control over. They didn't choose to be abused, neglected, abandoned. Help them heal.
Other Ways to Help Orphans (without adopting):
- Just click HERE to read a list compiled by another blogger
- Back the Blocks, support a big adoptive family serving in Guatemala!