Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dancing with Jesus

Chrissie has gone home to be with Jesus. Her heart has been healed and now she spins and she sways to the Cinderella song with Jesus as her dance partner.

This message is sent to you via the blessing of Lorraine's cell phone. :-)


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Bethany said...

My heart is breaking for you guys. Chrissie has fought one heckuva fight ... I know you are so proud of her! Praying for strength in the time to come.

Amy said...

There are no words. What an amazing example of Jesus you have been through all of this. I will be praying for your family. We rejoice that she is with Jesus, being free...we are also sad for your family, as we know how difficult it is to lose someone you love. Hugs, Amy and family

Anonymous said...

Our hearts and prayers are with you and your family today. Never doubt that God had a reason for bringing precious Chrissie into this world AND for bringing her into the lives of SO MANY through the miracle of adoption into your family. Someday we will all meet the lives Chrissie touched in Heaven when we celebrate the return of Christ. Until then we may never know how many souls she led to Christ but I am certain that there will be stories to be told, eternal lives to be celebrated and it will all be part of Chrissie's story!

Love in Christ,
Mary Wusterbarth

Anonymous said...

We have never met, but I have been following your amazing journey with your precious Chrissie! I am sitting here at my desk sobbing. You have been so loving and selfless and offered this brave little girl a loving family if even for a short while. Bless you for all you do for these children who need you most.
Heather from Canada

Anna said...

Lorraine...I don't know what to say...I feel so sad...yes Chrissie is with her heavenly father dancing with Jesus!

Dear Lorraine, please know my thoughts and prayers are with you and your precious family.

Your sister in Christ,
Anna xx

Lorraine said...

"Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day, unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed and very dear"

Matushka Anna said...

I am so sorry. Chrissie's comparatively short life (and it would have been a lot shorter without God's deliberate intervention) was not in vain.

I'm praying for peace for you and your family.

I wish I could put into words...

Sweeney Family said...

My heart is broken for you all, but I know that she is completely and wholly healed. She is dancing and swimming and jumping!!

Stephanie said...

Thank you for sharing her story with all of us. Your family is in my thoughts and I am sure that Chrissie is going to have a grand princess tea party with all the little princesses in heaven.

Anonymous said...

I'm speechless. Sometimes God's greatest mercy is the ending of suffering. My prayers are with you and the rest of your family. May God lay hands of comfort on all of you and everyone who is now connected through this blog and following Chrissie's fight. She has opened many hearts and lives to Jesus, including mine. My faith is completely restored.

Barbra King said...

I have no words just tears. May the peace of God that transcends all understanding be yours as you grieve and celebrate this precious girl. Thank you for sharing her with us.

Jenny said...

Lorraine, I am so sorry.Praying that you will know how many of us are thinking of you during this time.

Jenny said...

Lorraine, I am so sorry.Praying that you will know how many of us are thinking of you during this time.

thedickinsonfamily said...

Forever with Jesus! He'll always be her dance partner.

Renae said...

Lorraine, I have no words!!:( Just from reading your blog and posts these past few weeks, I KNOW she has brought you so much JOY! My heart is breaking for you and your family...I'm praying for HIS amazing grace and peace to cover the days ahead for you....

wordgardener said...

Lorraine and family, I know that your hearts are broken where Chrissie's heart is healed. There is only a thin veil between you and her...just one breath away from being with her and life as it should be. My prayers are with you. I am sorry for this pain, there is no other pain like it. Remembering her always as the girl who taught me I could boss my own heart into behaving...and thanking God that you brought her home and taught us all something in the process. Love, cathy bachman

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. But be comforted that she is at home, healthy and loved.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry, Lorraine.
My little girl died a little over a year ago; she drowned while in the care of a babysitter and died in the hospital a few days later.
I know the pain you're experiencing. I wish you and your family peace during this difficult time.
You showed Chrissie love and joy and what it means to be part of a family — things she would have never experienced as an orphan in Serbia. You gave her a wonderful gifts and reading your words, I can tell that she gave you and the entire Patterson family many wonderful gifts. She had more impact in her 4 years of life than many people have in 70, 80+ years on Earth. You can't ask for much more than that.
I've been moved by Chrissie's story; I hope you'll continue to share your story with us.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you all. Praise God that she is well now and that one day you will be reunited. I am crushed that we lost her here on earth.

Carrie said...

I am sure they are having a wonderful party in heaven. May God give you peace and comfort as you grieve the loss of your precious daughter. What a fighter. She knew the love of Christ through you her parents. I am so sorry for your loss here on earth and cannot wait to see you reunite someday in heaven.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry..........

Shea said...

I am so very sorry but happy she is finally healed and with Jesus.

Courtney said...

I am so happy that Chrissie is now healed and whole and dancing with Jesus, and so very sad for you and the wait you will have to endure to see her again. I will continue praying for you guys.

Tara said...

Im so sorry for your familys loss of precious Chrissie. There are know words for outcomes like this:( God knows your pain though, and as he held you up through all of this, he will carry you through your time of grief and healing.That I do know.
Dance away Chrissie with Jesus, you are whole and God has perfected you. Glory to God.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Chrissie's story has been one that has touched so many people worldwide. I too am an adoptive parent who lost my husband in a car accident in January. The loss is different from yours but still as devastating. Please keep your undying faith. I admire how you have kept total faith when most would have given up. You are right...she is dancing with Jesus. That's what all princesses eventually do.

The Jakes said...

No. I'm devasted and I'm crying with you this morning.

- Julie

The Armstrongs said...

Oh, Lorraine. How my heart aches for you and your family at this news. I am not worried about how you guys with "make it through this" because you have the peace of Christ, but oh what a journey you have been through. Will continue praying for your family here in Birmingham, AL.

Unknown said...

Lorraine - God will never stop using Chrissie's testimony and your love for Him. As she dances with Jesus now - more hearts will be touched by her precious life and the faith in Him you have so graciously and lovingly showered your readers with.

Zephaniah 3:17 still plays in my mind this morning as I read this news.

My heart breaks for you and rejoices with Chrissie all at the same time.

We will lift your family in prayer today and for a long while as you all heal from this gigantic loss in your lives. May God continue to be your comforter and strength in the days, weeks, and months to come!

Love and blessings,

Anonymous said...

I'm terribly sorry that you have had to write this post. I will continue to pray for your family through this difficult time. What a blessing to know she is healed completely and with Jesus, but oh, how hard it is for us left behind. We have lost 2 children, at birth--so, very different circumstances, but I can relate to many of the emotions you are going through. What a great testimony Chrissie was and still will be. May many more people be drawn to our Savior through her story. Praying..... Pamela

Erin Johnson said...

There is no better dance partner. God Bless You and Your Family and hold you tight. Thoughts, Prayers and condolences from St. Augustinem, Florida.

jandswood said...

