Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Happy Dance

My heart is dancing like David in his ephod over here!!!


Can you guess why?!?!


ANDREW HAS A FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Andrew’s family is beginning the long, challenging, expensive journey to bring him home, and they desperately need your support.  They need your prayers as well as your donations.  They need you to share their story far and wide so others will know of this little life that is in the process of being redeemed.  It will take an army of supporters, but God’s a great Commander and He’s got this.  He loves Andrew more than we do, and He will provide to get that sweet boy into the arms of his new mommy and daddy.  Praise Him!


If you recall, Andrew is blind.  He was in the same room as Cooper and Conner at their orphanage.  My heart ached to leave so many treasures behind, and it ached even more to discover so few children were registered for international adoption.  My heart rejoiced when I found out Andrew was indeed available.  I long to see every child from our boys’ groupa in the arms of a forever mommy and daddy.  My heart is DANCING with the news that Andrew now has a committed family!!!  I cannot praise God enough for answering this prayer for Andrew.


I beg you to please donate to bring Andrew home, even if it’s just a few dollars.  Every penny counts, and God’s in the business of multiplying what we sew. 


Here’s how you can help and stay updated:

  • Click HERE to donate directly to Andrew’s family so that they can immediately use these funds to complete their home study and to pay for dossier documents.  This type of donation is not tax-deductible, but it will go directly to Andrew’s family and be used 100% toward bringing Andrew home.
  • Click HERE to give your tax-deductible donation to Andrew.  This money stays in Andrew’s Reece’s Rainbow account and will be given to Andrew’s family once they are set to travel to adopt him.
  • Click HERE to follow Andrew’s family’s blog.  Leave a word of encouragement and pray regularly for God to provide the funds and expedite this process for His glory.


And PLEASE share Andrew’s story, as it’s a beautiful redemption story for God’s glory, one we can all rejoice in.  Thank you Spivey family for answering His call, for stepping out in faith, and for loving others the way He loves us—unconditionally.  We’re praying Andrew home and cannot wait to see him in your arms!!!  Yes, indeed, your are making a difference for THIS one!!! 

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