The tricky thing is that if the heart doesn't begin to pump and beat properly within the next 3 days, there's nothing that any human or machine can do to teach it what to do. They've already done everything they can to try to "teach" it, but the heart just isn't responding well. It's time to give the heart a break, and simply let it rest. This isn't ideal by any means, but we're still hopeful. Chrissie's heart
We're praying that once the heart has been able to rest (meaning the machine is doing ALL of the work for her), that her heart will have taken a good, long, much-needed nap and then return to operating properly in all capacities.
They're going to do a bronchial scope to check out her lungs and view with a camera what's going on inside of them. That will happen in a few minutes. Just had to sign off on all of the risks of that procedure.
It always touches us deeply when Dr. Porisch (our God-sent cardiologist) cries. She just did that again. She had to step out of the cath lab (where she was in a procedure) to compose herself earlier while Chrissie was dying, and Dr. Porisch couldn't be here with her. We are so deeply touched by her love for our daughter. We have absolutely no doubt that Chrissie is in the BEST hands ever, both our loving God and our loving doctors that He called to be her angels here on earth.
Here are some things that Dr. Porisch mentioned as specific prayer requests:
- That Chrissie's heart would learn how to beat and pump the way God intended a healthy heart to function. The top chamber is not synchronized with the bottom...the top should beat/pump before the bottom, and that's just not happening, which means everything else won't work (proper blood flow, oxygenation, removing carbon dioxide, etc.) They placed pacemaker leads onto the top chambers today, but it didn't work to get it synchronized (and neither are the medications that they use to help it), so it's gotta be all God now.
- That Chrissie would be guarded from infection. Since she had chest compressions for an hour, along with a multitude of tubes, hands, etc. all being shoved in and out of her, the risk of infection is now even greater. Her chest is still open, which means infection risk is extremely high.
- That Chrissie's lungs would work and her entire pulmonary system would operate beautifully. Again, this is all in God's hands. We're asking you to petition Him for our daughter's sake so His glory, power and might would be made famous to the ends of the earth.
Regardless of where Chrissie goes when she leaves this hospital (to our home and family or to her Heavenly Home and Family), we know she will be healed and able to sing and dance and swim and play without tiring either place. We know that we'll see her again, no matter which home she goes to. That is the hope we have in Jesus Christ. He is the One and Only who assures us of this eternal truth. If you have not accepted Christ as your One and Only Savior, I pray that Chrissie's life, regardless of the outcome, will be a testimony that speaks directly to your heart to bring you into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We want ALL those who have prayed for Chrissie and who have been touched by her life to one day be able to hold her hand in Heaven and dance with our princess. She will give you a smile that will light up your heart like no one else on this earth could ever do.
Remember our daughter's name: Christyn Joy. She holds Christ in her heart and she has the joy and eternal life of our Savior in her heart. May her smile, her face, her life, and her name be forever imprinted on your heart. I pray she changes your life forever, eternally, no matter what the outcome.
She's done that for us. She's our miracle. Our precious angel. Christyn Joy Patterson. A girl with a personality, a hope, a joy, and a miracle like no other.
Chrissie holding her new pink heart earrings, the night before her open-heart surgery.
Chrissie lovin' on her daddy. She has another Daddy in Heaven who loves her even more than we do. I pray we'll be blessed to continue in the privilege of loving Chrissie here on earth, but I trust our Father's plan, whatever the outcome. Love never fails. His love, that is.
Chrissie with her family, the night before surgery. We had a royal ball princess party for our special girl the night before her operation. She was SOOOOO excited. If God chooses to bless us with the privilege of bringing our princess back to our home, we'll throw a massive party to celebrate her miraculous life. If God takes her to His Home, she'll be the center of the grandest royal ball that we cannot even fathom. Either way, it's a party to rejoice over.

Still praying...may God's perfect Will be done. While we wait, he is holding her in his arms.