I am so terribly sorry for your loss.
Oh sweet Chrissie,
Jesus knew your pain. Jesus knew that you were better fit to dance with Him than here on earth. I know your mommy and daddy and family already miss you lots BUT will one day see you again. Oh sweet Chrissie, Thank you for giving it your best through all your pain. Your sweet story has blessed so many this side of heaven. Rest in peace sweet priincess!
Sarah W from oklahoma

kippi said...

praying for your family. You all have touched my life and heart.
Hugs and prayers

Emily P said...

What a morning this is for your family....I am praying love, strength and a soothing balm to pour over your house this day. I didn't ever meet Chrissie but I will certainly miss her....

B. McKenzie said...

I checked your blog as soon as I got to work. Tears. and Joy. I am so sorry for you, but I know Chrissie is in a much much more wonderful place and state of mind. May God grant you peace and love.

DeeDee said...

Praying for you and your family!!

Bianca said...

Lorraine and family, I am so, so sorry for your loss. My heart is broken for you.

Bianca Olivier

Deanna said...

O my goodness! May God wrap his arms around your entire family as I know you will miss your Serbian princess. How blessed she was to feel the love of her awesome family here in the states. You will now be blessed with the most amazing guardian angel. We will continue to pray.

Michelle said...

Many prayers and hugs for your family!

Vonda said...

I come to your blog every day, praying for a miracle for Chrissie, and today, well I was shocked to say the least. I can't stop crying. Life just does not makes sense sometimes, and I pray that your family will heal with loving memories of sweet Chrissie!!!

Anonymous said...

I recently lost mybest friend to cancer & he loved to dance. He was a great man & I know he is right there w/ the Princess & Jesus. It is a wonderful thing to to know that they are no longer in pain & walk with Jesus but it does not lessen the pain of loss. You & your family will forever be in my heart. Thank you for sharing your journy with us & teaching us what love & faith should truly look like

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Oh Lorraine and family! Our hearts break at your loss and we KNOW you trust Jesus and are happy that Chrissie is with him in the protection and love that only HE can give BUT we know you hurt and we will PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for each of you!!!!

Jill and family

Kelly Stokes said...

Oh sweet Chrissie, what a life you lived! Your testimony brought so mnay people to their knees in petition for you and even brought a few people to the Lord! You are forever healed in the arms of Jesus! How amazing you must feel now! Lorraine, I know that you and your family are hurting right now. I'm so sorry for your loss. You guys are in my prayers daily and will continue to be. What a blessing your serbian sensation was. Jesus is one lucky man to get to know her right now!

Stacy said...

she fought so hard. I am happy that her pain is over and that she's healed but sure wish that had happened on this side. Sorry for your loss.

Maggie in North Carolina said...

My heart aches this morning. I don't even know what to write, what to say... no words could ever be enough to describe what I'm feeling... thinking. Chrissy: You will be missed every day. I will think of you often and remember how you touched my life in the few short months that I knew of you. Dance, sing, and laugh with the angels until we meet.... and remember you will never leave me - no leave me, Chrissy. Thank you for being the Serbian Sensation. Thank you. Thank you.

And THANK YOU Loraine for sharing your journey with all of us. You are in my thoughts and prayers even as my heart is so heavy for your loss...

mwarner2 at progressive dot com

Nora S. said...

Dear Lorraine,

Your princess is with the King who has healed her completely--He has taken away all pain and sadness for her.

I'm so sorry Chrissie has gone to be with Jesus for the moment. I have seen your amazing love and devotion toward her. I cry, and I have never met your princess but feel I know so much about her through your words. So I pray for you Lorraine, your husband, children and family as you travel this road. I know, you know, you will see Chrissie again and there will be no more tears. And for this moment I pray for comfort for you...

With love and prayers,

RK said...

Praying comfort for your family as you miss your precious girl.

Dancing on wings like eagles...singing with the angels. But how I wish I could see her enjoying it all! Someday...

Our Family Adventures!! said...

Crying and Praying for you and your family. May God bring healing for the pain of your loss while at the same time we all rejoice that she is healed and with Christ, dancing in heaven.

m&msmommy said...

My heart literally dropped as I read this post. I've been praying daily for your sweet little girl and I am SO sorry to hear that she is gone. I heard that song by Steven Curtis Chapman for the first time ever on my way to work this morning! She is dancing with Jesus and although your hearts are aching, I pray for peace and comfort for you and your entire family. I don't know how you come to love a strangers child so much, but I truly LOVED your little Serbian Sensation. She has brought so many people to God and I pray with all my might that that brings you some level of peace. Prayers for the upcoming days, weeks, months and years for all of you!

Love and prayers,
Christina Gomez

Carrie said...

Oh, my heart hurts for you all. You will be in my prayers. I'm picturing her dancing with Jesus right now- I'm sure it's a beautiful sight.

Lynn said...

Praise God that she is no longer suffering! May He also comfort you and your family in this time of shock and sorry. After 31 days of bedside vigil, you will never see the world the same way.

All God's miracles were not in vain, He spoke to thousands before bringing her home to be with Himself. Still praying for you.

Nancy said...

May God's riches blessings be with you at this time. Your daughter marked so many lives just as God planned.

Michelle said...

so very sorry for the loss of your sweet, sweet angel. She fought a long, hard battle. May you find some peace with the precious, but wonderful, memories you have of Chrissy.

Amy said...

I don't even know what to say. I'm so sorry that your princess couldn't be with you, with all of us, a little longer. I will pray for comfort and peace for your entire family. Thank you for showing her love and what God's love means. I can see her dancing with Jesus and having the big coming home party that she was wanting. Selfishly, I was just hoping that it would be at the ranch instead of heaven but Jesus had something else in mind.

Peace to all of you,

Anonymous said...

Sending big hugs and prayers to you and your family. I am so saddened for all of you but thankful she is healed and healthy in Heaven.

Jill said...

I am praying for the Holy Spirit to comfort you all. Thankyou for your honesty and openness in sharing your Chrissies' story. We have prayed and felt God has shown us so much of his love and Fathers heart. We will have a huge party one day in heaven, no more pain, meds, we will dance on those golden streets, you are a blessing to the family of Christ. As you rest and grieve I pray nothing would be snatched from you of HIS love, hope and joy, that you will share with the forgotten children who will your forever precious children, as you introduce them to their perfect heavenly Father. We bless you all, we love your testimony we weep with you, we have hope for tomorrow x Jilly (uk)

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with your family at this trying time. What an example of God's Grace you all have been. Dance Chrissie Dance

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss but Chrissie is no longer suffering. She did not deserve to go through what she did the last 31 days especially when it was obvious her body would not survive this from the beginning. Her sprit will live strong forever and you will see her again.

Kay Daniels said...

Patterson family......words are not enough but please know you're being lifted up in prayer to the One who loves Chrissie even more than you all do. Her life has touched so many and has pointed so many to the Savior.....and now she is dancing with that same Jesus! My heart is broken for your family in this temporary separation from her. But one day she will run to meet you and take you to introduce you to her Jesus who is caring for her while you can't!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your faith with all of us. Thank you for sharing your daughter with all of us.
We will continue to pray for you. I wonder how many lives came to Christ with your daughter's sweet life?

