God's Littlest Angels
2275 Waynoka Rd. Suite D
Colorado Springs, CO 80915
There are tons of other ways to help Haiti. I do not recommend donating to UNICEF, as they are against international adoption, and Haitian orphans NEED to get out of Haiti for many, many reasons. Our 6 kiddos (who we're in the process of adopting) are at the Haiti Children's Rescue Mission. We would love for anyone who wants to donate to help Haiti to donate to HCRM. Click HERE to find out how.
Thank you!

Wow you must have a huge house to be ableto take on six more children! And the expense of them....
there is also Real hope for Haiti which is AMAZING and I would TOTALLY recommend!!
I hope Chrissie is okay. It's been a while since your last update. Please let us know that she's okay.
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