My father, after serious open-heart surgery, had the same problem with the upper and lower parts of his heart not beating in sync. It was scary for a while, but Thank God, he is with us today!
Lorraine, I know you don't have much time to read comments today, but I had to say that your faith, your courage, your total trust in the Lord bears such an awesome testimony to His grace.
I am thankful for your example as my family begins our journey of obedience to adopt our baby J. We are praying for sweet Chrissie, and for your precious family.
Lorraine. I am speechless.
Praising God for your faith and the ROCK that we have to cling to.
Be glorified oh Lord.
And be near Chrissie and her family as they wait on You.
I've been glued to your blog all day... Crying, praying, and crying and praying more. I pray that God will heal her here on Earth for His glory. And I pray that I will have half the faith that you and your family have if I'm ever in a situation like this. I can't imagine what you're going through but you are so strong and positive. That can only come from a strong relationshio with the Heavenly Father. You have been an inspiration to me. Chrissie has been. Your story has brought glory to God for sure. He is so proud of you and your family. Until next time, Merany
Beautiful post. Praying specifically for all those things that are needed. Our God will heal her.
I've been following your blog since it was posted on Reece's Rainbow Yahoo group. (We're adopting from Ukraine in a few short weeks.) I am utterly in awe of how you are allowing God to minister to all of you AND to the rest of us in this very, very sad situation. Our tears are for us here on earth, but like you said, if God brings Chrissie home, she'll be having the greatest princess party ever!!!
Praying for your entire family!
Oh, hunny! I just linked to your blog and I must say my heart aches for your whole family. I don't know what elso to say other than leave her in God's capable hands. Such a precious little soul!!
Your family is a testimony to the strength that comes through a saving relationship with Christ. May Chrissie's life draw others to Christ and may you be strengthened and comforted by the Holy Spirit during this time of waiting. God bless you and I will be praying for you and for Chrissie.
Chrissie has captured the hearts of thousands. What a gift she is to us all. We will continue to pray for her healing and for every member of your family.
You are amazing. Thank you for keeping everyone updated during this HARD time. Many, many prayers are sent to her (and the family).
I love you. Thank you for all of the Poohs.
I pray that God will make Chrissie better. I hope her get to feel better.
Abby Riggs
I prayed for your adorable little girl, God bless you!
Your fait in our Heavenly Father is beautiful. I too am praying and will continue to pray. You did save her life and one way or another our Father in Heaven will also have saved her life! Bless you for believing when things are not as we would wish. You are blessing so many others right now. Thank you!
Dear Lord in Heaven, please if it be your will heal Chrissy's heart, mind and body. Heal her and bring her dancing down the hospital hall. Give the doctors wisdom, patience and strength. Hold Chrissy and her family in Your hands so they may find peace in you! Thank you for hearing our prayers. In Jesus name I pray, Amen
FATHER GOD today we come together and commit Chrissie to YOU... FATHER we ask in YOUR mighty name to grant Chrissie a strong heart and a sound mind in JESUS' name...Nonetheless we say FATHER GOD YOUR will be done in her life on earth as it is in HEAVEN...
FATHER GOD we also lift up Chrissie's family to you this day and ask that YOU would give them Peace that supasses all human understanding and that they would TRUST YOU and YOUR perfect will for Chrissie... We love YOU LORD and we give thanks today for YOU and for Chrissie, the physicians and nurses in charge, and her family...FATHER I thank YOU even for YOUR angels in charge of JESUS' name amen
We're continuing to pray. I am in awe of your attitude during this most difficult time. I hope and pray that we see many more photos of Chrissie smiling and being a princess as she grows and thrives with your family. Please know that Chrissie is in our thoughts and prayers.
Prayers from Sweden!
God bless you
Your amazing love and complete faith in our Lord is such a beautiful testimony. My prayers continue for your beautiful princess...God's beautiful princess.
I have a child with a congenital heart defect so I am so feeling your pain and anguish and I will be in prayer for your beautiful little girl from this point forward.
