Selah was super swollen, throughout her body, this morning. Her head had severe swelling that was evident after they removed her head dressing. The foam "donut" that they had her resting her head in wasn't working well because of the severe swelling, so they located a different squishy pillow device from the NICU. Her swelling has decreased dramatically, although she's still really swollen, but it's much less than this morning.
Selah also finally had a huge BM this afternoon. She was in so much pain this morning, particularly after being given Colase and a suppository, with no luck. Shortly after Selah was given a Dulcolax suppository (in addition to the other stuff), she was writhing in pain. I picked her up and held her, and she immediately began stooling, which was such a relief to her little system. She hadn't pooped since Monday!
Selah's still not interested in eating or drinking, but now she's got her formula being delivered to her belly via the feeding tube, so we're OK. Eventually, she'll need to drink on her own before she can go home, but hopefully Selah's appetite will return and she'll eat/drink on her own. (They'll slow down the feeds to encourage Selah to feel hungry and eat by mouth).
All in all, it's been a successful day! I'm so pleased with the progress God has ordained for Selah. Please keep praying for her. She has a croopy sounding cough, which hurts her head, so pray that goes away and Selah will be comfortable and eager to eat on her own soon.
Thank you so much, everyone!

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