Oh how we long to hear those words again from Chrissie, and oh how I'd give anything to feel my neck constricted by the loveliest Boa Constrictor the world could ever meet!
Chrissie's typical "constrictor" hug...oh how good it feels to be loved so much!!! Notice the detail of her fingers...she is squeezing with all her might, which is what she did in all of her "This is My Mommy and My Daddy" photos! I sure hope to have another one of these shots when Chrissie leaves this hospital!!!
We absolutely know that with God, all things are possible, but it's really hard not to know His will. Yet, that's the very thing that builds faith...believing and trusting in God's sovereignty regardless of the earthly outcome. We've never been in this position. Sure, it's easy to have God build our faith when it comes to such simple things like what job He wants us to have, where He wants us to live, etc., but when it comes to God building our faith through the life of our precious child, as we wait on the edge of our seats every second, waiting to see if she's going to code (die!) it's hard, really, really hard. Yet God has given us a peace that surpasses all understanding in all of this. I know that is because of the prayers being lifted to His throne on our behalf. We could never have this peace without Him and His outpouring of peace and grace upon our entire bodies, from head to toe. Every once in a while, I feel kind of a panick-attack type of feeling where I think I just can't go on, and then God washes me with a Calgon bath of peace that truly surpasses all understanding.
Matt said yesterday, "You know, you just really haven't experienced life until you see chest compressions being administered to your lifeless child while blood pours out of her mouth."
I cannot even begin to describe what that felt like. This occured around 8AM Thursday morning, 4/22, during a time when many of our prayer warriors were occupied with getting kids off to school, getting to work themselves (or sleeping in other countries!), and we felt that our prayer coverage had dropped. We were falling apart as we sat motionless in the same PICU room as our daughter who was dead as we drowned in a sea of tears (and the massive amount of life-saving equipment and staff surrounding our precious baby girl who slipped from our presence in a matter of minutes)...again. As soon as I was able to update our prayer warriors via the blog about Chrissie's sudden death and a shout out for prayers for revival, we suddenly were washed with that peace bath that only comes from Him. All of a sudden, Matt and I simultaneously stopped crying and sat there kind of feeling numb. We had to wait a full hour before they were able to revive our daughter, yet it truly only felt like about 15-20 minutes. That was God. All God. He had given us a grace and peace that we've never felt before. It's not something that can really be explained; it has to be experienced. Some of you have already felt this, and I, too, thought I'd experienced this type of peace during other times of trial in our lives, but those pale in comparison to what we've experienced as thousands of you have petitioned our Abba Father on our behalf.
I tell you this to ask you to keep praying around the clock for Chrissie and our family. It seems that the world likes drama (which is why the news reports the "bad" stuff instead of the good stuff), and God has used our reality drama blog to raise up a mighty army of prayer warriors. Since Chrissie's been on the ECMO machine (and hence, less "drama"on the blog and in Chrissie's life due to the stability of the most advanced life support equipment out there!), I've felt the prayer coverage decrease, so I beg you to stay on your knees on behalf of our precious princess and our family. (We've seen the # of hits on our blog go up to over 30,000 in one day of drama only to find it drop to 12,000 on the day following Chrissie's hour long battle with death.) We need you now more than ever, no matter how much or how little drama is being presented on our blog. (And...ahem...we personally prefer a little LESS drama! :-)
Our family is going to be separated for a very long time since Chrissie is in the God-sent hospital that is about 2 hours from our house. This means Satan has prime opportunity to sneak in on his mission to seek, kill and destroy. We NEED our family to remain bathed in prayer, particularly against Satan's attacks. Satan will try to use doubt and fear,jealousy and woe to break us apart. God has built an amazing team at Forgotten Saw Ranch (our ranch), and Satan would love to destroy and defeat that team. Seriously. The only thing we can fight Satan with is Scripture and prayer. We beg you to use both to battle on God's team of warriors fighting against the most wretched, evil, and disgustingly and deceptively victorious villain out there...Satan. Now, that's drama. Join the epic battle on behalf of our princess who has the greatest Warrior of all time as the General of His army of prayer warriors. You've been drafted to that army. And I can't think of a better army to join!