Debra Masters
Thank you for sharing your beautiful daughter with us. Your faith is so strong and though you are tested you never waiver. I want so badly for her to be healed.
Crying and praying.
I have been praying for your family since I first heard about Chrissie's surgery two days ago. We serve a mighty God. Our whole family has been praying for your precious girl. Praying that God will continue to give you strength as you go through this. Your faith is such a testimony to all who read what you have shared.
I just love the last pic of all of you. What an awesome idea to do the ball the night before.
Still praying and checking for updates always.
I encourage you to hold fast to the confession of your faith — without wavering, for the Lord who promised you is faithful to perform what He promised.
Hebrews 10:23
Patterson family,
Praying for you and in awe of the strength of faith that is revealed in your words.
Continuing to pray for Chrissie's healing. Although we would desire a long healthy and abundant life on earth for her, we can rejoice in whatever God's good plans are for her. Praying that God would cover you with His love and grace and peace and that you and the medical team would have God's heart of counsel for every decision.
"The LORD will accomplish all that concerns me. Your lovingkindness o LORD is everlasting."
Love and hgugs and prayers,
There are tears in my eyes as I read your words and look at that beautiful, sweet, happy face ... you are in my prayers.
Lorraine, your family's faith is such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing all of this with us--the love of God, the POWER of God, and your beautiful family among other things.
I have not prayed so diligently in a very long time--and it is such a blessing to see soooo many people from all over the world (and I'm sure I have NO IDEA of JUST how many!) praying for precious Chrissie and your family!
I pray Lord that You will restore Chrissie's heart to beating as it was created to beat --once it "rests." I pray that her oxygen will be at optimum levels, and the carbon dioxide will go down to 30 or below. Lord, I humbly ask that you heal Chrissie's heart and lungs, restore her body if that be in YOUR divine will, because she surely has done and would continue to do a lot of good down here on Earth in Your Name, Dear Lord, O Great Physician! And to YOU we give ALL the Glory, In Jesus name, Amen!
Lorraine, thanks so much for sharing those photos. I can't IMAGINE what you and your husband and the older kids must have been feeling as those were taken and even now. But God knows! And Chrissie's smile--that precious precious angel girl. What a beautiful face He shines upon!
Sending prayers from TN for your sweet baby girl!!
I have prayed for you all, all day. Your Chrissie is a special girl like my Annabelle, adopted from China in 2005 - she's 6. I can see it in her eyes. She has the same sparkle. I am continuing to hold her up in prayer and wishing I could do more.
-- Shelli in NC
my name is gabby and i just wanted to say the story of your daughter has touched my heart very deeply. i am 18 years old and i have never felt so strongly for a family that i do not even know. the story of you precious daughter is extremely moving, i hope my prayers as well as the prayers of a lot of my fellow class mates help God listen and heal Chrissie. God is powerful and will reflect His power on your family. Bless your hearts and your daughter's. I hope to read with in the next few days that you beautiful daughter has made a full recovery.
Praying for all of you!!
THis is the most precious post. The pictures are beautiful. The story is amazing and we are praying. May God continue to be glorified through the story/life of this precious one. Praying Praying Praying for her to LIVE!
Praying for your sweet child!!
i just came across your blog today, and I just wanted to let you know that I am praying...
I've been following your blog all day long - not sure how I even was directed here, but it was certainly by a person concerned for your beautiful daughter and her surgery.
I am in awe of how you have chosen to respond to the situation you have found yourself in and love how you have articulated the joy that is found in simply obeying God, not expecting your desired outcome from doing so.
I pray that your daughter will have a chance to come home and spend time with her heavenly family, but the alternative is wonderful and exciting as well.
God bless you as you continue to stand in His presence and give him the glory of Christyn Joy's life!
Now...get some sleep, you've had a LONG day!
I simply cannot find the words....
Your family is a beautiful reflection of Jesus and oh, how you are glorifying Him..... just as it should be.... "Well Done..."
Praying for a miracle........
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