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I didn't mean to imply that I didn't want you all to comment on the last post. Sorry, I wasn't clear on my word choice there. I meant to convey that I would rather not hear people telling me what the hospital or staff should have done differently. What's done is done and I don't have the reasons, but God does. It may have been an urgent situation where they didn't have time to order and administer Lidocaine. It may have been that they thought she wouldn't need the extra local since she had morphine. I don't know the reasons, so I just wanted to avoid a lot of comments about what the doctor and nurse should have done differently. I treasure your comments, so please don't withhold your encouragement and love and cyber hugs! :-)
This message is sent to you via the blessing of Lorraine's cell phone. :-)
I'm grieving with you and for you, crying tears of joy and sorrow. Love you. Hang in there. Tamara
Not a private comment this time - sending hugs as well as the prayers your way. Did someone once say a hug is a prayer with arms? If not, they should. Wish my arms were long enough to give you and Chrissie both a hug-prayer. Somehow it can be easier to pray that way - at least for me as a mom; I sometimes specifically ask my teenage daughter to come sit on my lap or give me a hug, and almost always it's because there's a prayer I want to say which involves hugging at the same time (maybe for emphasis).
You are such an amazing person. Everytime I read one of your posts I am inspired more and more. I hope that one day I can become as thoughtful, patient, kind, caring, understanding, etc.. as you are. Chrissie is in our prayers all day long and we are all hoping for what is best for her in the long run. We have come to love her very much in our home and my kids ask about her all day long. Thank you for sharing her story with the world.
p.s. How are all of your other children doing?
My little one had open heart last summer and I remember standing there feeling helpless as one person retrained her and the other sutured her chest tube (she liked to pull them out - she had four at one point) She didn't scream or cry - just silent tears...they had reasons to do it the way they did it, but it didn't make it any easier to watch...hugs, hugs and more hugs,
Lorraine, I check multiple times/day for your updates and prayer requests. I'm praying for continued strength and peace for you (sleep, too!), and protection and healing for Chrissie.
You are an awesome advocate for your precious daughter, who is cradled in the loving arms of the greatest Advocate of all. May He continue to be glorified in every aspect of Chrissie's life and yours.
Thanks for sharing your Serbian Sensation with us and for giving us the opportunity to lift all of you in prayer. I love to see the Body of Christ in action through the wonders of modern technology!
Lori in MN
We love you and are praying for Chrissie and your family!
Hang in there sweetie! We have never met- but I have followed Chrissie's story faithfully every day. You are very strong and the day Chrissie wakes up - she will see your smiling face sitting next to you - and boy is that going to be a celebration like no other.
With love and prayer-
Heidi in ND
HUGS RIGHT NOW!!!!! Continually praying for the Princess! Knowing that our GOD is AMAZING!!!!
I will continue to pray for her, you and the staff. God is good. You are an awesome mom. Glory to God.
This song ("This is Where the Healing Begins") was playing in the background as I read your message about Chrissie's pain.
Tenth Avenue North
Healing Begins (lyrics)...
So you thought you had to keep this up
All the work that you do
So we think that you're good
And you can't believe it's not enough
All the walls you built up
Are just glass on the outside
So let 'em fall down
There's freedom waiting in the sound
When you let your walls fall to the ground
We're here now
This is where the healing begins, oh
This is where the healing starts
When you come to where you're broken within
The light meets the dark
The light meets the dark
Afraid to let your secrets out
Everything that you hide
Can come crashing through the door now
But too scared to face all your fear
So you hide but you find
That the shame won't disappear
So let it fall down
There's freedom waiting in the sound
When you let your walls fall to the ground
We're here now
We're here now, oh
This is where the healing begins, oh
This is where the healing starts
When you come to where you're broken within
The light meets the dark
The light meets the dark
Sparks will fly as grace collides
With the dark inside of us
So please don't fight
This coming light
Let this blood come cover us
His blood can cover us
This is where the healing begins, oh
This is where the healing starts
When you come to where you're broken within
The light meets the dark
The light meets the dark
(((hugs))) I know that Mama bear instinct well, and I feel for your helplessness. But don't forget that just your presence alone was a comfort to Chrissie, and I know she knew you were there and would help her if you could. Poor sweetie. Praying for her heart (not the physical one, although I'm praying for that, too!) I'm crying too, now. ;)
Our whole family is praying daily for Chrissie. I check for updates multiple time during the day. Hugs to you both!
I have been following your blog since Brent Riggs posted the link, and check it many times throughout the day, anxiously awaiting an updates.
The last post hit me that I needed to comment back to share my support. the Lord, Faith and trusting in HIM are gifts I treasure the most, not sure if anyone else thought about this when reading your last post but it reminded me of the Lord being pierced in the side on the cross. I understand of course the difference but your little girl seems to be held so tightly by our Mighty God, and it was almost a reminder that HE is there and helping Chrissie. Of course the Lord doesn't want any of us to be in pain or to cause us pain. But only HE knows the ultimate life we will all have and His plan for us.
My the Dear Lord Bless You and your family.
Many thoughts, prayers and love from St. Augustine, Florida!
God Bless,
Your absolute faith in our heavenly Father and extra special Mommy love for this precious little one has touched our lives deeply. We do serve an awesome God, mighty to save.He very specifically picked you as Chrissie's Mommy - He knew that you would fight this war with prayer. May you be filled with a peace and strength beyond human understanding. We pray for peaceful nights, healing sleep and miracle days.
(We live in Zimbabwe so our time frame is the same as Serbia, where I have a wonderful christian friend who has been Chrissie's prayer warrior on her journey home.)