Semper Fidelis. Always Faithful. (Yes, that's the Marines, but God's army has no divisions.) Thank you prayer warriors!!!
*Edit 4/24, 6:45PM: Oh, I pray that my words didn't seem critical or ungrateful. We are SO VERY grateful for all of you faithful prayer warriors. I know God has a group of you who are literally praying around the clock, day and night for our princess. There are no words to describe how grateful I am for your prayers. Seriously. Beyond grateful. Can't even begin to explain how blessed we are by your faithful prayers, and we want to thank those of you who have shown an amazing diligence and faithfulness to this prayer ministry on behalf of Chrissie. Prayer is a HARD ministry to remain faithful to. We are blessed, so very blessed to have you lifting us up. So thankful for our army!!!

Please know that even though I don't comment every day that I am praying nonstop for little Chrissie. I also put a message on my blog for others to pray as well!!!
We literally just finished praying and declaring TRUTH over her body and binding the LIES of the enemy. How amazing our God is that He told us to pray for her just now.
We are also praying for the entire family. Thank you for inviting us to pray.
Thank you so much, Kathie!!! I hope I didn't sound critical. I am SOOOOO grateful for everyone's prayers, and I KNOW there are people praying nonstop, and I am oh so very grateful for that. Prayer is hard to be faithful to, so I commend you for your diligence and faithfulness! And most of all, I thank you on behalf of Chrissie. THANK YOU!
my two year old son and i have been praying every night for chrissie. he said "please no cry "cissie" and no pain pain cissie" and "juice (jesus) you (loves you!". hang in there!
in Him from california
Our son had a heart transplant on 12/15/07. I know where you sit and how those machines terrify and comfort all at once.
Please know that prayers for your little Chrissie have been in my heart since her initial surgery and all the "drama" began. Both Jacob ( he's 19 now and working so hard to gain back his independence that he lost from the stroke when he crashed ) and I are praying to our Lord for another miracle like ours. God is good, all of the time......
May the Blessed Mother wrap Her mantle of protection around sweet Chrissie, and whisper in the ear of Her Son, so that your baby may be healed.
prayers unending in nj
I tend to be a lurker but I have been checking as often as I can and praying continually. Please know that Chrissie is constantly being lifted up to the Father's throne.
Having been through this similar situation with our granddaughter last April, I know the peace our God can give. You are being held up... and God will supply your need. He is in control... all the time. He loves you.
Grandma Alice in California
Your words in no way seem critical or ungrateful. In our adoption I can feel when our prayer warriors are praying. It's the way it is. When the armies are praying...you know.
We continue to keep Chrissie in our prayers, petitioning God for her healing. May God's Hand of peace and protection lay on Chrissie and your entire family. May Chrissie's complete healing be yet another miraculous sign of God.
Continuing to pray for Chrissie and for strength for your family.
We are praying for Chrissie and your whole family. We are praying for everything to function properly on Monday when they start the transition.
Sending prayers and hugs!!
I cannot imagine what you are all going through, but you are in so many thoughts and prayers, including mine!!! I think most of us have you in our Google Reader =), and that's probably why you see a decrease in traffic between posts. SO, that is only to say BE ENCOURAGED! We are all petitioning on your sweet baby's behalf. I pray that she will be healed! Blessings to your family.
Continuing to pray for Chrissie. Thanks for the updates. She is precious, and I know she will fight through this and your family will all be back together on your ranch soon.
Our Shepard is watching over you, tending to you~
"He tends His flock like a shepard: He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart, he gently leads those that have young." ~Isaiah 40:11
Continuing to lift your entire family in prayer.