Brandee said...

I am so sorry. Praying that you feel God's arms wrapped around your family.

Blommom said...

I've never met you, never chatted with you, but tears pour down my cheeks for you and your family. Your faith in Jehovah Rapha has so clearly been demonstrated over the last month. He will carry you!

Anonymous said...

I woke up to check on you & Chrissie this morning only to be drenched in tears as I read the post!
I'm so sorry that she isn't here with your family anymore, but like you said she is completely healed!
"Those we have held in our arms for a little while, we hold in our hearts forever." Although I never held her, she will hold a special place in my heart for she was such a fighter! God Bless your Sweet Chrissie!
Many prayers for your family!

CNJ said...

I have followed Chrissie's story and it breaks my heart to see you lose your baby girl after such a hard fight. Please know that your Chrissie has touched many, many hearts around the world. I'm sorry you have to walk this path; many prayers for you.

Ruthann G said...

I am so sorry for your loss and grief; but I rejoice for your having this lovely daughter, if only for too short a time. You and she have been an inspiration to so many. Our prayers are with your family.

Sarah in Waco, TX said...

Lorraine, I never had the opportunity to meet your precious Chrissie here on earth, but I look forward to the day that I am able to meet her DANCING on the streets of heaven! Love and many prayers

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry, and stunned, to hear about Chrissie's passing. She was definitely an inspiration to me and my path to God and faith. You have also been inspirational to me too, Lorraine. I'll be praying for the whole family.

Deb Harrop

magda said...

May her memory be eternal.

Mozi Esme said...

She's one amazing little girl. Crying with you this morning...

Jennifer Truitt said...

My heart aches for you all as I check in this morning to find that a beautiful little girl has earned her little angel wings! You all are amazing parents and I can't even imagine the loss you feel right now! I will be praying that God will hold your family up in His great big arms of love and comfort!!!

Kelly said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm more than sorry...I'm heartbroken...and feeling helpless. The only thing I can think to do today to celebrate Chrissie's life and her journey is appreciate and thank God for the blessings in my life. I'm going to take the rest of the day off work, go pick my young children up from school and spend the day with them. We'll call it "Chrissie Day". Through her, I've been reminded of what's important in life- on so many levels. Thank you for sharing your story. If anything ever happened to my children, I could only hope to be as brave and graceful as you've been. You are a was Chrissie. My prayers are with you.

Megan said...

Praying for you and your family. Rejoicing in Chrissie's life and her legacy for Jesus. Rejoicing in Jesus because it is all we can do - and praying for His great strength and comfort for you all!

Robin said...

I am so sorry for your loss. May God's peace be with you. Chrissie has touched so many lives in her short time on this earth. Lifting her and your family up in prayer.

Winnie said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.

StressedBlessed Mom in GA said...

My heart is broken. Chrissie was such a fighter and you've been such an example of the love of God for her. I just finished reading Angie Smith's "I Will Carry You" about losing her child. It was very timely reading for this loss of Chrissie, who wasn't my child, but one I've grown emotionally attached to.
I'll be praying for you and your family. God bless you.

Phyllis said...

I am so very sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with your family during this difficult time.

Michelle said...

I am thankful that Chrissie was able to share life in the Patterson family, to know what a family is like and feel the love. I am also thankful that in her short time with your family you taught her to love Jesus! Thank you for taking the time in the midst of your grief to update us out here in cyberland.
In HIS Love,
Michelle Mann

Becky/Skein Gang said...

Lorraine- There are no words. I had been thinking about Chrissie when I got up this morning and as soon as I could, I checked the blog. All I could say was "no,no,no,no."

Chrissie was truly a "warrior princess." She fought valiantly. And while I know your family's hearts are breaking, you can rejoice in the knowledge that Chrissie is with Jesus, charming him with her sunny smile.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May God comfort your hearts during this difficult time. Much Love, Becky

PletcherFamily said...

I have been following your story and praying for your daughter. I am so sorry to hear of the new of her passing this morning. Our prayers are with your family.

Peggy said...

I have no words that will make it better and I have never walked in your shoes so I can't imagine how you are a Mama I can only offer love, prayers, hugs and more prayers. You all fought the good fight and as my tears come they are joyful for Chrissie as she no longer has to endure such pain AND most especially that she is dancing with her Jesus. The tears are ones of loss, hurt and pain for you and your family. I will continue to be praying for you as you walk through life these next days and weeks.
May God wrap you in His arms and carry you through each step of the way.
Blessings & Hugs,

Anonymous said...

I'm terribly sorry for your loss. God makes no mistakes. May God bless you and your family during this time. You are an awesome woman of strength and dignity. How blessed that Chrissie was to have you as her mother as you are to have her has your little princess. Continue to pray for you.

amyl4 said...

I'm so sorry! That little princess will always have a piece of all of our hearts! I am so happy that God gave Chrissie to your family to love her the way she deserved to be loved! Chrissie got her wish to have a family of her very own, and now she is with Jesus playing and happy without any pain or short breaths. God Bless you and comfort you!

Anonymous said...

I'm so very sorry for your loss. I just ache for your family. I'm so grateful for the assurance, though, that Chrissie has been completely healed and restored in heaven and is dancing for joy. Praying for your little princess has been a privilege and has increased my faith. I think the Lord had so much to teach so many of us through your precious daughter.
Love in Christ,
Suzanne in Arlington, TX
mom to two princesses from China

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I have been following your story since Chrissie's surgery. She has touched my heart and I weep with you this morning. Take care and be sure to hug all of your other children a little tighter tonight.

Jamie from Illinois

Wendi Taylor said...

Oh, honey.... my heart is breaking for you and your family right now. There are just no words I can say to express what I'm feeling for you all in this moment. I know that your faith is your strength and our God is your comfort... my prayer is that you sense His presence even now.

Difference2This1 said...

I've had tears all morning- not for Chrissie because she left this earth with polish, ribbons, and tons of people who loved her because of your family and who as you share, is now free of pain and dancing with Jesus- but for your family who will miss her dearly. We will keep you in our prayers. Chrissie's life, your family, your story has made an impact on so, so many. What a blessing this girl has touched your life...what a blessing you invited us all in to share in her life as well. God bless.

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Lorraine and family~

I have no adequate words. My heart breaks for you and the loss you've sustained.

Chrissie might not be here anymore physically but I know her short life will continue to make great impact on those who have followed her story. She was Jesus' instrument and you are as well.

Don, Lisa, and Lindy Osborn

Rose said...

My prayers are with you and your family. Please know the Father is holding you in His loving arms right now.

Lyrics to Held by Natalie Grant.

Two months is too little.
They let him go.
They had no sudden healing.
To think that providence would
Take a child from his mother while she prays
Is appalling.