Versfeld family
Hugs and prayers still flowing your way from New York!!!
Oh!!!!!! I am praying, there is nothing worse than not being able to comfort your child. I cannot imagine how it would feel to be in yoru shoes right now. I am praying for strength that will help you to rise up like eagles wings....
I too have stummbled upon your blog and read it daily. God Bless you and your Chrissie! You are an amazing mother and witness. Thank you for being the person that you are and sharing your trials and faith with us all!
-Blessings from MN
oh obviously I didn't get the idea you didn't want any comments. Now I feel insensitive or just someone who "speaks" what comes to mind. ;)
Oh my goodness Lorraine! That was SO HARD for me to read and I'm not even her mom!
I can't imagine having to sit there and watch, feeling helpless and your own heart twisting in pain for her.
Just can't imagine.
Praying for that sweet girl and her mama too!
I can't wait until she doesn't have to endure any of this anymore...
I'm checking in on Chrissie a few times a day. I cried over her horrible experience this morning with the sutures. You're doing an awesome job as a mother and a memory keeper for Chrissie. Still praying for all of you in Alabama.
I read your posts daily for specific prayer requests. Both you and Chrissie remain in my prayers. I think it is so amazing how God is giving you ALL that you need right now to get through this, sometimes only minute by minute. To Him be all the glory. He truly is all we need!
~Barbara in KY
continued prayers for you, for Chrissie and for your family.
I ache so much for you...your family...and especially for Chrissie. For a time the trials last, but there is always and end in site. May Chrissie be dancing out of the hospital soon. No meds, pain, only God's glory.....
Sending lots of hugs and prayers your way.
With love and prayer,
I have never commented before, and I am so sorry I have kept silent. My heart yearns to fly on over to be by your side and give you a huge hug.
When I served as a chaplain, I spent much of my time in the PICU. Having not been a mother yet, I cannot understand the pain and suffering you go through. Yet my heart does ache every time I watch or hear of a parent and child taking this journey.
Please know I am praying for you, your family, and all of the medical and support staff. May God continue to wrap His loving arms around you all and give you His peace.
I'm so sorry. Praying that God will draw you close and give you comfort in the way that you comforted Chrissie. Can't imagine the trauma. Love you! Trisha
Lorraine, You're so strong.... I'm so proud of you! Keep cheering Chrissie on, she's a winner in every sense of the world.....
Many continued prayers. I remember when my son had his open heart surgery. On day 2 post op he started to look away and look towards the ceiling. He was only 8 weeks old at the time. I thought he was having a seizure or something because he always had such great eye contact. I called the nurse in...she agreed it didn't seem right. They did a full neurological exam and the conclusion was NO seizure.....but rather it was pain. He was in pain and he only way to communicate was his he looked away. Thankfully I saw the sign and his pain meds were increased...and his eye contact came back. I will continue to pray for your Serbian Sensation.
It's been many hours since your last post and I hope you're getting some much needed sleep (because all is well with Chrissie).
I'm checking often and thinking of you even more than that.
Our Blog: Double Happiness!
Oh Lorraine I'm crying with you...sending ((hugs)) to you and sweet Chrissie all the way from Australia!!
Lorraine, I think that all mumma's of kids with this type of medical condition can understand your fears, frustrations and anger..I cried reading your posts today... personally I have been there many times and its SOOOO emotionally hard to stay strong and composed........I am sure that I would have done just as you did sometimes we have no choice in our kids care and although we like to think we do we don't....this stuff is so, so difficult. I am heart sick for you, I know your pain and aguish so much....I've not commented lately much and for that I am sorry...I have been holding my breath everytime I read the updates that come to me via email and facebook, I have been on my knees begging God to let her live and be a shining example of Gods Miracles for us all....I want you to know that I doubt Chrissie will remember this as a Isolated incident, she will remember parts of the ordeal I am sure but over all these kids, these beautiful precious Miracles fo God do not hold these memories I assure you, what they do remember is us being there, oozing our love for them, praying over them etc....YOU are beautiful and strong and GOD is proud of the amazing advocate and champion you are for all ophrans. God bless you and your ever softening heart for ophrans.
Hugs and Hugs kisses to Chrissie....My Gosh that girl has some fight and SHE WILL WIN this fight never doubt it.
Hugs Nicki and her Family including 2 CHD miracles,
QLD Australia.
While we do not have the same beliefs I am sure G-D put both u & Chrissie in this situation to show all those that check your blog multiple times a day what strength & belief looks like. I know, even though I don't know you personally, that you are strength beyond words & Chrissie is an amazing little Princess. I pray to all those that are listening to keep your family strong & to keep you in their hearts. May all your prayers be answered.
Praying for you. I felt so bad for Chrissie when I read about the procedure she had to go through this morning. Praying for your strength to endure that helpless feeling. I cant wait to read the post when you are able to pick your girl up and comfort & rock her.
While we do not have the same beliefs I am sure G-D put both u & Chrissie in this situation to show all those that check your blog multiple times a day what strength & belief looks like. I know, even though I don't know you personally, that you are strength beyond words & Chrissie is an amazing little Princess. I pray to all those that are listening to keep your family strong & to keep you in their hearts. May all your prayers be answered.
While we do not have the same beliefs I am sure G-D put both u & Chrissie in this situation to show all those that check your blog multiple times a day what strength & belief looks like. I know, even though I don't know you personally, that you are strength beyond words & Chrissie is an amazing little Princess. I pray to all those that are listening to keep your family strong & to keep you in their hearts. May all your prayers be answered.
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