Here's the official info/invitation from Becca Hill, executive director of Charis Orphan Care and Adoption Ministry:
Now that you are home with your adopted child, do you find yourself dealing
with issues that you never dreamed of? Are you an adoptive parent of a
special needs child and need help in the transition? Many of us have been
exactly where you are and it helps to walk alongside someone in the same
situation. This ministry was birthed because of our own struggles with
becoming newly adoptive parents.
Please join us for the inaugural "Beyond the Rescue: A Post-Adoptive
Ministry" meeting. We are so honored to have Dr. Jon Bergeron, psychologist
with Scott & White Clinic in College Station, Texas working with
adolescents, adults and couples. He has a heart for providing consultation
to couples considering adoption, foster care, or those already involved. Jon
also serves on the board of the local CASA organization.
Jon and his wife, Shelly, felt the call to become foster parents. The first
sibling pair they fostered, a 5-year -old girl and a 3-1/2 year old deaf
boy, eventually led to the adoption of the little boy Tanner who is now 10
years old. In May of 2010 they received a second calling to adopt, this time
internationally, and in record time adopted a soon-to-be 14 year-old deaf
boy, Jian, from China.
We will also have a panel of other professionals, as well as adoptive
parents to answer questions and provide you with vital tools to help you in
this journey.
Billy and Cindy Foote, a wonderful Christian music duo, will be providing
music for us during a brief Worship time.
A light dinner will be provided as well as childcare. We do need an RSVP no
later than September 25th. Please send an email to to
reserve your spot as well as to notify of childcare needs and number of
attendees in your family.
The event is FREE but we would like to suggest a $20 donation per family to
help take care of childcare as well as a love offering for Dr. Bergeron and
the Foote Family. If you are not able to make a donation, please don't feel
obligated and we encourage you to attend!
We hope that this will be the kick-off of many events, such as this and many
others, all across the United States. We also hope to have a monthly
post-adoptive support group in the New Braunfels, Austin and San Antonio
areas. If you are interested in starting one in your area, please contact me
for further information.
We look forward to seeing you on October 1st! And, please do me a favor and
pass this on to others!
Becca Hill
Executive Director
Charis Orphan Care

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