Thank you, God, for giving me straight feet!
After just three weeks in casts, using the Ponseti method of repair for bilateral club feet, we are seeing AWESOME results. Major God results that I’m sure humans would like to take credit for, but I’m giving glory to God.
Cooper is 6 years 10 months now. He’s only been home since March 3, and not only are his feet much straighter (after 3 weeks in casts), but look at the chub on this boy! In less than two months, Cooper has gained TEN POUNDS!!!!!!! Yes, you read that correctly. Cooper weighed 21 pounds when he got home, March 3, and at his casting appointment with his orthopedist April 18, Cooper weighed 31 pounds (in a dry diaper, without casts on)!!!
Jehovah Rapha is really showing off!
Look at Cooper trying to stand up with his newly straightened feet!
The above left photo was taken March 28, 2012, showing the severe degree of club foot in Cooper’s left foot.
The above right photo was taken April 18, 2012, showing the significant straightening of Cooper’s left foot, after just 3 weeks in casts, using the Ponseti method of repair for his bilateral club feet.
We are praising the Lamb for the awesome news that Cooper should be able to have surgery May 8 to completely repair his bilateral club feet! When the orthopedist started this process, he reminded us that he wasn’t sure if the Ponseti method of repair would be successful with Cooper since he was almost 7 years old (and this method or repair usually begins within the first 10 days of life). So far, the results show that this method is working. Hallelujah!
Cooper will continue to get new casts every Wednesday, with each cast turning his feet straighter and straighter. Then, if all looks good, Cooper will have surgery to clip his Achilles tendon (also part of the Ponseti method of repair). Then Cooper will wear casts for three more weeks (following surgery). After the casts are permanently removed, Cooper will wear shoes with braces 24/7 for three months, then he should be able to move to wearing the shoes with braces only at night for a total of three years.
I imagine Cooper will be up and running by the end of this summer! Praise God!
I’ll leave you with this short video of Cooper playing in the sink at the orthopedist’s office. Someone advised me to bring baby soap with me to Cooper’s casting appointments so that I could bathe Cooper’s legs in the sink during the time between old casts coming off and new casts going on. Brilliant idea! Not only does Cooper get his legs bathed once a week, but he also gets to splash in the water, which he LOVES.

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