I also want you to know what a HUGE difference your comments on the blog/facebook make!!! Every one of these comments gets emailed to my cell phone, which is with me at all times. My cell phone has been the vessel God has used to deliver your many encouraging messages of hope, Scripture, and peace that surpasses all understanding. Matt and I will just sit in our ocean of tears and scroll through the comments as God uses YOUR comments to wash us with peace. It's truly an amazing thing. I know to those who see us glued to my phone, it must look so shallow that I appear to be texted or surfing the web amidst a crisis with death, BUT it's the exact opposite. God is using my phone as a miraculous instrument of message delivery...from Him...through YOU!!! Now, that's some cell phone service, huh?!?
Being in an army requires training, diligence, and hard, hard work. It's always worth it to defend those you love, no matter the cost and sacrifice involved. Prayer requires much diligence and sacrifice. I'm lacking in that department right now, but God hears my moans and the Holy Spirit intercedes on my behalf to deliver my translated petitions to our Father, for which I am most grateful. But God hears YOUR cries without requiring a translator! He hears every moan, utterance, cry, scream, stutter, sob no matter how eloquent or how inept we may feel. He hears. He listens. He's so thrilled to hear your voice, no matter what type of noise it is, it's a joyful noise to Him.
My 10-year-old son, Sawyer, wrote on his artwork for Chrissie, "God shed His grace on thee...". We hadn't thought of that phrase as being applicable to a person really, as it was originally in reference to the United States of America. As I've thought about our prayer warriors lifting us up, I realize that God is shedding His grace on thee...we are the "thee", the recipient of His grace. One daughter, one family, in a WORLD that He shed His grace for. God's lifted up this army of prayer warriors so that He can shed His grace, and I am in total awe at how He's planned all of this. And oh how freely He sheds it. Praise God for His gift of Grace, His Son Jesus Christ. To God be ALL the glory for his marvelous design. God shed His grace on Chrissie when He brought her to America. God shed His grace on our family when He blessed us with His precious princess, Christyn Joy. God shed His grace on Chrissie...twice...as He restored her to life after she died twice.
May God shed His grace on thee...thee being YOU, no matter what country you live in, no matter what your past is, no matter how many mistakes you've made, no matter how far you've run from God, no matter how much you've pushed Him away, no matter how many people you've hurt, no matter how much you've been hurt, no matter how much you think He couldn't possibly love you. He does. He loves you more than you could possibly know. As much as you think He couldn't possibly love you, He loves you an unfathomable amount more. Immeasurably. That's why He sacrificed His One and Only Son...for YOU. And, believe me, I have a tiny idea of what it feels like to lose a child...and my child was returned to me. I can't imagine how God did this. God WANTS you to return to Him. He wants His sacrifice to be "worth it". God surely didn't want His Son's gift of eternal life to be rejected. He wants you to receive it. Jesus' life was precious to God. Jesus was His OnlySon. God gave you this gift because of His abundant love and amazing grace for YOU, no matter who you are or what you've done. Accept His gift. Rejoice in His mercies. Rest in His love. God shed His grace on thee...
November 12, 2009 (less than a month of Chrissie being home in Texas): Chrissie was SO excited to receive her US Certificate of Citizenship. She was all ready for bed, in her red cowgirl boots, when she popped out of bed and asked me to take a picture of her holding her certificate. Little did I know that God would use this photo on this blog as He asks you to accept His certificate to Heaven, a much more important certificate which can be obtained with a lot less work and money than a US Certificate of Citzenship! God's citizenship certificate is FREE, and you don't even have to apply! Jesus paid the ransom for your certificate. All you have to do is accept God's gift of His Son Jesus Christ, who died for you. Tell God you believe in His Son, thank Him for His gift, ask Him to be the Authority of you life, then ask Him to shed His grace on thee. Your life will never be the same, and one day you'll meet our Texas Cowgirl in Heaven, holding her Heavenly Certificate of Citizenship!!!
Lorraine & Matt,
Know that you are being prayed for from Iowa! Your precious Chrissie, and wonderful family will be added to our prayer list at church in the morning. God bless your ministry even through this difficult time. You may never know here on earth how many lives your story has touched or how many people have prayed for your family and your little Chrissie, but someday we will all meet together and you will. God bless you!!! Much love, Mel D (RR)
Jesus, giver of true rest and complete healing, breathe your life giving breath into Chrissie's heart tonight, tomorrow. Let this time of rest for her heart be productive. During this time, embrace Chrissie's body, keeping her warm by your Spirit, keeping her calm by the blanket of your glory, keeping her strong by the might of your powerful right hand, keeping her free of infection by the skilled work of the Great Physician, keeping her comforted by your singing over her, keeping her confident by your perfect love that casts out fear, keeping her filled with hope by the knowledge that you delight in her. And while you cover Chrissie, cover, too, her parents and siblings. Fill them with your strength that they may climb the mountains and scale any wall, fill them with strength of knowledge in how to pray so they may stand strong in the gap for Chrissie against all the powers of darkness and death, fill them with hope that leads to faithful prayers. Fill them with peace that no one can understand. Fill them with your Spirit that walks with, let them clearly hear your voice. For you are the one who sees and hears and answers. You are a good God, with a good plan, who put Chrissie's story in motion before the foundations of the world were laid.
