...Christyn Joy
Do you remember what the name Christyn Joy means?
...“Christyn Joy”: One who holds Christ in her heart; pleasure, joyful in the Lord, being wished a happy life.
I didn't choose this name. God did. He is showing His significance in the selection of this name.
Do you know what Dr. Porisch just brought me?
...a photo of Chrissie's heart.
Do you know what is in the center of Chrissie's heart in the photo?
Are you blown away? I am. I wish I had a scanner to scan this photo and post it, but I don't have a portable scanner that I just happened to take to the hospital! :-)
It may be scientific fact that all hearts have a cross in the center of them, I don't know. I didn't know that Chrissie's heart would have a literal cross in the center of it when God asked me to name Chrissie with a name that means "one who holds Christ in her heart". I didn't know Chrissie would die and God would bring her back to life. I didn't know Dr. Porisch would bring me this photo and specifically point the cross out to me with joy and spark in her eyes.
I didn't know that God had more of a significance to the middle name Joy either. The whole part that says "being wished a happy life"...never really thought too much about that simply because "Joy" describes Chrissie perfectly. The name was such a perfect fit because Chrissie is a picture of joy, regardless of her circumstances. Chrissie brings joy to all she meets. But, I believe God gave her the middle name of "Joy" because He knew this day would come, and He would need to give us a reminder that He is wishing her a happy life, which means an abundant life in a Christian's world. A happy life for a Christian is not about obtaining "stuff", it's about obtaining Christ.
And, guess what?
Chrissie holds Christ in her heart!!!
Joy oh joy, faith and hope are restored.
Thank you, God, for continuing to remind us of Your chosen path for our precious miracle girl who will one day walk out of this hospital radiating Your truth and joy, a walking testimony of Your miracles that are alive and active today. You are our Jehovah Rapha; our healing God. We love you, God, and we thank you for breathing life into our precious daughter. She is precious in our sight, and we know she's precious in Your sight. Thank you, Jesus, for Your gift of life. Everlasting life. Eternal life. Abundant life. We praise You and give You all glory, Father!
PS Ever heard of laminin? (Thanks, Tamara, for reminding me of that treasure you shared with us a while back.) Laminin is the glue that holds our bodies together, literally. It is a protein that links our cells together, and if we didn't have laminin, ouries would literally fall apart. And can you guess what shape this protein/glue is?!? You got it...
We are literally held together by THE CROSS!
Colossians 1:15-17 (Chapter heading: The Supremacy of Christ"): "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together."
Now, watch Louie Giglio's video about laminin and be blessed:

whoa. that's all I can say.
We dont know you but are lifting up your sweet baby in prayer tonight. We are a believing family who has seen God work miracles in the lives of those we love. May you be strengthened in the knowledge that God's love is surrounding you and that he has gone before you in this trial.
Blessings to you and Blessed be his name.
The Kulp Family
Just stopped by from Tanya's blog. God Bless you and your sweet little girl. I'll be praying for her and for you!
How He loves us...Thank you Father for showing Lorraine this picture of her daughter's heart...for restoring HOPE and JOY!
We cannot wait to watch You at work as Your perfect plans for this tiny treasure come to fruition!!
While she sleeps Lord, please let her see You. Send her angels to minister to her until she is ready to open her eyes to her family!
Oh Lorainne.. I have cried all day today and yesterday. I am praying all so hard for little Chrissie. Remember when I told you we were looking for a girl to adopt? Well a couple of weeks ago we were showed a photo of two little girls. One of them name Christiana, we are going call her Chrissie after your little Chrissie. The second little girl her name Marya We are going call her Avaih-Marie. I pray I am as strong of a mother that you have been with Little Chrissie. I send my prayers to night and ask God to bless her. My birthday is on Mother's Day and I ask that my gift be Chrissie Good Health and to recoever quickly.. God Bless Love Gary, Denise & Kiddos
I linked to one of your recent posts about Chrissie on my blog today- www.purposedrivenfamily.blogspot.com
God will raise up an ARMY of prayer warriors for your precious princess!
I am praying for Chrissie. I am a visitor to Abby's blog and read about your daughter. You have been through a horrendous day and I will pray for all of you.please God hear our prayers for Chrissie Joy!!!!
