Chrissie's lungs are very sick. She has some severe bronchitis with infection. Lots of yellow mucous and tons of inflammation and irritation. Chrissie's trachea and respiratory airway are completely inflamed, so the process of suctioning her causes more irritation to that area, which could cause bleeding. Dr. Patel could also see some pink multi-collateral arteries that could easily bleed if they incur the stress of suctioning. The doctor took a sample of the lungs and the fluid in the lungs to the lab for cultures. He's hoping they will be able to identify what type of bacteria is causing the infection so they can tailor the antibiotics to the bacteria. This is a sit and wait for healing game now. The lungs are clearly extremely sick. Dr. Patel called it a severe bronchitis type of infection that will require time to heal. The ventilator will allow the lungs to rest a little and we need the antibiotics to kill the bacteria and combat the infection. Lots of healing needed.
Dr. Patel recommends that Chrissie not have the heart
catheterization done at this time since the scope leads him to believe it's the inflammation and irritation in the lungs and trachea/airway that's causing the bleeding.
Thanks for praying! Grateful for this report. Keep on healing Jehovah
Rapha!!! Show Your mighty miracles. Make Your name famous to the ends of the earth through our precious princess.
Hi, Not sure how I found your blog but have been reading through your past posts. I cannot beleive how much Chrissie has endured. I am in awe and my daughter has had 3 OHS's surgeries in less than 18 months. I will keep Chrissie in my prayers. I was very moved in an earlier post when you were telling Chrissie to boss her heart and she was responding to you by moving her eyebrows while tears streamed down her face. It just literally broke my heart! How much these CHD babies face! Like I said I will be praying for her healing. With a heart filled with compassion ...
Praying for you all!
My thoughts and prayers continue for little Chrissy, I have posted her button on my blog. Happy Mothers Day!!!!
Praying for Chrissy's healing. Lord...according to Your Word...By Your stripes Chrissie's lungs have already been Healed and made whole and we thank you for her healing. We bleieve that You have already healed this precious daughter of the King and she will be a testimony of your love and healing. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Happy Mother's day to you!
Sending prayers your way.
Praying for healing.
I am trying to get the address to the hospital to send Chrissie's gift.. It came back and I have her something I want to give :o) Denise Davis
our family is praying for chrissie, you, and your family.
We are totally praying!
I'm so happy to hear that Dr. Patel (pulmonologist) is on Chrissy's case. He is an extremely gifted Doctor. God is hand-picking the best for Chrissy - I've been praying for this. We continue to pray for a miracle. Happy Mother's Day beautiful mother!
Much Love,
Kelly Pape
Praying for sweet Chrissie!
Happy Mothers Day to you, I wish it were different, and you were all at home together....
My wife and I have ben watching the progress of your little angel, we feel like she is also one of our won family members, our heart aches when thing go bad, and rechoices when they go good. Your little angel Chrissy is in our prayers we say each and everyday. we will continue to pray, and we are just waiting for that wonderful post that reads "she is all better and going home" because we know it is coming. we love you and we love Chrissy, keep us posted, may the Lord continue to be in that room providing all the comfort this family needs.
Still praying and believing.
God is able!
I just checked your blog for the day and saw that Chrissie's lungs are still giving her trouble. I just had a dad had ALS for 6 years and was at home on a vent w/ a trach. I just wanted to check w/ you to see if any of your doctors or RT's have used a cough assist machine instead of suctioning her lungs. (She has to have a cough reflex to use it.)I know in my dad's case, the suction machine wasn't very productive and it was very invasive. We found that not a lot of doctors or RT's knew about the cough assist machine. We actually had to bring it from home w/ him to the hospital. I asked my mom, who is an RT, if she thought it would be beneficial to even suggest it to you and she said it would be as long as Chrissie has a cough reflex. She also said that it is an older machine so that is why most doctors haven't heard about it. It doesn't involve putting anything down her breathing tube, it just literally vacuums the secretions out of her lungs. I really don't know if it is even possible, but I had to suggest it at the very least! Continuing to pray for Chrissie and for your family! Love, Lisa Warren
Dear God- We pray against this infection. We pray for Chrissie's lungs to be healed by YOU! We pray that you will watch over her, protect her, and let her know that she has an army of people praying over her! Please give her the strength of YOUR LOVE!
We are in continue prayer for Chrissie & the your family. May Our Heavenly Father continue to pour his favor on Chrissie.
David had informed us of her surgery today so of course we decided to give you your space to focus on your princess.
Marisol Pedraza
You do not have to post. It is up to you
Hi Lorraine,
I hope your Mother's Day was as good as it could be--given the circumstances.
I also hope that "no news is good news" as far as Miss Chrissie and that she is resting comfortably. I am continuing to pray. I just can't wait for the day you post and say "Chrissie and I leaving the hospital today for home!" What a MIRACULOUS celebration that will be! Sleep well, Princess Chrissie. You are well loved!
Believing in FAITH that our God will COMPLETELY heal your beautiful daughter! That she will run and dance and swim, and SOON! What a powerful and awesome God we serve!
Praying still! Praying Praying Praying! Jesus, be her healer! Jesus, be the center, be her source, be her guide. Breathe for Chrissie. Breathe your breath of life and healing into her lungs. Just a touch of your garment stopped the bleeding of the elderly woman. But Chrissie and her parents have your Spirit living in them! All your power and might resides in these precious people because your Spirit resides in them. Not by might, not by power, but by the Spirit says the Lord! No need to touch your garment, your healing power abides in us! If God is for us, what can ever prevail against us. He is with us, right now. So rejoice, Put your trust in the Lord!
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