In Christ,
I check regularly on you all and your princess. I update my facebook page with news and today two different people asked how your princess was doing. I will continue to check, CONTINUE to pray and continue to believe that God is stronger than anything satan can throw your way! Thank you for sharing Jesus with all of us (drama or not), Jesus is moving in your lives and for this witness you have praise God!!
Thank-you for the update.
We are and will continue to pray.
Tomorrow morning is our opportunity to share with our entire church,and pray together as a church for Chrissie!
I know God is hearing our prayers,and he will answer!
It would be a great day to hear good news!
Love ,The Barcrofts
We live in Sandia,on Lake Corpus Christi.
We attend a church in Bulverde near San Antonio.
Please let us know if there is ANYTHING we can help with,(Childcare or anything).
Just because your number of hits per day dropped, doesn't mean that the number of actual readers dropped. Many of us have you in our sidebar. And, if so, our blog may tell us when you post again. So, if you have 10,000 actual readers ... and post 3 times in a day ... your hit count may be 30,000 for the day. On another day, if you only post 1 time, than those same 10,000 may only pop on over to your blog once. Make sense?
If we are not hopping over to your blog 3 times in a day (because you haven't written a new post), that does NOT mean that we aren't praying ... just not checking in on you every hour. :)
You've got your prayer warriors surrounding you!
Laurel :)
Like you, I find myself being blessed by "God-incidental" songs on K-LOVE that remind me of this precious little girl that I have never met, yet He places her on my heart nearly hourly. And I pray for this little girl every time God takes the time to remind me! You mentioned that time of day when others are pre- occupied with school and work, but these are our key K-LOVE listening times! God wakes me in the night, too. ( I think my husband thinks I'm a bit nuts for crying and talking about a girl I have never met but after 11years he is quite used to it by now!! LOL)
God has something VERY big planned for this little girl!
Praying here, Lorraine! Rejoicing in seeing, hearing about and soaking up the details of Chrissie's love and understanding of her place in your family and her Heavenly Father's love. Weeping for the children in my own home who do not yet have this same kind of understanding - whose own hearts are broken in a way in which no surgery can fix. Praying for God's miraculous and mighty power to be at work in healing Chrissie's heart and preparing every body function to work together properly. Praying God's protection over your family while you are apart. Wishing you were closer so that we could help in a tangible - and honored that we can pray.
I just want you to know that i just started following your blog yesterday after i heard about it on K-Love. Im a NICU nurse and also a mother of a 3yr old girl and 1 1/2yr old boy and i cant even imagine what yall are going through!!! I thought about Chrissie all the time today and I promise she is on our list to pray for!! What an amazing little girl and what an amazing family yall are!! Blessings from San Angelo!!! =)
PRAYING- and since our newest little angel wakes us up- you are covered here even in the night! :) We've got your back!!!
You don't know me but I found out about your little Chrissie from a friends blog(Jen Taylor) she and I went to the same church in PA growing up. Will be praying for your family during this difficult time.
We are so grateful to be a part of this journey with you. God has truly blessed our family as we read your daily blogs about Chrissie. Our children have listened as I ready how Chrissie is doing and we have cried and thanked God for this precious sweet girl that He allowed you to rescue. We are continuing to pray for all of you as God unfolds His plan for Chrissie and your family. He knows what is best and sometimes it is a hard road to walk and I am so sorry that you and your family are walking it, and yet WOW what a privelege to see God use Chrissie's life to minister and stir the hearts of SO MANY to the throne on her behalf. May God continue to give you peace that Only HE can give as you wait HIS decision. LOVE to all of you!
Mary and family
We haven't stopped looking or praying. We may have 'hit' your site more when your baby was 'dead' but we have not stopped praying. I've checked no less than 10 times today to see how she was doing.
RR follower.
Love the picture of you guys with Crissie.
I keep checking and praying for her and the whole family.
