For those of you who have walked this path, you know that's pretty much a miracle. We didn't even contact our congressman or representative or senator.
For those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, well, USCIS (immigration) approved our family to adopt from Ukraine in record time. Seriously.
I hope to go to the Secretary of State on Thursday to get apostilles (state seals) on everything in our dossier. However, last night I discovered a problem that I'm praying God will fix today.
Matt's local/state level criminal background report isn't notarized. DRATS! Both of ours came back in the mail in early August. I opened both packages, made sure both reports were accurate, then placed them in the dossier pile. As I was going through the dossier documents, gathering all of the documents that need an apostille, I noticed that Matt's state level criminal report doesn't have the notary, but mine does. URGH! This document is required to have a notary, and it's not something I can take to have it notarized. It must come from the Texas Department of Transportation's criminal history department. So, I'm in the process of trying to track down where/how I can get this fixed. By Thursday. :-)
Our God is so amazing. He lavishes us with good gifts and fun surprises. I was SHOCKED to see the I-171H in the mail yesterday. Thank you, Abba Father!

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