All we need, it is found in the Lord.
Perfect peace, and the King is the source.
In our trials and tribulations there's no need for desperation.
We will trust in the Lord.
Our God will deliver us.
Our God will deliver us
In His faithfulness
Will deliver us
We will trust!
We will call on the name of the Lord
Standing firm in the truth of the Word
For Hos glorious appearing
It is closer it is nearing
We will trust in the Lord
Our God will deliver us
Our God will deliver us
In His faithfulness
Will deliver us
We will trust!
Our God can be counted on
Our God can be counted on.
Yes the mighty One,
Can be counted on
We will trust!
Those are the lyrics from the song that I told you to listen to on our CD the day I met you at the HCRM meeting. Remember I told you that I thought God put it on my heart to tell you that that was a song for your family. That was before all this happened, but God was preparing you even then. Blessings, Cindy Foote
Love it!
What a precious girl your Chrissie is!
Praying over her now before I go to bed!
Love and blessings,
Prayers being said for your entire family and for sweet Chrissie right now!
You don't know me but I'm posting your updates on my Facebook wall. So even more people that you don't know are praying for your beautiful angel and the rest of your family. And we will keep praying! May you have a restful night!
Lorraine, Please know that I am praying just about constantly for Chrissie. Washing dishes, cooking, gardening, playing with my children...I've been keeping Chrissie's face in my mind and praying for God's angels to surround her and protect her and for you and your husband to have that peace that passes all understanding. I have a 4 year old son, David. When Chrissie is better, I hope that David and Chrissie can play together, and I'd love to meet you and your family! We live in Plum Creek in Kyle (I've gone to HHBC MOPS and WBS). Thank you for sharing your life with us! I am amazed at how well spoken you are through such a trying time. Please know that I will continue to pray for you. Much love and blessing, Brenna Kadjar brennatroyan@yahoo.com
Awesome witnessing. You guys are amazing!
Sophie just ran in here as I was reading your update and said, "Mama, how are Chrissie and Abby doing?" So we looked at the pictures, as I told her (in five year-old terminology) what was going on right now with her two little blog buddies.
On bended knee of behalf of your sweetie.
I am amazed at the strength you and your family have, especially little Chrissie!! From reading your blog I can see the Lord working through your family for His Kingdom! I am praying every day for your lovely daughter to continue improving, and for all the doctors and nurses caring for her, and for your family's continued strength! Keep up the fight little Chrissie!! May God be with you...
~I just read a portion of your message to my two oldest (15 and 14 year olds)... to remind them as they struggle in their quest to find out who they are and make mistakes that their God, OUR God loves them. How cool of you!To give ME an opportunity to minister to them as I share your story, to remind them how we felt so helpless as THEIR brother lie in the hospital. So beautiful is the body of Christ, the hands that serve, the words that give hope, the arms that show love.
What gifts of faith you are. Thank you. Maryann Foster
Dear Lorraine and Matt,
I am absolutely in awe of how God is using your precious Chrissie--and your entire family to glorify Him and to bring us closer to Him!
Please don't worry that folks will think you are shallow for sending out updates--we KNOW these updates of yours are serving a Heavenly purpose on behalf of Chrissie--and those whose lives she has touched.
It brought me to tears just now reading your latest post--that you would think about OTHERS salvation, that you would seek to reassure OTHERS that God loves THEM--in the midst of ALL that YOU GUYS are going through as you wait for your Chrissie to be healed!
I wish I could give something back...but I am reminded that God is using even insignificant me. And that to HIM, I am NOT insignificant. THANK YOU for that reminder. Love you guys even though I don't personally know you. You are constantly in my prayers--especially your sweet princess. That photo of her just takes my breath away. I long to see a photo of her upright and smiling, dancing even, with her HEALED heart for God's glory! Lori
We certainly have not forgotten you guys. In fact as I feel a little guilty about just going on about our every day life, I need you to know that the Spirit is stirring you in my heart constantly. Especially as I wake at night and the house is still (except for Mr. Joshua wanting to nurse!) I think of you all... each one of your faces, and lift you up to the Father. Of course my thoughts usually are on Chrissie and you Lorraine (the attachment of mother-hearts) but please know we're praying for all of you. My big kids (especially my Tay) have prayed and prayed for your kiddos at home - that God would bless them with peace and even joy. We love, love, love you! Be encouraged and press on in your faith! :)
I found your blog through a friend and just wanted to let you know we are praying for your beautiful daughter and your family.
