Monday, November 28, 2011


Just wanted to apologize for not updating today.  It's been a full and crazy day, and I haven't had a chance to get on the computer until now, and even now, I only have a few minutes.  I just wanted to let you all know that we didn't receive our travel date today.  Our facilitator said that our letter/invitation to travel is ready and our appointment date is assigned, BUT the letter wasn't signed today, so the SDA told her it would be ready tomorrow (Tuesday).  A few friends who are in the same boat (adopting from Ukraine, waiting on travel date) had the same thing happen, so we're all anxiously waiting for tomorrow to arrive so we can see if we all get our travel dates for real!

I have some major God stuff to share, but no time to sit and compose all that God did for us over the weekend.  Incredible stuff that needs more than a few minutes to churn out.  I've got a really busy week, but hopefully I'll be able to carve out some time to express my heart and share what God's been up to.

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