Kathie in NY
Praying for dear sweeet Chrissie and you all . . . she's captured my heart ever since I first saw her shy, sweet smile on Reece's Rainbow.
Praise God for his miraculous attention to detail! I love, love, LOVE what he has shown you today!!! Thank you for sharing it with us. - Julie
I am praying for your sweet Chrissie. I heard about your family via Abby Riggs blog. Chrissie will remain in my prayers for complete healing, always. Love, Sharon.
I found your story through Tanya at Acorns & Cherry Blossoms.
Praying for you and your family!!!
Blessings, Ashley
I just found your blog. I am praying for you, your family, and your sweet, precious Girl. God will hold her in his hands. He will not let go of her. He will not fail her. He will wrap his arms around her and hold her tight.
Amy, mama to a heart baby
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful post on your Christyn Joy, what a precious child God has blessed you with. It sounds like she brings a smile and the love of Christ to so many, I will be praying for her.
PRAISING GOD FOR JOY - a reminder that YES she is full of HIM- Carrying HIM in her- literally and spiritually! PRAYING FOR YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wanted to say that I will pray. My baby was in the PICU last year at this time also on life support. God healed her. I'm so encouraged by your posts, it's never easy, but God is always good...keep on
Praying Luke 8:50 over you.
AMAZING word!!
Thanking God for the power of the Cross to redeem us and keep us together.
Love and hugs and prayers,
Thank you for sharing..... I love how you and your beloved daughter are glorifying God even in the storm...
Will be praying for you all and to God be the glory!
God's Healing,
Just read about your sweet little one on another blog. Your family is in our prayers.
Prayers are continued for your little girl - she is so very precious and your hearts and love are so touched by His grace, love and mercy. Little ones like your Christyn Joy and Little Abby puts my day into perspective. When something seems overwhelming mentally or physically I offer it up on their behalf and realize they endure much more (and you too). God Bless your moments.
lifting up your sweet daughter this evening.
Coming over from Brent's (Linky Tools) and praying for your family.
Praising God for His Miracle. And praying for your sweet daughter's time of healing.
Oh my goodness, I just found you blog! Wow--THE HEALER!!!!!! Awesome and amazing God of wonders. I am speechless.
KNow that I am praying here in the Ukraine--for a FULL RECOVERY, in the name of Jesus.
I am visiting from Holly's blog and saw her prayer request for your sweet girl. I am on my knees tonight for your precious daughter. I am in awe of how God displays his love for us in the middle of a most difficult time. Seeing your daughters heart with the cross in it is such a gift from God!!!! I will continue to lift Christyn Joy up in prayer along with her family and medical staff caring for her.
I wrote a post and asked my Bloggy Friends to pray for you tonight.
Lifting you up to Our Father in heaven.
Praying for a MIRACLE from the LORD.
Praying ...
God bless, Lisa C.
Psalm 135, Psalm 136, Psalm 121
Praise the Lord!
Praise the name of the Lord!
Give thanks to the Lord,
for He is good;
for His lovingkindness is everlasting.
...help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.
He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps [you] will neither slumber nor sleep.
Andrea, 5-6am, Wed, Apr 21, 2010
I am praying for Chrissie! I've been checking in as much as possible with the time difference. Sending many prayers up from Bulgaria on Chrissie's behalf!!!!
That is such a beautiful thing! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
-Heather Bonham
Lorraine, I am visiting by way of my friend Holly. Praying for YOU and your sweet family.
A CROSS! Oh, how that is so filled with joy! I pray today will be a VERY GOOD day.
Joining you in this new wonder and amazement of our God! We are still interceding, believing in faith, that Chrissie's going to be recovering in record time!
Love and peace to you, Matt, and the big kids at home!
Just found your blog via the Riggs family. I wanted you to know tat I'm praying for your sweet girl and her heart.
amazing and uplifting...
So awesome how the Lord knows exactly what we need to comfort our hearts and to draw us closer to Him. Thank you for sharing this amazing discovery! We are praying for your little girl.
I've seen this before and it's AMAZING! God is so connected to us in obvious and not so obvious ways. I praise Him for what he's doing in your little girl's body right now and am liftig her up in prayer for healing for her earthly body.
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