Who told us we'd be rescued?
What has changed and why should we be saved from nightmares?
We're asking why this happens
To us who have died to live?
It's unfair.

This is what it means to be held.
How it feels when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive.
This is what it is to be loved.
And to know that the promise was
When everything fell we'd be held.

This hand is bitterness.
We want to taste it, let the hatred know our sorrow.
The wise hands opens slowly to lilies of the valley and tomorrow.

This is what it means to be held.
How it feels when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive.
This is what it is to be loved.
And to know that the promise was
When everything fell we'd be held.

If hope is born of suffering.
If this is only the beginning.
Can we not wait for one hour watching for our Savior?

This is what it means to be held.
How it feels when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive.
This is what it is to be loved.
And to know that the promise was
When everything fell we'd be held.

jan said...

i just sit here with tears rolling. each morning, i check to see how see is doing and praying you got some sleep. i am so sad. you have been beyond amazing. and chrissie? well, there are no words to describe her :)

please know thousands are lifting you up. thank you for teaching me personally how to not complain in the midst of crazy difficult situations -- how to praise Him in the storm.

the necklace will be an ongoing reminder of a strong faith. love you soooo much. xoxo, jan in indiana

the johnson crew said...

knowing she is with our Savior is a beautiful thing, I know she would never wish to be back in a world of sin and pain. I am praying that God will continually comfort you with that fact. I cannot imagine how much you must miss your sweet little girl. my heart is grieving for you. please know we will continue praying for your family adn that God will continue to use this for His eternal glory. praying God will carry you and comfort you and bless you.

hoping in Jesus,

Shelley said...

We are praying for your family during this heartbreaking time. I prayed for Chrissie every day and while this is certainly not the answer to all those prayers that anyone had hoped for, I am thankful to know that today, she is pain free and completely healed. Now, our prayers will turn to you and your family as you walk this next chapter in your lives. We're praying that God will wrap you in The Comfort that can only come from Him today.

Lisa said...

Oh how my heart is broken to read this. I know Chrissie has received her TOTAL healing through Christ. Chrissie is now able to do all the things she could not before, and the best part, she gets to look into the eye's of Jesus.
In the shor time Chrissie has been known to me, she has blessed me, but even more important then that she has brought me so much closer to God. Chrissie has done what God had planned for her to do.
We love you!

Anonymous said...

I have checked on your blog multiple times a day and think of you all so often. I am so sorry to hear that Chrissie is no longer on this earth yet at the same time am thrilled to know she is home, happy, free of pain and in a place that will never cause her an ounce of any type of pain again. As hard as it is for those still here.. we have to know that for Chrissie... she is perfect and in a perfect place.... hugs and love to you and the rest of your family.

The Mac's House said...


:( I'm shocked and so saddened by this news.

No words to describe the emotions that you all must be feeling.


Anonymous said...

My heart breaks for you and your family. I am so sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

As a mom to three orphans who waited far too many years for parents, I rejoice that Chrissie knew the love of her family, if only for a little while. I know your family grieves for the years she did not have with you. But you brought her into your family and gave her forever into the care of her heavenly Father. That is the most precious gift you could have given her. You will see her again.


Rochelle said...

My heart goes out to you. I'm so, so sorry for your loss of Chrissie. I pray that you always remember how many lives she has touched and will continue to touch. She has changed many, many lives. Even though I've never met, Chrissie, I miss her. I'm looking forward to seeing her in Heaven. Praying for strength for you and your family. You are such a brave Mama and you loved your Chrissie well. God Bless You!

Tressa said...

Oh! God Bless her!! And your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you all through this. Only God knows why it all happened this way.
Much love,

Amy said...

On our knees for you. Love you- Amy

cosby2 said...

My heart aches for you and your family. I know that God will surround you with His comfort during this time of sadness. Chrissie was a remarkable little girl who touched all our hearts. She is now pain free and sitting in the lap of our Lord. Bless you and your family for giving her such love.

Dawn said...

I'm so sorry for you loss! I check your site daily and was praying along with so many other people for Chrissy's miracle. The true miracle though was how many people around this world that she touched! Thank you so much for sharing her story with us all. The story does not end here though, we will all be able to watch her dance with Jesus some day because we believe!

Bless you and your entire family. I pray that the Lord holds you all tightly while you grieve her loss until the day you meet again.

Unknown said...

Tears are flowing because I became attached to this little Princess. In my heart I know she is not suffering any more but boy, this was a hard one. I have been angry with God and now I am at peace with him becaue of your amazing strength an faith. My Heartfelt Sympathy to you and your family.
Peace and the Love of Christ be with you.
June O.

Deb said...

I am so sorry - not for Chrissie - but for you and your family. Thank you for sharing your "Serbian Princess" with the world. Many lives have been touched through her journey. Today she dances the dance of a lifetime with the bridegroom.

Words are inadequate. I will continue to pray.


Anonymous said...

:( I'm so sorry. Your family will be in my prayers.....

my3 kids said...

No words can express how sorry we are. We have followed your journey for awhile now and you have a beautiful family. God Bless

Janice from Canada

Anonymous said...

I have been following your story, but had never commented until now. I can't even begin to express what I'm feeling or how sorry I am for the loss of Chrissie.. She has touched many.. and will continue to do so.

Jenn said...

Praying for you and your precious family. What a joyous reunion there will be one day!

BlessedMom62 said...

She fought long and hard. Bless you for giving her the opportunity to put up such a fight! You are better people for having her in your life. Your family is in my prayers. One day you shall see her again and can rejoice with her.

angeleyes_012 said...

Oh I am so sorry you and your family are having to go through so much pain. Just remember what an awesome and amazing little girl she was and all the people that she touched!!! That is a wonderful thing! You will see her again one day and it will be a wonderful celebration. Chrissie will NOT be forgotten! Her story and legacy will remain! We all love you and your family and will be praying for the peace that only Jesus can bring!

Elizabeth Gaudette

Mary & Kurt said...

Oh, the joy to be with our Savior is our greatest reward. Lorraine and Matt, your strength has been a tower for all of us to see as God has moved through you and all your children. My heart breaks with the loss of sweet Chrissie. I believe she is swimming right now, but also just as close as a whisper away to you all. You have fought the good fight, each one of you. We will continue to pray. Love you all, Mary, Kurt, Kimberly, Luke & Jacob

Anonymous said...

my heart broke this morning...i'm so sorry for your loss. Although Chrissie is healed and in heaven, I know how sad your family is for losing her on earth. Chrissie fought the long, hard fight and was blessed to know the love of her forever family.

May God help you heal...

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry, Just know that she is an angel. You gave her a wonderful life the time you had her. Thank God for the months that this baby had a loving family,before she went to her Heavenly Home God Bless you and your family, I am so saddened. Love and Prayers from KY

Kari said...

I'm so sorry. What an amazing little girl. Sending prayers of peace and comfort and strength

paul-and-lori said...

