Oh my, this is a roller coast ride, and I'm so glad God has surrounded us with medical staff who know what they're doing, or atleast they're trying to figure out what is causing what.
The external "shocker" that they were trying to shock Chrissie's heart with wasn't powerful enough to deliver the shock they were looking for to make Chrissie's heart synchronize the top chambers to the bottom chambers.
They've got her to a point where things are "stable", but there's using all kinds of outside life support machines and medicines to do so. She's now being given blood to see if that will help balance things out and stabilize her stats. There's a delicate balancing act going on, and I'm grateful I have nothing to do with the choices being made.
Chrissie's little body was responding so well yesterday, and today, it rebelled and decided it didn't want to do anything on its own. She's actually on more "stuff" today than yesterday. But I'm most grateful she's in the PICU under the capable hands of such caring staff who know what they're doing, and they do it with precision, tenderness, love and compassion.
The nurse, Stephen, is the only one left now, so that's always a good sign. He's very calm and collected, and he shares a TON of information. He knows what the side effects of every medicine and treatment and machine is, and he's superb at figuring out what's causing what. He tells us when he doesn't like something and when he doesn't like to have to give too much of one thing and why, etc. Stephen's nephew has been through 5 open-heart surgeries at this very hospital, and he told us he's caring for Chrissie as if she were his own daughter.
We are blessed.
Dr. Porisch brought in Dr. Kirk Milhoan earlier today to introduce me to the man who encouraged us to bring Chrissie home! Dr. Kirk does many heart-saving medical missions with Samaritan's Purse, and while I had never met him, he encouraged me via phone to obey God regardless of what man's prognosis was regarding Chrissie's life and future. (We'd been told that her condition "wasn't compatible with life", and 2 other families had backed out on adopting her after they were given similar messages.) God told us to rescue Chrissie, so we did. End of story. He has aligned THE BEST doctors to care for her. Christian doctors who rely upon The Great Physician, who give Him the glory, and who ask Him to guide their hands and give them wisdom.
We are blessed.
Dr. Kirk saw on my Facebook updates what was going on with Chrissie Monday. He told me he cried when he saw what was happening. He had never met me nor Chrissie. He's a retired military cardiac surgeon. Yet he cried and fell before the Throne to lift Chrissie up when he read that her heart had stopped.
We are blessed.
On Monday, April 19, our blog had around 3,000 visits from various people around the world, all praying for Chrissie. On Tuesday, April 20, God raised up an entire army of prayer warriors, and we had over 12,000 visits to our blog of people who were all lifting our daughter up to Jehovah Rapha.
We are blessed.
Thank YOU for blessing us with your prayers and encouragement.

What a range of emotions, yet I know that our Father is the Great Physician. Praying with much supplications to the Throne of Grace.
Thank you so much for answering God's call to bring your daughter home and not backing down.
Be Blessed and rest in the arms of our Wonderful Savior.
Praise God! We will continue to hold Chrissie up....
Praying, praying, praying. I will request prayer at Bible study tonight.
Praying from Australia that our Heavenly Father would heal your precious daughter and give your family peace and strength as you walk through this day by day.
Kristy (RR prayer warrior)
I know I am one of thousands who are visiting your blog for the first time but I wanted to let you know that prayers are being sent to you from CA.....I have been checking your blog regularly since I first heard about Chrissie's condition yesterday. I cannot believe how blessed you are to have so many Christian doctors on your side!!!!
I know you don't know me. I am "new" to your blog. I just want you to know I am praying for Chrissie. I am praying for you and your whole family. I have been praying for her to regain her strength. God is so good. He is using you all in a mighty way. Stay strong and know we are praying.
Love and prayers from Oklahoma,
Sarah W.
There is truly no better place to be than in the capable, powerful, loving and healing hands of the Father.
It is so visible...His hands at work in Chrissie's life.
Keep clinging to Him, standing on His promises.
Holly from Purpose Driven Family
Praying for your precious little Chrissie!
Continuing to pray. You are BLESSED to have Christian doctors and surgeons. Wow!
Praying and praying for your daughter. She knows that you love her and that God loves her--two things that she would not have had if you had not brought her home, and what a comfort to her!
Father God we continue to pray for Chrissie healing. Father please continue to heal her lungs and pull off the extra fluids. Please stablize her heart and stats and give her little body strength and healing that it needs. We ask all this if it is your will. Thank you Jesus for all you have done.
You are blessed. Chrissie is blessed. WE are blessed to pray for you all. Love God's ways...
Blessed by your family and allowing us to travel this journey with you Lorraine!
Praising Yahweh Rophe with you!
Praying for Chrissie before I go to bed!
Love in Christ,
Praying for your little one.
I so admire your faith and that you are giving thanks and praise even in the most difficult of times.
I'm ashamed to say I don't think I would be doing the same...I would be feeling sorry for myself and probably asking why God is allowing this to happen.
Your example is inspiring...and it presses me to try harder, to be more faithful...
Still praying.
Praying hard for little Chrissie.
Precious! Precious! Precious is your sweet girl! I could eat her up! Her pictures on your site are adorable! I am praying with you all that God will strengthen her heart and stregthen all of yours through this really difficult, crazy, stressful, gut wrenching time. Thank you for sharing her life with all of us. She is so sweet, I can tell by that sweet face. Thank you for adopting her and giving her such a loving home. Bless you all.
You don't know me, but I'm still praying. Chrissie is in my heart.
Continuing to send prayers....
praying and praying for chrissy. i am so sorry she is going thru this.
I do not know if you read my post on caring bridge and I probably should have posted it here so you could get it in an email.
I will add this though! Working with the little ones for so many years I do know that sometimes they seem to get really sick before they get better. Chrissie is stable that is good even if it is with tons of machines. Stable is still in God's hands and that is what you need.
Just remember my saying to you. Miracles happen everyday. This morning she had a miracle and it CAN and WILL happen again. I just have faith that she will be okay. It is going to take some very LONG days and possible weeks but I have faith she will get better.
This Dr. Kirk sounds like a wonderful man. A lot of people forget that physician's are humans too and that some of them really care about patients. Chrissie is very lucky to have several of them on her team. Who knows maybe Dr. Kirk can add some tidbits that can help. I bet you God has a reason for having him there now.
Keep us posted.
I do not know if you read my post on caring bridge and I probably should have posted it here so you could get it in an email.
I will add this though! Working with the little ones for so many years I do know that sometimes they seem to get really sick before they get better. Chrissie is stable that is good even if it is with tons of machines. Stable is still in God's hands and that is what you need.
Just remember my saying to you. Miracles happen everyday. This morning she had a miracle and it CAN and WILL happen again. I just have faith that she will be okay. It is going to take some very LONG days and possible weeks but I have faith she will get better.
This Dr. Kirk sounds like a wonderful man. A lot of people forget that physician's are humans too and that some of them really care about patients. Chrissie is very lucky to have several of them on her team. Who knows maybe Dr. Kirk can add some tidbits that can help. I bet you God has a reason for having him there now.
Keep us posted.
I will continue to pray for Chrissie and your family, may the Lord bless you with His peace during this difficult time.
I'm here in Kansas praying for sweet Chrissie. Please keep us updated!
We are praying right here in Austin, TX. God helped the doctor's heal our daughter, Aaris, from her congenital heart disease 2 years ago. We both will be praying for Chrissie!
I know only that God loves your little girl even more than you or I can fathom possible and that she is in His hands. I will be praying.
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