You are so beautiful! I can't wait to hear about you waking up and seeing your mama for the first time since your surgery. What a day that will be!
I have been on a journey towards Christ for about a year now. YOU have been the message that has spoken to me louder than anything I have ever witnessed. You have brought me to Christ.
Thank you. Always praying for you.
Praising God for using Chrissie's precious life to breathe eternal life into so many of His other treasured children around the world.
Please take a moment to thank God and rejoice in all of the lives He has touched through Chrissie. Pray for all of those who are new to knowing Him, that God will bring them a godly mentor to help them grow closer to Him and come alongside them on their walk with the Lord.
Melanie, I am so grateful that you emailed this to me, and I am so excited to one day meet you in Heaven. Welcome to His family! Stories like yours fill me with a joy that cannot be explained. As hard as it is to see Chrissie endure all that she has, it gives me great joy to know that He is working all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. There is nothing greater than knowing that Chrissie is bringing so many people closer to the Lord. Hallelujah!

Do you know of any place in the Denver area where my Girl Scouts could donate money that would be used for Orphans in Hati
Been a few days since I dropped a note but HALLELUJAH! Welcome Melanie & ALL others that have come to believe in Jesus Our Savior thru Chrissie. Thank You God for giving Chrissie the strength & courage to keep fighting with your armor on. Not giving up for one moment so that your light may shine thru her!!!
You ARE the Mighty Physician Father, I LOVE YOU!!!
Chrissie the Warrior Child, Stay Strong & Courageous lil one. *hugs*
YES!!! :))
Praising and rejoicing that our God truly is at work for good even when it doesn't SEEM good at the time!
Continuing to pray for Chrissie...and often not commenting b/c I just don't know what else to say!
Holly- Purpose Driven Family
How wonderful to get to share with Chrissie someday how God used her for His glory!!! And Melanie...if you are reading this, I'm thanking God that you are now my sister in Christ!!!
Praise God!
God is using your famliy to touch many.
Love and hugs and prayers,
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