I was in prayer for Chrissie at 8 am Thursday 4/22. I was at work and logged in to your blog. I had to walk out of the building and scream. I ask God why. Then He reminded me that He raised Lazarus from the dead after four days and he walked out healed. I ask Him to raise Chrissie and let her walk out of the hospital healed. I know God heard my prayer and I believe than God can and will. TO GOD BE THE GLORY.
Your daughter's photo sits on the counter in my kitchen and I pray for her and your family when I see it. We continue to pray, even when we don't post comments. Chrissie is never far from our thoughts!
You are amazing and inspiring. Thank you for reminding me, again and again, of Who I should go to in times of need, great or small.
I am compelled to pray for Chrissie, as well as you and your entire family. I have not been able to stop thinking about you all. Lore is a friend of mine, and she emailed me months ago asking for prayer for your precious child.
I pray, I pray, and I will not stop.
We may be strangers, but we are sisters in Christ, and in Him we are family.
much love......
Don't be confused by the number of hits. I'm not sure whether or not mine would count as a hit since I've left your blog open for days, refreshing every few hours.
still praying praying praying!!!!!!
I don't even know you, but I love your family all the same! I have a son with DS and I have been touched with all the prayers I have seen posted just for Chrissie and her family! The DS Community is truly a wonderful one! Be rest assured that prayers will surround you fully and for along time. We are always with you, even over the miles!
I am praying for your beautiful princess!
I am so glad God guided me to your blog through another friend. It is a privilege to pray for your precious daughter.
This soldier is happy to be party of the army- prayer army that is!
God's blessing to your family!
Our daughter hugs the exact same way Chrissie does - constrictor style. I can't imagine how badly you want to feel those tiny little fingerprints inbedded in your neck again.
Praying lots, and will continue to pray for the entire family.
“I will hope in the Lord and be of good courage, and He will strengthen my heart.” (Psalm 27:14)
Please know that Chrissie is in my prayers virtually every waking moment. I am wearing my watch on my right arm to keep her in the forefront constantly. I will extend my prayers to your family at home to protect them against Satan. I just finished re-reading This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti. From that, as I pray, I picture God's heavenly hosts surrounding Chrissie as she and the doctors battle for her life. I will pray to God to keep those demons banished from the hospital and your home.
Grace, peace and (((hugs))) to you tonight.
Leslie in Atlanta
I have been praying for Chrissie and your family around the clock and will continue to do so. I don't always post comments but I check your blog constantly for updates. I have my phone set to let me know when you have posted also. You are a true inspiration. Thank you for keeping us updated and letting all of us have the opportunity to pray for Chrissie and such a precious family.
I have been praying for Chrissie and your family around the clock and will continue to do so. I don't always post comments but I check your blog constantly for updates. I have my phone set to let me know when you have posted also. You are a true inspiration. Thank you for keeping us updated and letting all of us have the opportunity to pray for Chrissie and such a precious family.
Continuing to pray here in Florida as well. Every time the Lord brings Chrissie to mind I pray. And I continue to remind others to pray through facebook and my blog...hugs! God is in control, and He is on His throne....
I just recently heard about your sweet girl and please know that we too pray for her and you all as well. :-)There are no words... but I love that God is sustaining you as he is. What a precious gift. And it is a testament to true faith that you can praise him in this situation as well. I love your understanding of our God!
It feels like there is just something going on right now as at the same time Thursday that Chrissie was being revived, my friend's son was not waking up from surgery and another friend was having a heart attack and stroke. All of them at the same time. My heart is breaking for each one of you and I will not cease praying for you! Many blessings, Lisa C.
This picture made me smile. Chrissie is so precious. I am praying for your family everyday. God is watching over Chrissie and your family! She is safe in his arms.
Sending prayers!
I don't post comments every day, but please know that I read all your posts, and I am praying every day for your family, daughter and her Dr's. May God bless you alL!!!!!!!
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