I am so sorry Lorraine. Please know that we continue to lift you and your family in our prayers.
Lori King

Jennifer said...

My heart is broken! I have been following Chrissie's story for the past month and have been truly touched and inspired by her strength. She was such a brave little girl. I'm so sad today but I cannot even imagine the celebration that she is having today. Your faith and strength through all of this has also been so inspiring. The two of you together have taught me so much and I'm so thankful that you shared her story with so many. Your family will be in my prayers.

Peace and Love

Anonymous said...

I have been a reader from afar who has been carrying your sweet Chrissie's name to Jesus. Your words to your daughter to boss her body were words spoken directly to this Mama's heart. They helped to inspire and heal a fear my family was walking and helped us to face that fear head on, in "bossing" our situation we listened to Jesus' words of do not be afraid. I have witnessed your precious Chrissie and her beautiful family challenge fear daily and succeed.
Thank you for reminding us to get bossy and thank you for reminding us to trust in Jesus' Word, do not be afraid.

My heart sobs for your Mama's heart, and, yet, rejoices to know your sweet baby girl is with Jesus.

Ann Kimmel said...

Lorraine and family,
I wish there was something brilliant I could say to make this moment in time easier for you all, but Jesus said it best on the cross - It is finished. Her faith is now sight. I pray those three words bring your family comfort as you rest assured that He is holding, laughing, skipping, and thoroughly delighting in His precious princess, Chrissie.
We all mourn with you as you wait to be reunited with your Serbian Sensation. I will be keeping you, your husband, and you children in my prayers.
In Him,

sierrasmom said...

Oh I am sitting here with tears running down my afce. Tears that your Chrissie will not return to your Forgotten Saw Ranch...tears for the pain and heartache your family will have to endure...but also tears of Joy at the incredible gift that Chrissie was able to share with so many and tears of awe at the amazing things He has done in the past few weeks. Prayers and hugs coming from New York!!!
Kathie in NY

Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you today and Chrissie is at her princess party in heaven! Lungs and heart are healed. God bless you and your family.

Unknown said...

We have been with you via the blog and prayed for your family. We are sad, but KNOW that we will all see Chrissie one day. That is the hope we can only have in Jesus. We love you guys!
The Grizzles

Anonymous said...

Oh what a shock to read this this morning. I will be praying for your family, as you mourn this temporary separation from your precious princess. I will also be praying that the devotion and comfort you have given to Chrissie will now be returned back to your family a hundredfold, not only in God's comfort, but in the comfort of those who are physically with you and close to you.
Debbie in Nashville

Anonymous said...

Our prayers are with your family. Praying for your strength and renewal at this most difficult time. Rejoicing that Chrissie is in the arms of Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Patterson Family,
As I sit here, stunned and sobbing, I was hoping this day would never come. You have brought me closer in my faith as I now pray and see GOD much differently then I did before I "met" you. Your faith and love is overwhelming and as a mom, I have such a deep respect for Chrissie's momma. May you find comfort in knowing your precious daughter is now healed and at peace. My heart breaks for all of you. Please continue to blog for us "cyber friends" that have also come to love and pray for you. Words are not enough right now, but know you have touched me in a very deep way and I will be forever grateful. Hugs and prayers from Michigan.

Envyshope said...

We are missing Chrissie and her fighting spirit this morning. Our family is devastated but proud to have become acquainted with your family through Reeces Rainbow, email and blogging. Chrissie has touched our lives - we will never be the same. Following her journey has led us back toour Father and we are finding comfort in Him right now as I know your family is too. We are forever changed because of Chrissie - we are in the process of adopting from the Ukraine and are so scared of the unknown. But your family has taught us that we should not be afraid. Thank you for sharing your lives and the life of your precious daughter, Chrissie, with us. We love you and are praying for you.

Stever Family - Matthew, Kelli, Morgan, Alex, Avery, Kennedy, & McKinley

Loydeth said...

Lorraine, my heart is broken. Chrissie is now completely healed and resting in the arms of Jesus. You have a beautiful angel in heaven watching over you and your family. Blessings...

Dawn said...

I'm so sorry!!! Your beautiful daughter touched my life profoundly.

Unknown said...

"The walls are closing in
you feel alone
you feel afraid
Your heart begins to bend
you take a breath and then
it starts to break.
I'm all out of words
there's nothing I could say
to you.
To take away the hurt
so let me pray you through
let me pray you through.
So lift your shaking hands
don't say a word
I'll stay with you
the tears will heal the pain
you shouldn't be ashamed
to come undone
And fall down and let me carry you
I'll carry you.
I'm all out of words
there's nothing I would say to you
to take away the hurt
so let me pray you through.
...let me pray you through."
"let me pray you through"--sixteen cities.

Shannon said...

Oh Lorraine...
Lord, I praise You that Chrissie is snugled up with You right now. I praise You that she will never hurt again. I praise You for the day that she will welcome her Mama, Daddy and whole family into Your kingdom. Thank you for all of the others that she will welcome too as she has touched so many.
Lord, I also ache for her family. Lord this is so surreal there are no words. Comfort them, bless them mightily. Be the Mighty to Save God that walks with them through this.
Thank you that my life has been forever changed by Chrissie Joy's brave journey. I see You so much more clearly now...

Oh how I wish I could do something to help. Unceasing prayers for you today!

Jane said...

Chrissie's heart is now healed. May you find the comfort and healing in your own heart as only God can provide. God used your precious baby to bring His word to so many. I guess she was His baby first. Chrissie's story will never be forgotten!!! Yours in Christ Jane Knisely

wright2bmom said...

There are no words...praise the Lord she is dancing with Jesus and you will dance with her again, too. We will con't to keep you and your family in our prayers. xo Thank you for answering the call to be her forever family. She went to heaven being blessed to have her biggest dream come true--a Mama and Daddy who loved her more than anything. God bless. xo

Anonymous said...

My heart is aching for your loss. But I am rejoicing that Chrissie will never have to hurt again. I thank God that he gave your family the opportunity to make a difference in her life, and that your family was blessed by her. The next time you see her will be a joyful reunion. Keeping your family in my prayers.

In Christ,

Darla Capello

Karien Prinlsoo said...

I'm so sorry but yet happy that sweet Chrissie is new completly healed and in the arms of her Heavenly Father. Thank you for being obedient to bring Chrissie home. She has touched the lives of many...I pray that God would make those seeds grow and bear fruit.

Robin Wilson said...

My eyes are filled with tears; my heart is filled with bittersweet joy - sad that she is gone, but joyful that she is safe in His arms today; my mind is filled with the image of a beautiful little girl, dressed in a snow-white "princess" dress with lots of lace and frills, with her face and hands covered in chocolate, and a giant smile - giggling with God today.

We mourn with you.

"Then Job got up and tore his robe. He shaved his head, and then he threw himself down with his face to the ground. He said, 'Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will return there. The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. May the name of the Lord be blessed!'"

