Click HERE to purchase this design and other John 14:18 gear.
John 14:18 is a promise from our Savior. A promise given to every single person in the entire world. A promise that required His very life in order to fulfill it.
Click HERE to purchase this window decal and other John 14:18 gear.
“I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you.” John 14:18
We are all orphans until we accept the gift of Jesus Christ. He paid the price for every single one of us. He promised not to leave us as orphans, He fulfilled His promise to us on Calvary, and once we accept His precious gift, we are given the most fantabulous forever family anyone could ever ask for. His family. Forever. As in for all eternity forever.
We are adopted.
Chosen by the King of Kings.
Undeserving recipients of His fulfilled promise of John 14:18.
Please help us spread the Good News of Jesus’ promise of John 14:18. He did not abandon us. He has come for us.
And we should do the same for others (not leave them as orphans) because He first loved us, because He gave His life for us, because He has come for us.
Some are called to “come for orphans”, to live out John 14:18 to the fatherless around the world.
We are desperately trying to fundraise to bring home our 2 Ukrainian sons. They’re waiting to see John 14:18 come to life for them. For years, they’ve been waiting.
Watching others being chosen.
Watching others leave the orphanage in the arms of a forever family.
Will you help us raise the ransom to live out John 14:18 for two special boys on the other side of the world?
Jesus gave His life as the ransom for you and for me.
What are you willing to give?
We have some amazing gear and gifts (at great prices), all designed to spread the Good News of John 14:18 while helping to raise the ransom to rescue our sons.
There’s truly something for everyone.
Think about giving some AWESOME Christmas gifts, too! Christmas gifts with an eternal purpose (raising the ransom for two chosen orphans), as well as showcasing His life-changing promise—John 14:18.
We only have ONE WEEK to take orders. ONE WEEK to make your purchases. ONE WEEK to get some awesome John 14:18 gear and gifts.
Click HERE to purchase your John 14:18 merchandise today.
Don’t forget that you can be entered in the giveaway this week simply by spreading the news of our awesome John 14:18 gear. But hurry, you only have until Sunday, November 13.

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