I met Matt and the kiddos at Seaworld around 4PM. Sawyer had spent the night with our friends, The Greens, because he was supposed to have a baseball game today, but it ended up being rained out. So, they packed their bus (RV) up and headed to Seaworld to meet us. This weekend Seaworld was hosting "Praise Wave", a festival of Christian bands. We were all excited to go, but I had an anxiety about leaving Chrissie that wouldn't go away. I didn't hear back from Dr. Tenner, so around 6:30PM, I decided to call the PICU to inquire about the results of the CTA.
Dr. Tenner gave the phone to Dr. Porisch, who wasn't supposed to be at the hospital this weekend! So, I figured that something was array with Chrissie's results. Dr. Porisch explained a few things to me, but I don't even recall everything that she explained right now because I was at Seaworld amidst a Christian concert when I talked to her! The main thing that is of major concern is that Chrissie has no blood flow from the homograft (cadaver) pulmonary artery to her right lung. Apparently she did have flow at one time, but there is no flow right now. Dr. Porisch believes this is due to clotting in her multi-collateral arteries (I think) which then backed up to the homograft pulmonary artery at the heart, causing a blood clot at her heart, which is blocking flow out of the right side of the pulmonary artery which doesn't allow any blood to flow to the right lung. (I'm probably butchering this description, but I do know that Chrissie is in extreme risk right now.)
I'm not exactly sure what all of this means, and I don't know all of the risks, but I do know that death is a factor, so Chrissie needs major prayers. Dr. Porisch put Chrissie on Heparin, a blood thinner, I think with the hope that the blood clot won't grow larger between now and Monday morning. Dr. Porisch will perform a heart catheterization on Chrissie first thing Monday morning, with hopes of fixing the problem(s). Dr. Porisch wants her "A Team" in the heart cath lab with her, so she has set Chrissie up for the cath lab for first thing Monday morning. I know there is high risk right now because if the clot gets bigger, Chrissie could die, and if the Heparin blood thinner gets her blood too thin, causing more bleeding in her lungs, Chrissie could die.
It's a tough situation, and, as I said, I don't even really know what all of this means or even what the official diagnoses are of the CTA. I do know that Chrissie is in desperate need of your prayers. Her life is once again on the line, and I've seen your prayers pull her through time and time again as God has showered His grace and mercy and mighty healing hand on Chrissie when you petitioned Him to do so.
Before today's diagnoses, my sister had suggested that April 19 (marking the one month anniversary of Chrissie's admission to the hospital) be a day or intense prayer and fasting for Chrissie. I propose that we set aside this Monday, April 17, which will be Chrissie's 29th day in PICU at Methodist Children's Hospital. Would you consider making this a day of fasting and prayer for miraculous and total healing for Chrissie? Maybe we should claim it as another Miracle Monday or Mighty Monday or something like that. Why don't y'all leave me a comment to let me know what you want to call this Monday?
In the meantime, please be praying for Chrissie to survive yet another challenge. Satan is sure working hard to prevent this precious child of God from becoming a living testimony of God's miracles. But, Romans 8:28 reminds us of God's promise: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." God will use these challenges set before us for good. Thank you for praying!
To God be all the glory. He is mighty to save. Keep praying...

Keep fighting Chrissie!! I would like it to be called "Miracle Monday" because that is what Chrissie the Miracle Princess needs right now..a miracle!!! Praying for you Chrissie! With all my heart and soul.
Praying for Chrissie, that the Heparin thins the blood just enough to keep the clot from growing, but not enough to cause more issues with her lungs. Praying the vent settings to be adequate without being too much, praying for any infection to get knocked out, praying for a successful repair of the blockages on Monday. Miracle Monday sounds good to me, or Merciful, Miraculous Monday...something like that, it's all good, I'll be praying like mad for her then (and now). Praying Momma gets some much needed sleep. Praying for wisdom for the docs and all Glory to God.
I couldn't sleep tonight because Chrissie was on my heart. I got up to read your post and now I know why. I am praying through the night that God would work a miracle in your pretty girl's life! Jesus, please lay your healing hands on Chrissie and allow her body to work properly. Let your light shine through this ordeal! In Your Name, Amen!
I came across your blog a couple of days ago, and have been praying for Chrissie. I also have 2 children from Siberia (and one from Moscow Region) and I know how special they are! Count me in among those who are praying and fasting for Chrissie, with all my heart.
Continuing to lift Chrissie up to our Jehovah Rapha!