Blessed be Your name, Oh God! You are worthy of all praise, and all glory is Yours! We cry out to You in our sorrow, and You comfort us. We seek You in the darkness of our mourning, and You bring the light. We are weak in our loss, exhausted by the trial - and You bring strength. Holy are You, the One who was, Who is, and Who is to come. Praise be your name! Amen.

Andrea Roberts said...

Oh Lorraine, I am so sorry to hear of your loss, but as always, am moved and inspired by your never-ending faith and hope. Your vigil over her, the gift of love and life and family that you share with her, even if just for a short time, will never be forgotten. God bless all of you as your grieve your loss, but celebrate Chrissie's healing. Your family at Reece's Rainbow loves you and is here with you. Please do not hesitate to call on us.

Becca said...

My heart goes out to you and your family. It's so tragic that this young, beautiful little princess, so full of life, was taken so soon. She touched a lot of people with her strength and courage!

The Sanchez Family said...

Praying for you and your family. For peace and strength during this very difficult time.

Anonymous said...

Sadness for you. Joy for Chrissie. My family has been following your journey and praying for you.I know your blog about Chrissie's fight and your faith has touched many people for God's glory. He is in control. And He will be glorified.
Love to you.... Alice Tucker

Julie said...

Praying for you all.

Stefanie said...

I have been following Chrissie's story and I pray today that God brings you peace, as he has brought Chrissie. She will live forever in all of the hearts of so many that loved her, whether we knew her or not. She is so blessed to have been part of your family.

Conethia and Jim Bob said...

My heart is breaking for your family! Heaven has gained another angel!

tripntwinmom said...

My heart and prayers are with you today. I do hope that you find comfort in knowing that your beautiful girl is pain and hurt free now in the arms of our Lord.

She was such a warrior and true fighter. What a light she shined on this world.

((((HUGS))))) to you and your entire family in this sad time....

Anonymous said...

Eventhough we have never met I have followed your blog for sometime. We are in Rome right now on our "Roman Holiday". I have stopped in a church to say a special pray for your daughter. We just came back to the hotel room and I wanted to send you a message to tell you about a special prayer in a Roman Church. I am completely heart broken. I know your princess is with Jesus. She is a true angel. I will continue to pray for you and your family. May God bless you and keep you. It has been a honer for me to follow blog and pray for you princess.


Our hearts are so sad for you and all of your family. We will sure miss checking on Chrisssie the Serbian Princess!! She will dance and sing freely now. No pain .
You have inspired us greatly Lorraine..You are such a strong and caring momma. We will never forget you telling Chrissie to boss her heart and her lungs. You have inspired us all !!!
We will be praying for peace for your family . Chrissie we will miss you so much , sure wish we could have met you in person. Everyday when i look at our Serbian Princess Bella , i will think of you and pray for you Chrissie. Dance Chrissie dance!!!! Sending our love to your family..
Bless you all,
The Campbell Family

Sarah said...

I am praying for you and your family Lorraine. I will forever remember Chrissie as she was pictured in her princess ball gown. She IS with her Healer. Thank you for sharing Chrissie's life with us. SHe has changed me and my walk in faith. I know her life brought glory to God!

Adrienne said...

I've been following along on fb and I'm so sorry to read this about your precious Chrissie. Praying for you and your family during this difficult time. Thanks so much for sharing her life.

Melissa said...

I am so sorry for the hurt you are going through. But how awesome for Chrissie to be in the arms of Jesus.

Suzanne said...

My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family today. Chrissie was truly a miracle and her life was enriched and blessed by your family, and mine was enriched and blessed because of her.

MamaOfTwo said...

There is joy in her dancing. Yet, still, our hearts break for you and your family. May you be comforted in your grief. Prayers for you all in the time to come - for strength and peace. I am so sorry for your loss.

Many hugs,

Nancy said...

Oh, I KNOW Heaven is a far better place than this broken, sinful world. And sweet Chrissie is truly healed and pain free. But we are not pain free, left behind for a time, and missing her. Thank God for the promise of eternal life, and the knowledge that our loved ones gone before us have just passed through a doorway that we will go through as well. If a thousand years is like a day, with the Lord, then we will all be seeing Chrissie in just a moment!

My heart and prayers and tears are with you all!

Nancy in CT

Carrie Lynn said...

I cried and my heart is breaking this morning as a mom to a mom... I prayed for your little one last night and asked for her heart to be healed. I think about you and your family...the faith and love you all have and how that little one's last sight on earth was looking into the face of her mother her loves her. You are light to all of us here...You show us what true faith in God is... I know you will be dancing with your little one in the future for all of is but a flash here......Love and prayers to you and your family....Carrie

thewindowwasher said...

I am rejoicing that Chrissie is no longer suffering and tearing up for your family who will miss her so dearly. Prayers for comfort and peace.

Mike and Barb said...

this must be a very difficult day for your family. We'll be praying. My kids have been praying faithfully for Chrissie, and are saddened by the news this morning.
I'm deeply convinced that her story doesn't end here, and that her (too) short life here will continue to bring glory to God!
Love, Barb

Kathleen said...

No words. Just grief. Praying.

Linam updates said...

We thank God for the blessing of Chrissie's life, for you sharing it with us, and, now, for the perfect joy she shares with Him. And, as you miss her here, we pray that God just wraps you all up in His arms of love...

Olga said...

You don't know me. But I'm so sorry. I've been following your blog for a long time.
I'm going to pray for you and your family.
Bless you.

Rose said...

I am devastated by your family's loss, but know that Chrissy is rejoycing in Jesus. Praying for you.

Emily's Blog said...

My heart has dropped. I am so sad that she is gone, but so happy that she is no longer suffering and has now been healed 100% by the One and Only Healer. She is dancing with the Angels today.
Thank you for sharing her story with the world.
I will continue praying for you and your family as you prepare her arrangements.

Anonymous said...

Words cannot begin to express our deepest sadness for your family. Never have I seen someone who has impacted peoples lives so profoundly in such a short time. Although it was our wish that God would heal her this side of Heaven we are happy to know that she is dancing with Jesus. Thank you for sharing your Serbian Sensation with the world. The Cavazos'

Designs by DD said...

{{{{hugs}}}} God is merciful and we praise Him for the gift of Christyn Joy and we praise Him that she is forever healed. Our hearts hurt with the family left behind and we continue to lift them up in prayer.

Violet said...

Praying for your family. Rejoicing for Chrissie, dancing in the arms of Jesus, with no more pain.

Gypsie Judice said...

Angels are carring prescious cargo today...
Grieving and celebrating with you and your family today..

Love and prayers, Gypsie, Blaize, Zoe, Gabriel, and John-Paul

Anonymous said...

I have beeen following your story for the last couple of weeks and I am heartbroken to read your blog today. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful little girl. She is truly a miracle. May God wrap his arms around you and your precious family and may he guide you through these dark and dreay days ahead with gentleness, love and the peace that passes all understaning. Hugs, Karen and family

Holly said...

