I sudenly woke up and checked your blog. I am praying. Dear Lord, breath your life into Chrissie again. Heal her Lord Jesus. Disolve the clot in Jesus Name and stop the bleeding at its source. You are the Great Physician. I pray and ask that you would intervene for Chrissie right now. Give the doctors and nurses wisdom of what needs to be done for her. Fill the room wi yor presence and Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name Crissie has alreay beenhealed and made whole by your stripes. Amen
One Time Donation:
Donations to Boss Your Heart Orphan Ministries, a 501(c)3 non-profit, are tax-deductible. We care for orphans domestically and internationally, in memory of Chrissie, with a special emphasis on caring for orphans who have special needs. We also educate, equip, inspire, and encourage others to help care for orphans. We offer a unique domestic mission trip ranch opportunity by hosting families in our home (BYHOME) where they receive a first-hand learning experience on our ranch with our large adoptive family.
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These are our new sons! Click their picture to read the story of how God worked miracles to lead us to them while in Ukraine Dec. '11.
Sons of our Heart
These were our Summer '11 host boys who we planned to adopt. God brought us to Ukraine Dec. 2011 to adopt them, but turned the events to lead us to adopt 2 six-year-old boys with Down syndrome! Our host boys now live with their bio aunt, but they'll always be sons in our hearts.
Hi, I'm Lorraine. I'm just one member of Team Boss Your Heart, but I happen to be the one who keeps up with this little blog God started in December 2009. I'm mom to 13 (3 bio, 10 adopted, 1 in heaven), so I don't devote as much time to updating this blog much anymore--sorry! This is my online diary/scrapbook of sorts, a way to record this journey of large family--special needs--blessed by adoption--ranch living--Jesus loving life. Explore this blog (and BossYourHeart.com) to get to know us, as well as the ministry and testimony God has given us. It's not your typical family testimony, but it's the one He's written for us, and we wouldn't have it any other way.
Click the "E-Mail Me" icon to contact me. I read every email I receive, but many times, I am not able to respond due to time constraints. I apologize, but there aren't enough hours in the day for me to love on my hubby and kids and also answer emails. Thank you for understanding!
Often times, people ask us how to donate directly to our family, to help with medical expenses, etc. This donate button goes to our personal account where donations are NOT tax-deductible. Please know that we do not at all expect outside support, but we are grateful for your support. God has always abundantly provided for our family, and we thank you for your prayers and support.
Praying, Praying, Praying..........words escape me but know you are all loved and being lifted in prayers,
Hugs Nicki and Family
I sudenly woke up and checked your blog. I am praying. Dear Lord, breath your life into Chrissie again. Heal her Lord Jesus. Disolve the clot in Jesus Name and stop the bleeding at its source. You are the Great Physician. I pray and ask that you would intervene for Chrissie right now. Give the doctors and nurses wisdom of what needs to be done for her. Fill the room wi yor presence and Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name Crissie has alreay beenhealed and made whole by your stripes.
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