God bless
What a wise, Christ-filled boy your Sawyer is! Still on my knees (along with my hubby and kids) for your beautiful daughter and sweet family. Please, know that we lift all of you up over and over and over every day. Praying, too, that Satan isn't powerless against HIS army protecting each of you!
Amazed by HIS grace,
PS- A smile spread across my face as I saw that cute little red boot peaking out from under the sheet.:)
Still praying for Chrissie, I think about her all day long.
I hope you don't mind that I posted some pictures of her on my blog with a plea for prayer.
Her smile just touched my heart, and if people can see her and that beautiful smile, they are more likely to keep her in their minds, and PRAY.
I read your posts and I wonder how many lives you are touching with your faith. You carry yourself with such grace, while you go through the unthinkable. Peace and love to the entire family.
Just wanted you to know that we are still here praying... every single Block- from the tallest to the smallest on our knees. We love you guys. Love you Chrissie!!!! Keep fighting!!!
I have been praying for you and your family since I came across your blog on a friend's facebook page. Tomorrow morning you will be prayed for by our entire community, Riverside Community Church. Thank you for your diligence in updating your blog, thank you for never loosing site of the divine nature of God's plan, thank you for being an encouragement even in the midst of this trial, God is blessed by you and Matt, by your children, by your friends. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord shine His face upon you and be gracious unto you. May the Lord lift up his countenance toward you and give you his Shalom.
Your words are beautiful. Your faith is amazing. I am simply speechless at how God is using YOU, a mother in crisis, to reach out to others. We have been praying for Chrissie. And are also avid K-love listeners. Whenever I pray for you, Steven Curtis Chapman's song "Out of the Ashes" pops into my mind. He sings, "Out of the Ashes, Beauty will rise, We will dance among the ruins..." I pray you will hear his words and be blessed.
Hold you up in prayer
A mother and sister in Christ--
Hi there, I'm 13 and just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you guys! I know that so many people have been telling you they are praying for y'all, but I just thought I'd tell you too. One more prayer warrior in the army! :) Chrissie is so adorable, it looks like she is always smiling! If you don't mind, do you think you could send up a quick prayer for my family? We are in the process of adopting a little girl with Down syndrome from eastern Europe. With everything going on over there right now, I am so worried that something will happen that will prevent us from being able to get to Carli (the little girl we are adopting) and she will end up being sent to an institution. Even though on paper she is not my sister yet, in my heart she is, and I can't imagine having to leave her over there. Like I said, I am praying for you guys and your Serbia Sensation every time I think of y'all (which is very often)! :) Don't give up hope, and don't forget that you have a whole army behind you, praying with and for you. I wish I was there so I could give you a hug, so I'll just do it on here. (((hug))) =) If you ever need someone to talk to or something, feel free to email me any time at ashbuggins@yahoo.com. Just please don't give my email to anyone else. :) Keep fighting Chrissie!
P.S. And if you don't mind, I'd rather not have this comment posted. Thank you!
Hi Lorraine,
I just wanted to let you know I have been praying for Chrissie ever since I heard the news about her heart stopping the first time. I know it is hard to see her body in the state it is in; but every time I see the pictures you post of her I am reminded that while her body may be struggling, her soul is strong and safe with God, and does not suffer. I thank you and Chrissie for your inspiration. It seems whatever miracles are still to come, so many have already happened, and I am grateful to be a witness and play whatever part I can with prayer.
Many blessings
Praying that God would continue to use your family and Chrissie's story to bring many hearts back to Him.
Praying that God would continue to sustain your family moment by moment and that the hearts of Chrissie's prayer family would stay tuned to God.
A word from my devotions: "Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare of the LORD: He alone is my refuge and place of safety; He is my God and I am trusting Him.".."The LORD says, 'I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue them and honor them. I will satisfy them with a long life and give them my salvation.'" Psalm 91:1-2, 14-16.
And from the Brooklyn Tabernacle facebook page: Read Psalm 46:5b. "God often answers after a dark night of waiting. Keep believing today for God is faithful." (Pastor Jim Cymbala)
Love and hugs and prayers,
I wanted you to know that prayers are being lifted for you in PA. I first heard about Chrissie's surgery from my friend, Robin's blog (Red Thread Stitches in Missouri). We are both mothers by birth and adoption as well.
This week in our women's Bible study at my church we are learning about the Hebrew name for God, Yahweh Tsuri - God is our Rock - and I've been reading Psalm 62 over and over again.
I now pray this chapter for you:
Let Lorraine find rest in God alone...Show her you are her fortress....help her not to be shaken in spite of what she sees in front of her...You are her refugee...help Lorriane to trust in you at all times and pour out her heart to you...We know this to be true - that You are both strong and loving, O Lord. Please provide the presence, power, protection and peace that she needs for today - the peace that only You can provide.
In Your name, Yahweh Tsuri...
Jennifer in PA
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