I've followed Chrissie's blog since before her surgery and have never commented. Today, I need to comment and tell you just what I think of your Serbian Sensation Daughter! Never in my life have I met a child with so much fight as Chrissie.
I believe it was Boss Your Heart day, we attended a funeral viewing for a family friend. I didnt want to leave, Chrissie was in trouble. I needed to pray for her because I just "knew" she wasnt going to make it. I did leave though. I knew when I got home, i'd read that Chrissie entered the gates Heaven. Oh no, little Miss Chrissie bossed her heart into behaving once again! This was the day I learned Chrissie could move mountains! I still believe Chrissie will continue to move mountains. Her life will not be forgotten.
Today was Gods day to boss Chrissies heart. To make it perfect according to his perfect plan. How we all wish that his plan had a different ending, it didnt. We must accept that Gods grace is sufficient for thee and that Chrissie is eternally singing and dancing in the perfect place called Heaven. Spread your wings and fly Miss Chrissie Angel.
My thoughts and prayers are with you!

Princess D said...

Been following your blog and so incredibly sorry to hear about your loss. She had an amazing spirit and was such a joy. Please know how many people have been praying for Chrissie and your family and will continue to do so. You are incredible parents and have been so strong. It's obvious how much love their is in your family. Hold each other tight and take comfort in each other.

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you and your family. I am glad that Chrissie is no longer suffering and is healed. Now she can be your angel in heaven watching over you.

I hope continue to blog. I know that it has helped others to continue after a death or disaster, and maybe your blog will continue to help other people.


Kim M said...

My prayers for healing of the heart will now change to heal your family's broken hearts. I'm sure you will never be the same because God brought Chrissie into your lives. You gave her everything and your testamony through it all has been to glorify God. He is glorified and Jesus holds your precious Chrissie now.

One day, you will be reunited. I praise God for that.

Thank you for sharing Chrissie with us. My heart is broken but God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.

Bonnie said...

Wow... there aren't words that seem appropriate to express my heart. Just want you to know we're heartbroken and praying for all of you. The other Patterson children are especially in my thoughts this morning and we will be interceding on their behalf. Please share with us how we can serve your family.

Donna said...

So so so very sorry. My love and prayers to your whole family.


Anonymous said...

Oh Lorraine, my heart is breaking! There are no words -just know that you are not alone in your mourning and weeping.
Our prayers are with you and your family. Love ~ Melissa

Anonymous said...

There are no words that truly comfort us in our human loss. However, if we believe...I mean TRULY believe, then we can know that this is indeed the answer to our prayers - the full manifestation of God's will. That can be some comfort to our broken hearts - to know that Chrissie is freed from pain and will have no more tears and that what you've been praying for all this time - God's will - are possible.
My thoughts are with you and your family in this most difficult time. Much love goes to your children, who may not completely understand this. Our arms are around you all.

Kritter Krit said...

This took my breath away. I'm so sorry, Lorraine. I know it brings you such peace and joy to know your sweet daughter is fully healed and with Jesus - dancing, running, jumping! But oh how my heart breaks for you guys.

Your example has been so amazing. Chrissie knew she was fully loved, fully supported, never alone. I know having you there by her side through all of this was such a source of comfort and strength.

There's no telling how many souls were won for Christ during Chrissie's fight. People she will now get to meet in Heaven because of her incredible little life. I pray our Father will wrap His arms around your entire family. That you will be filled with His love and will draw comfort in the knowledge that in Christ there are no goodbyes. Just "I'll see you soon, my love".

Through my tears this morning I keep thinking of that hymn, "This Is My Father's World"...

"This is my Father’s world, o let me never forget,

That though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the Ruler yet.

This is my Father’s world: the battle is not done;

Jesus who died shall be satisfied, and earth and heaven be one."

It is amazing that this entire world is His, that He is ultimately sovereign over it all… and that He is our Father. Our Father who loves us so intensely, who knows exactly what is best for us, even when we don't understand the "whys" of our circumstances. Our Father who will never, EVER let us down...even when our hearts are cracked wide open and the sadness seems suffocating.

God is still God, and He is still good.

Praise be to God for Chrissie's life. For her testimony. For your example. For what He has done these past thirty days. May He richly bless you and your family.

Much love from Arkansas,

Anonymous said...

May God's peace surround you all at this time. She loved you all so much and fought so hard to stay with you all here on earth. Hold in your heart just a while longer and you (and we who love HIM) will be dancing with her in heaven.My mom recently passed on to heaven and I had the most joyous feeling of her dancing in heaven with Ruby Slippers on. In the midst of such pain, may our Savior share with you just a bit of the joy Chrissie is now feeling as she dances in Ruby slippers. You are a brave momma and you loved her so deeply... she felt it fully... bless this Lord and hold this family now in the palm of your hand...

To Love Endlessly said...

He'll hold her forever with endless love and awe. Our hearts and prayers are with you. May God Bless and keep you during this time.

Kait said...

Oh, Lord... Oh Lord. We're sending prayers out, and you are in our hearts. You've been an incredible example of Christ and Chrissie blessed so many in her lifetime. Though we are sad for your family, we praise the Lord that she is healed and dancing. You are in my heart, my thoughts, and my prayers.

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with y'all today. I am so grateful that Chrissie was able to experience having a *family* and able to experience so many other firsts in TX.
I know she is healed and happy and as you said *dancing with Jesus!!
Thank you for sharing so much during the past few months. Please continue to share so we know what to pray for.....

Dianne said...

I am so very, very sorry for your loss. Precious little girl - I am so sorry for your family's pain

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

May God wrap His arms of comfort around you at this difficult were such a blessing in that little girls life. May she rest peaceful in Jesus' arms until you see her again.

Jackie said...

Lorraine I am so terribly sorry for your loss of your precious Serbian Princess. I have followed your journey, praised when Chrissie made gains, prayed and cried when she would become more frail. I am deeply saddened to hear of her passing, but do know she is at peace with her heavenly father. Her many miracles made me a believer please know I hold her close, your beautiful words have made me know her, you and your entire family, with out even knowing you - thank you... You have touched thousands in a way that will forever change them. May peace be with you and your family and forever be with beautiful Chrissie.

Faith, Hope, and Love said...

Dance, Chrissie, dance! We can only rejoice for Chrissie...she is with her Maker and will never suffer again. Thank you for teaching Chrissie about Jesus.

My heart grieves for you and your family. I will be lifting you up in prayer.

Thank you for sharing your Siberian Sensation Princess with the world... as well as your deep faith, hope, and love.

You are an amazing family!

"for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you"
Jeremiah 29:11

Love and blessings,

Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

My love and prayers are with you and all your family. Thank you for sharing your heart with us through all this.

