They may do a CT scan of Chrissie's chest today to check for any possible obstructions to rule that out as a factor in her respiratory issues, although they don't think that's the case since they didn't see any obstructions on her bronch.
Chrissie has a low grade fever of 100.2 and her heart rate is increased at 122 along with increased blood pressure of 117 over 61.
Yep, Chrissie is anything but typical, and word around here is how she's making everyone scratch their heads. I think Chrissie is trying to make sure that god receives all of the glory for her health and recovery. She just might be trying to make sure the doctors don't get the opportunity to claim that they're the ones responsible for something that God has done.
To God be all the glory. He is mighty to save. Keep praying...
This message is sent to you via the blessing of Lorraine's cell phone. :-)

I woke up this morning at 5 a.m. with Chrissie on my mind. As I was praying for her, I was convicted about how my prayers for her have lacked passion. I'm still praying, but it isn't the "on my knees with tears streaming down my face pleading for the Lord to restore her life" kind of prayer. I was thinking about how this may be true for more than just me. Then I began thinking that the 19th is the one month mark and feel that God is leading me to fast and pray on that day for God to heal her lungs. We've seen that He is able to heal in amazing ways as HE worked a miracle with her heart. I'd like to plead with HIM to do the same with her lungs. I'm wondering if there are others who want to join me in this petition. Not just "asking" for God to heal her lungs, but truly on our faces before the LORD asking Him to do only that which HE is able to accomplish.
So what do you think?? Want to spend the 19th before the throne of the Almighty God who is able to do more than we can imagine? Maybe someone can come up with a catchy phrase for it and we can all join together in pleading with the Lord to show His mighty power once again.
Still praying for Princess Chrissie.
Love and hugs and prayers,
We continue to pray....
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