He is MIGHTY TO SAVE Zeph. 3:17.
2 Cor. 4:18 "We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
Praying in Alabama,
The Ferrill's
We'll be praying and fasting for you. Keep fighting girl.
No matter what you call it God will be in control. This will be a mountain moving Monday when God shows his mighty strength and determination. His plan may not be as we always like it but it is the mighty plan and there is no other like it. Chrissie has already been such a huge testament and yes you are right satan is trying to stop her but nothing can stop the power of our Lord and Savior so soon he will realize he is wasting his time. Keep fighting Chrissie people all over the country are praying for you. Your doing a great job strong and mighty princess.
Miracle Monday is the best idea because we are claiming a Miracle for Chrissie. I will cont to pray for her and believe the Lord is touching her and healing her. Lord Jesus, I pray that you heal Chrissie right now and that the clot would be dissolved in Jesus name. I pray Lord that YOU establish the Blood to flow to her lungs and that YOU would breath new life into her lungs. I thank you that you are healing her and that she IS healed in the name of Jesus. By your Stripes she has already been healed. YOU LORD are CHrissie's GREAT PHYSICIAN. Thank you for Healing CHrissie. IN JESUS NAME> AMEN.
Monday? Well, Mountain-MOVING Monday, of course!!! Praying for our sweet girl!
Nancy in CT
Praying, praying, Praying for another Miracle Monday for Chrissie. Keep fighting, sweetie. We keep praying for you!
This morning, just before I read this post, I too was led to the words of Romans 8:18. God connects us with one another in wonderful and mysterious ways. I believe that he is pulling us all together once again, in prayer for his Serbian Sensation, so that we might once again KNOW his miracles and his grace. All praise to him! We will witness another miracle on Miracle Monday! Amen!
I commit to pray and fast Monday. What about "My Master's Monday" in total dedication to HIM who holds Chrissie securely no matter what. :) Continue to read His Word over her, and we'll keep claiming those verses in faith. (((HUGS)))
The Swindler family will be praying on Miracle Monday...praying with GREAT expectation of another Mighty Miracle where this precious child is concerned!!!!
Lorraine, your strength is an amazing testament...I want to encourage you my friend!! God surely has his hands on this amazing child!! Watch and see what HE is able to do through her life!!!!
In HIS Mighty Grip!!!
The Swindler family
Father God we come to you again for healing prayers for Chrissie. Father God we ask that you BIND satan away from this child and cast him to the ends of the earth never to return. You ask that you protect this whole family. Father Chrissie's lungs are in some dire need of healing, we ask that you touch those artaries and heal them and let the blood flow where you have made it to flow. We ask that you staunch the bleeding in your childs lungs father. God you are so great and so kind and loving, your might and strength continue to amaze me beyond words, father I lift up my hands in prayer and praise to you, you are our Rock, our might tower, our savior you are KING. Thank you Jesusfor Loving Chrissie as much as you do!!
Praying for Sweet Chrissie!
Mighty to Save Monday!
Praying fervently and will definitely fast beginning at midnight Sunday through the day Monday.
Carrie and Rowan
Have been praying; will be praying for Miracle Monday's miracle. Come Lord Jesus and pluck this child from the grip of her 'broken heart'. Bind it up, Jesus. We praise Your Holy Name!!
I will be flying across the country tomorrow. I would love to take the time of what would usually be a very anxious hours for me(I hate flying) and lift Chrissie up to our Father. I have been reading your blog for a while now and have left one or two comments.
I just sent a comment, but I am not sure you got it. I will be praying for Chrisse tomorrow on my flight across the country. Flying is not my favorite activity, so I will look forward to trading in my anxiety for times spent in prayer. Thank you for this opportunity.
Mighty Mountains Have Moved Monday
Our Father in heaven is in the business of moving mountains! He is the Creator of heaven and of earth. He loves little Chrissie even more that you do...hard to imagine...huh?
Chrissie has been thru so much. It's time that we pray away this mountain that binds her and move full steam ahead to health and healing!
Come on Chrisse Girl...fight baby fight...and lets get past this ugly mountain and into the beautiful meadows where little girls dance and sing!
With Love and Prayers from St. Louis,
"I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20
Your daughter is in my daily prayers. Miracle Monday makes sense.
I'm still for Miracle Monday. Chrissie will continue to be placed at our Father's Throne.
My family is praying for yours & princess chrissie. It is amazing the things she has overcome & I know that she must be such a special little girl that G-D has a plan for her to spread a special message. Stay strong!
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