Thursday, November 24, 2011

New Thankfulness, New Sales, New Giveaway!

Happy Thanksgiving!

This morning we received some new news that we are most thankful for on this Thanksgiving morning.  Our Ukrainian facilitator (whom we LOVE, BTW) emailed to let us know that this upcoming week, possibly this Monday, we should receive our official letter of invitation to come to Ukraine to adopt the boys!!!  So much to be thankful for on this day.  So, so much, but this was not something I expected to be thanking God for today!

We still need to raise our remaining funds.  I am thankful today for God's provision in this adoption.  While we had hoped to be able to fund this adoption ourselves, God always has a better plan.  It was God's plan for His people to rally around us for this adoption.  It was not His plan for us to go at it alone.  He commands us ALL to care for orphans, and for many of His people, the very way He asks them to live out James 1:27 is to financially support those He has called to adopt.

On this Thanksgiving morning, I am so very grateful for those who have supported us in so many ways.  I feel grateful for the "extended family" God has blessed us with, those who I may never meet face to face this side of heaven, those prayer warriors who God has strategically placed around the world, those who support our family through your prayers, service, and giving.  We are so very blessed by you, our extended family through Jesus.  Thank you for loving us.

This week, God put it on my heart to offer another round of the John 14:18 gear over the Thanksgiving weekend.  I really didn't know why, other than the fact that it would help us raise more funds (and I knew some of you wanted to order, but missed the deadline).  This morning when I woke to the awesome news from our Ukrainian facilitator that our boys just might really be home for Christmas (maybe, with a lot of prayer that things go quickly and smoothly!), I knew immediately why God had asked us to offer another round of the John 14:18 gear:  to raise the remaining funds.

The first round of sales was so overwhelmingly completely blew me away.  I pray for God to show Himself again through this second round.  This is not about us, it's about Him.  Would you please help us spread the word that we only have 4 days total in this sale?  Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.  That's it.  The deadline for orders is Sunday, November 27 at 11:59PM CST.  Orders will ship in time for Christmas, so do some guilt-free Christmas shopping and sow seed into the adoption of Vlad and Dima.

Oh, and just for the pure joy of blessing someone with a free John 14:18 t-shirt, I'll add another giveaway.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Click HERE to order your John 14:18 gear today!

PS  If you're receiving this via email, there will be 3 emails in today's All Are Precious In His Sight email.  Be sure to scroll down to read them all.  :-)

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