UGH! I was caught off-guard after staying on-guard the entire day and night!!!
So, here's the scoop that I was told. While I was gone, the nurse turned Chrissie from her side to her back (without my help, and I'm always here to help as it really requires more than one person to do this since Chrissie is not able to move...every limb is totally limp and her sternum is broken in two and we had discussed leaving her on her side until around 11PM and it was only 9:30PM at that time!). Then the nurse explained that when she turned Chrissie onto her back, Chrissie coughed and a ton of blood started running out of her breathing tube. The nurse tried to rapidly suction Chrissie's lungs as she called for the doctor to come help.
Again, I wasn't here when this occurred...I walked up on this scene.
The doctor tonight (Dr. idea how to spell his name) was extremely concerned. He wanted Chrissie paralyzed so that she won't be able to cough, which may be why the bleeding started back up. His main concern is that even if something was dislodged earlier today when they suctioned her that Chrissie should have stopped bleeding by now. He's extremely concerned that there's a source of continual bleeding in Chrissie's lung somewhere. He was going through possibilities for this type of bleeding in the lung, and he's clearly disturbed by this. He said that he will keep Chrissie paralyzed tonight and watch her tube through the night to see if any more blood comes up. If she is bleeding in her lung(s), the blood should be reabsorbed and not come up out of her breathing tube, but there's concern about WHY she's bleeding in her lungs still. The doctor said he would conference with several doctors in the morning and see what everyone else thinks/recommends.
I ask you all to get back on your knees on behalf of our princess. Ask God to stop the bleeding in her lungs and heal her lungs completely.
PS Later, after things settled down, the nurse told me that she changed Chrissie's diaper after moving her onto her back, and then she noticed that Chrissie had blood in her breathing tube. I don't really understand why this nurse moved Chrissie onto her back without me (or without any other help) and why she changed her diaper without me. I was only gone about 10 minutes. It KILLS me to think that this happened while I was away for 10 minutes, when I left under the impression that Chrissie would remain in the same position without anything happening to her while I was away. :-( I'm not a very happy mommy right now. Maybe you all should start bringing me some Depends adult diapers when you drop off meals for me so that I won't have to leave to use the restroom!!! (I can brush my teeth in the PICU room because there's a sink in here, but no toilet.) :-(

Lorraine I am so sorry! Praying here.
I've been praying for so many thing. For precious Chrissie's healing, of course, for God to continue to guide the hands of doctors and nurses, whether they are believers or not (as this whole experience with Chrissie can make a believer out of anyone!), and to please guide away those who may do her harm, even if it's unintentional! His will be done, as always, but I feel your frustration and have heartburn right there with you over what happened in your brief absence. Oh Lorraine, praying, praying, praying...
I may not always post, but I keep an eye on your blog, forward it, discuss with others, pray with you, cry with you...
Oh Lorraine, We are praying still! That truly breaks my heart for you and Chrissie. Praying against Satan's attack on your mind and soul! much much love... and beware you may end up with a room full of!
Praying for your beautiful girl tonight, that God would perform a complete healing on her so that she can come home to her loving family. Praying for you as you go through such stress, praying for all of your family. God's peace and blessings to you all.
I have been following Chrissie's story from pretty much the beginning of her hospitalization. I check your blog first thing in the morning, all through the day, and last thing before bed. I just decided to check once more and just read the most recent post you wrote about the bleeding. I just wanted you to know that I will be staying up and spending time in prayer for your precious one tonight. Take care and rest in the Lord.
Susan E. ( Dallas area )
Oh my goodness Lorraine! I'm so sorry, but I'll pray right now for complete healing of her lungs...NO MORE BLEEDING!!
"The fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much".
So sorry about this. Praying.
I found your blog, and your precious Chrissie, through a blogger friend--Karin @ Our Treasures from Afar. Only to discover after reading through many of your posts that we are in the very same city. We are a military family stationed in the northeast corner of SA.
Please know that I am praying for your precious girl tonight, for her healing, and for her mama--May the Lord wrap you both up in His arms, and hold you close.
In Him~
Tina Winder
Oh gosh. I am so so sorry. Seriously. Why didn't they just leave her? I am praying for peace for you right now- and that God will enlarge your bladder. But really, I am praying he will help you to let that go, give you peace, and heal the source of bleeding in her lungs. I am begging God for these things. I so know that mama bear feeling- especially when you have everything lined up and in order. I am praying for wisdom for the nurses that they will all make good decisions that Chrissie will benefit from. Try not to let this eat you up. Chrissie was not alone. Her living father was right with her. You have saved her from a million of these kinds of things. Isn't crazy how one bad thing over shadows all of the good? Praying praying praying. You are awesome and such a blessing to your punk princess! I really do hope I get to meet that sweet girl some day during my life! Hang in there!
I will be praying (and have been) for Jehovah to heal Chrissie completely.
The medication for the shingles is an anti-viral drug since Shingles (& Chicken Pox) is a virus. Shingles is extremely painful!
Will you be talking to someone about the night nurse who moved Chrissie without assistance? Chrissie should not ever be moved without at least 2 people and it would be best if there are at least 3 people.
Lorraine, Please do not even begin to go over and over in your mind about Chrissie and what happened when you left. You HAVE to leave her sometimes, even for a few minutes. I know you are her advocate. But remember you LORD is her best advocate. Tonight let him be in charge and let him carry you, so you can get that rest you need, to be there tomorrow for Chrissie. Worries and regrets are not what Our Almighty wants us to dwell on. Let his healing hands take over tonight. Rest. love ya, Susie K
I cannot believe this happened. Please ask them to let you help. I laughed at the depends comment but at the same time I am with you on that. Next time you leave ask them not to move her unless it is absolutely necessary or an emergency reason until you come back to help them and tell them why. The more they suction the more she is going to bleed. The ice cold saline will help but it does take time (a day or so to actually stop it) and of course they cannot just suction and suction her either. They need to put it down her let it sit for a few seconds or a minute and then suction as little as possible. Everytime they put the tube down to suction her they need to use the saline first.
BTW, I was(still am just disabled) an RT ofr 30+ years and worked in PICU and NeoICU for many years. I have used the ice cold saline trick many times. Actually I worked at one place that never heard of it and started it as a protocol for patients such as Chrissie.
Thanks for letting us know what is going on, for I was wondering if they would try the saline. Thank God they did! LOL!!
Again I am so sorry you came back into to this. I cannot understand why the nurse felt she had to turn her right then other than she felt she was in charge and she could do what she wanted. Maybe I am being harsh on the nurse and I do not mean to but again WHY DID SHE MOVE HER WITHOUT YOUR HELP?
okay I will get off that. Sorry again!
Let us know how things are going.
Lorraine---would you mind if I set up a "Pray for Chrissie" fan page on Facebook? I was thinking of sharing the link to your networked blogs page, but I noticed that NB isn't sending notifications regularly when you update.
Much love & prayers!
Iam praying and will not stop.
Lorraine, it is a SMALL world! I can't even tell you how I found your blog--probably through an adoption friend--but as I read, I have prayed that God would bring the best docs for your princess. Today had me tickled: my sister used to live in San Antonio. While I didn't meet many of her friends, the one family I did meet was Dr. Danny Kofos, his wife, and his sons. You are in good hands. :)
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