Send The Block Family to Serve Orphans in Guatemala!
Click the video above to "meet" an amazing family. This is the family that Mattie raised $4,000 for their Pass It Forward adoption fund. Mattie read a story over a year ago of how The Block Family ate beans and rice for dinner for an entire month in order to save money so that they could give it to others and help orphans. This family is the real deal. They are all amazing. They are selfless and generous, always supporting other families in their adoptions, advocating for orphans, praying without ceasing, loving the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength.
The Block Family NEEDS your financial support in order to go to Guatemala. God has called them. They have obeyed, joyfully, saying, "Here am I, send me." Guatemala no longer allows their orphans to be adopted by US families. The orphans NEED The Block Family to show them Jesus, to be His hands and feet to those who appear to be forgotten. They are NOT forgotten. God knows each and every orphan by name, He knows the number of hairs on their heads, and He wants them to know Him and His love in a tangible, real way every day. That is why God's chosen to send The Block Family to Guatemala. They will serve Him with honor and integrity, loving the least of these as He has done for each of us. I am honored to come alongside The Block Family to share their story, with prayers and belief that God will lift up an army of warriors who will support them financially and prayerfully.
Tax deductible giving can be made at:
Commission To Every Nation
Todd and Amy Block
P.O. Box 291307
Kerrville, TX 78029-1307
Online giving here
Thank you so much for your support!!

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