I am most grateful on this day for our MIGHTY TO SAVE God. He has taken great delight in Chrissie, He has quieted her with His love, and He has rejoiced (and continues to rejoice) over Chrissie with singing. Today was a new way to experience His mighty presence, yet again. I thought we'd been through it all actually, but this morning's brush with death came with symptoms I had not yet seen. Praising God for His mighty hand reaching out to save our Serbian Sensation, yet again.
So far, Chrissie is hanging in there. They sent her blood for culture this morning to determine if she indeed has bacteria in her blood, and, if so, what type so they can tailor the antibiotics. The blood culture won't be back for 24-48 hours, depending upon the growth displayed over that time frame. In the meantime, Chrissie was put on very strong antibiotics with hopes of combating the bacteria while we wait for culture results. (Chrissie just had cultures taken for every bodily fluid from every orifice, including her blood, a few days ago (prior to this septic incident), but all of those cultures have been negative for infection.) So, if Chrissie does have bacteria in her blood, it is most likely a very recent infection, so we may have caught it very early.
Chrissie now has an arterial line in her right foot, which gives us an accurate reading of her blood pressure at all times. It was scary this morning to lose Chrissie's pulse and see the heart rate sky rocket as a means of compensating for the lack of oxygenated blood flow through the body. This morning's episode was a new scary moment for me, as I've never seen her do the things she did to scare us all this morning. The one constant thing is that I know the reaction of the doctors and nursing staff now. It am keenly aware of the levels of concern, unfortunately. Now I'm familiar with a new life-threatening condition and symptoms. One of the hospital staff told me today that they would be giving me an honorary medical degree upon Chrissie's discharge from the hospital one day!!! Kind of funny how much I've learned after 29 days of on-the-job immersion training. No better way to learn, but definitely not something I ever wanted to seek!
Chrissie's kidneys are up and functioning again on their own. Her blood pressure is good again, with only a tiny bit of help from outside meds. Her heart rate is stable, without medications. The oscillator is working properly, inflating Chrissie's lungs with good movement and keeping her oxygen sats in the 90's. Chrissie's temp has fluctuated between 96 and 99, but she hasn't had to have additional doses of Tylenol since this morning's last dosage.
I would say that Monday's Mighty to Save fasting and prayer has been successful thus far, indeed! Chrissie started this festival of prayer with a big bang...fireworks at 7AM! No better way to get her prayer warriors fired up, huh?!? There is no doubt that our God is MIGHTY TO SAVE! Chrissie could have lost this battle in an instant this morning, but God has chosen to continue to bless us with our precious princess' life here on earth.
For now, we wait to see what God chooses to do and when He chooses to do it. Chrissie cannot go into the cath lab in the condition she is in. It would be best to be off the oscillator and know that her sepsis is under control. Dr. Porisch is aiming for Wednesday or Thursday, unless something happens with the clot that would create an emergency situation that would force an emergency visit to the cath lab, which we are praying against. We now have more time that God would simply miraculously dissolve the clot. We know nothing is too hard for our Mighty to Save God who is able to move mountains!
We are so grateful for our Mighty to Save Jehovah Rapha, as well as for His army of prayer warriors. We have a lot to pray for. (One thing I haven't mentioned is that sepsis is known to cause a natural thinning of the blood, which is risky for Chrissie if it gets too thin because then her lungs are at further risk of bleeding.) Please continue to lift our princess up to her Daddy, the King of Kings.
Mighty to Save Lyrics, by Hillsong United
Everyone needs compassion,
Love that's never failing;
Let mercy fall on me.
Everyone needs forgiveness,
The kindness of a Saviour;
The Hope of nations.
Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.
Forever, Author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave,
Jesus conquered the grave.
So take me as You find me,
All my fears and failures,
Fill my life again.
I give my life to follow
Everything I believe in,
Now I surrender.
My Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.
Forever, Author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave,
Jesus conquered the grave.
Shine your light and let the whole world see,
We're singing for the glory of the risen King...Jesus (x2)
My Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.
Forever, Author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave,
Jesus conquered the grave.