You are loved,

Cassie said...

i'm shocked and saddened!

today i was driving to work and listening to a Phil Wickham song and the line that kept going through my mind even after the song was over was this:

''to the one whose dreams have fallen all apart... you will be safe in his arms, the hands that hold the world are holding your heart.''

and i thought of Chrissie's dear little heart! needless to say, i am sad and can't imagine the pain you are feeling this morning!

i will be praying for your whole family!

May the Lord continue to use Chrissie's life as a testimony of his greatness and power!

prayers and hugs,
Bend Oregon

Mommy to Samantha & Madison said...

My heart breaks for your family. No words can even begin to take away your pain. Praying for your family.

kangfamily said...

I am so sorry to hear this news and am praying for comfort for your family. I have only been following your blog for a few weeks but feel so blessed to have "known" Chrissie for that short time. She is such a beautiful little girl and touched so many lives. She is most definitely dancing with Jesus now!

Katie said...

You and your family have truly shown your love for the Lord to the world through your blog!! Chrissie is so lucky to have found you to be her Momma and give her the love of a family! She fought hard and so did you, trusting God the whole way! As you say, Chrissie's heart is healed now and she is with Jesus in Heaven! Many many prayers for peace for your family (although I know from your blogs you already have peace). Still, it is hard to know that she is no longer here on earth. Praying for you all! Please continue blogging your adoption stories and about your family... you all are such an inspiration!

Jennifer P said...

There will be no more tears of pain for Chrissie but only tears of joy in heaven.

Thank you for sharing your journey and your faith. May our sovereign God comfort you as you carry on to live the faith that you showed to Chrissie and to all of us.


Gretchen said...

Our hearts and prayers go out to you. What a gift you were given to know this child personally and to share her story, you have been an awesome steward of God's plan and I have learned so very much from reading your touching and amazing words. Chrissie will forever remain in our hearts and she lives just as vibrant as ever as thousands of hearts around the world beat while thinking of her and your entire family. May peace and love and God's will continue to surround you.

Unknown said...

Tears of sadness mixed with joy. I am upholding you and your family in prayer. I don't have the right words to say but thank you for sharing Chrissie with us so she could touch so many lives including the reminder for me to "boss my heart". I can't wait to see her dancing with Jesus in heaven.
Love in Jesus
Agate, CO

Please do not publish this on blog site.

Chandra said...

May God wrap His Loving Arms around you and all your family today! May He comfort you, give you peace, and begin to heal your hearts. Hold close all the wonderful memories of your Serbian Sensation, your sweet Princess Chrissie.

Prayers and Blessings,

Adelyn said...

She is dancing with Jesus. You are feeling the pain of her departure. She is praising and singing her heavenly daddy, her abba, her beloved. I could say that I am truly sorry, but will it help? I encourage you to your heavenly daddy too. I pray that you will mourn for your princess, yet thank God for the special time he gave you with his princess, for the faithfulness he has shown you, for the shoulder he is offering you, that she is no longer in pain, and she will never be in pain again. I cannot imagine the pain you are feeling, I have never lost a loved one. But I will be praying for you and I fervently believe God loves you and this is for good. "All things work together for good for those who love him."

praying for comfort,

Holly said...

I have no words. I love what Mary Wusterbarth wrote.
Continued prayers.
Holly- Purpose Driven Family

Googsmom said...

{{{{{HUGS}}}} and Prayers!

Shannon said...

Heaven has been adorned with a precious jewel today! How my heart breaks that she is no longer on this earth! I can't wait to meet her one day and see that beautiful smile in person! What a wonderful momma you have been to this child of God during her short time on earth. I can't imagine how your heart aches to have her here, I pray that the God of comfort fills your heart with peace. Your family is in our prayers!!

Heather said...

Prayers for you all Lorraine. My heart is breaking in two. She has touched many lives, including mine. May she dance in joy at God's feet.

Kat said...

"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him." James 1:12

God brought me to this verse this morning and I think it was meant for you.

Chrissie has her crown, though now you are facing the trial. May God's Hand of peace be on you.

Sean and Lisa said...

I wish I understood God's plans but I don't. My plan would have been for Chrissie to be a walking testimony of God's healing touch but apparently, God had other plans. My mommy heart is breaking for you. I can not imagine your anguish....but I also rejoice that the sweet, Serbian Sensation is rocking Heaven with her personality and smile! I so look forward to meeting Chrissie when I get there!! Now I need to go break it to my children as they have been praying night and day for your precious girl. We will continue to pray for each of you and that Chrissie's life continues to impact thousands for Jesus!!
Much love!
Lisa and the gang

Anonymous said...

Dearest Patterson Family - My heart is breaking for all of you right now. I am praying that God will allow you to grieve her loss and at the same time celebrate her life. God has used, and will continue to use, Chrissie and your entire family in mighty ways. I can picture Chrissie "bossing" Jesus while they dance and saying something like "You better make sure you give my forever family some really special blessings because they are gonna miss me SO much!" Praying that God will give you all special strength and peace through the next weeks, months, and years. God is GOOD, ALL the time! Even when we cannot begin to understand what His plan is. Much love and prayers from our family to yours - Eric and Kelsey Jakubauskas (

Anonymous said...

Oh Sweet Chrissie,
I have thanked out Mighty Father for blessing our lives with your sweet, determined, girlie, bossy personality. I'm going to miss you and Mama's stories about all the things you've done. I know that you wanted to be out of that hospital, away from all those things holding you down. This is not the outcome we all would have selfishly chosen but we know that you are now doing all of the things little girls should be free to do. We love you Sweet Angel!

Jill Porter Photography said...

My heart aches and tears are falling... your Serbian Sensation was such a reminder to me of God's grace and mercy, and has brought me to my knees so many times over the past month... something I haven't done in a very long time. I am forever grateful to you, to Chrissie, and to God for bringing me back to my knees. We have never met but I feel as though we have a kinship... and I guess truly we do, as sisters in Christ. I await the day we meet in Heaven - and when I can hug your sweet Chrissie and laugh with you and with her as she dances, perfect in every way, with Jesus. My prayers and thoughts go out to you all during this excruciating time of loss.
Love and prayers,

Anonymous said...

I had not been able to pray for 7 years. There was this wall inside me that could not be torn down. I read your post about telling Chrissy to Boss her heart and about the miracle that God performed for Chrissy that day and afterwards I recommitted my life to God and I have prayed daily for your precious little Chrissy every since. My heart just aches for your loss.

The Pelhams said...

Oh my, I am speechless, I tho0ught for sure she was going to continue to wow everyone. God used her exactly how he needed to to reach his people. Think of all the people that came to know the Lord for following Chrissie's story! She had and will continue to have Kingdom Impact and in the end, that is all the matters! Prayers for you, your husband, other children, and entire family as you grieve and celebrate the beautiful time God gave you with Chrissie! She was loved and by your family and Christ and she went to our Father knowing that!

Monique said...

My prayers and love go out to you and your family today. I was so upset to log on and see this today. I have been following Chrissie's progress for awhile now. May she rejoice in her new home with the greatest of all fathers.

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