It's 1AM and we've hit Day 25 of Chrissie's stay at Methodist Children's Hospital. Day 24 was a good day for her with no bleeding. Praying Day 25 will be as well. The lung fluid culture ended up being negative for everything, which isn't very helpful. There's still infection in there, but because it didn't grow a specific bacteria, they're not able to tailor the antibiotic to kill it. Chrissie has been on a very powerful antibiotic since her open-heart surgery on the 19th, and I know they've got one more big gun reserved for her, but it's tricky because we don't want use the big gun only to discover that something else creeps in and is resistant to the big gun because we've used it for too long. Just praying for the infection to clear up, for Chrissie's lungs to heal completely so Chrissie can get off this ventilator and begin working her way toward going home.
To God be all the glory. He is mighty to save. Keep praying...
Press on. It's a long hard road. Praying that your strength will be renewed.
Dear Lorraine~
Isn't it wonderful to know that the Lord knows every single detail of Chrissie's life, right down to the cause of the infection, even if we don't. Celebrating with you in the wonder in awe of our precious Lord and SAVIOR.
Hang in there, Chrissy and family! Love from Norway.
Hey Lorraine~ I have a little one with heart issues and want to know more about your surgeon and cardiologist. Our daughter, Hope Hollis, has already had 3 open-heart surgeries. She now has an aneurysm within the walls of her heart that is increasing in size and changing shape. In addition, the patch that was placed in her heart through a Konno procedure 6 months ago is now bulging. We are in Nashville and have been patients of Vanderbilt Children's Hospital, but are considering taking Hope to another specialiast for an additional opinion if needed. I would appreciate any information you can provide. We just received this latest news on Tuesday, and our hearts are broken. Many prayers for your sweet girl....Melanie
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