My Saviour, you can move the mountains,
You are mighty to save,
You are mighty to save.
Forever, Author of Salvation,
You rose and conquered the grave,
Yes you conquered the grave
Click HERE to view the Christian video of the song Mighty to Save by Hillsong United.
Lyrics | Hillsong United lyrics - Mighty To Save lyrics

I am a reader and fellow mom - 6 adopted kids with special needs, including 1 in the hospital right now. (I have plenty time to pray for your daughter as I pray for my son.)
We got him 7 weeks ago and were told he might not live until age 2. We hesitated. But God gave me the song, "Mighty to save" as an encouragement. As I saw your post today, I just had to tell you a fellow mom and hospital dweller is praying for your baby too! And our God is MIGHTY TO SAVE!
Beth Gore, Florida
AMEN! So glad she is holding strong! I was able to meditate on His word and pray for her all day because God blessed me with the time to do so, with Rowan sleeping peacefully most of the day (on tordol, morphine and codeine of course) following his surgery this morning. I will continue to pray for marked improvement and miraculous changes. Let us know when they do reschedule the heart cath and I will fast again. In my thoughts and prayers continually-Carrie
Oh dear Chrissie, you definitely like to keep things and people moving along in the hospital don't you.
Praying for your recovery, all glory to him, praises to God for your recovery.
Dear Precious Chrissie,
Just read the post your mom sent and then looked out the back door...God sent a beautiful rainbow to shine over you right this minute. Our house is in your neighborhood, so God also sent that rainbow to shine over Forgotten Saw Ranch and your family waiting at home for you.
Much love and many prayers. Our God is Mighty to Save.
The Galassinis
Praise God he is mighty to save!! I have been praying for Chrissie since day one! Mighty to save was the song we played and claimed for Jovan during our adoption.. So it was an awesome title for today as our children have been in the US for seven months today. Chrissie is a very blessed little girl to have you for a mom!!
Did you know that God used that very song over and over again while we waited to get Georgia (knowing she was so sick and needing open heart surgery)? Even the very morning of her OHS it came on the radio as I walked in to the hospital....He IS Mighty to Save. The odds were so slim for Georgia and she is racing around our living room right now. I am praying for you and for Chrissie!!!!
Praise God!!! So thankful for God's Hand of healing!!!! Will continue to pray!
PRAYING HARD for sweet Chrissie. Your blog is the first thing I check before I go to sleep and as soon as I wake up -- and praying for my friend Beth who posted earlier - and her sweet baby.
Chrissie: You have so many people who love you who have never met you. You are my hero. Sending you love, soft kisses and hugs and knowing that you are in good hands -- God's.
Recently I was scanning on the radio and saw K-LOVE. I had NEVER heard of it til I read your blog. I listened and thought of you, imagining you listening too. Keep fighting sweet girl. I'll keep praying!
Praying, praying, and praying still. Knowing that Chrissie is a miracle that God has planned. She is HIS and we are lifting her up to HIM! So glad that the scary spike this morning has hopefully calmed down. Praying for NO INFECTIONS & NO CLOTS! So glad she is hanging in there and giving everyone a run for it. LOVE the spirit she has been created with. Keeping you covered in prayer!
Still praying for Chrissie from Canyon Lake, TX!! We have four children 14-2 yrs old and everyday when they get in the car from school they ask for a "Chrissie report." Chrissie and your family have four angels praying for you each morning, at three o'clock(hour of Divine Mercy) and again in the evening. You are right- God is Mighty! If he brings you to it he will get you through it! Lots of Hugs and Kisses to you all. God Bless, Gypsie, Blaize, Zoe, Gabe, and John-Paul
Thank you God for taking care of Chrissie today and healing her body!! Praying for the clot to dissolve and the infection to be healed in Jesus Name. Praying for Chrissies Lungs to be completely healed in Jesus Name...Lord Jesus, send your Holy Spirit into her room and breath Life into her lungs and body. Heal Chrissie from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet in Jesus Name...Thank you for all that you have already done and yet to do in her life.
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