Monday, April 16, 2012

Nursing Home Adoptions?

I was recently made aware of a type of adoption I had absolutely NO CLUE about.  Have you ever heard of adopting children from nursing homes in the USA?  I had never heard of this, as I had no idea there were orphaned children living in nursing homes in the USA.  Oh my. 


It’s when I hear about things like this that I am reminded of just how little I know about the conditions of orphaned children around the world.  If you’ve ever watched any of the 20/20 or Prime Time nursing home investigations in the past, or if you’ve kept up with nursing home care in general, you are probably aware that there are good nursing homes and not-so-good nursing homes.


Well, what I’ve just become aware of, is that there are CHILDREN living in nursing homes in the United States who are available for adoption.  I truly cannot believe I was completely clueless about this.  It makes sense now that I’m aware of the situation, but I never thought about it before.


I always assumed that if a child was born in the US with medical conditions that caused the birth family to be unwilling and/or unable to care for the baby, that the birth family would create an adoptive plan for the baby or CPS would place the baby in a medical foster home.  After all, our baby Selah was in a similar condition…a very medically fragile baby whose birth mother was unable/unwilling to care for her, so the birth mom sought an adoptive plan for the baby.  Makes sense.  The adoptive situation with baby Selah and her bio half-sister, Ella, was not a typical situation AT ALL, so this was/is not a situation I would apply across the board as what to expect with a medically fragile newborn.  I just have not ever analyzed cases of medically fragile babies where the birth families are unable/unwilling to care for the babies.


Until now.


Oh.My.Word.  How can this possibly be?  How could I not even have a clue of what is happening right here in the United States, a first-world country who claims to be the best of the best? 


Why has no one advocated for these babies to find forever families?


Why are these babies living and dying, alone, without a family, in a nursing home in the United States?


Why are some of these nursing homes allowed to continue in operation when there is horrible abuse, neglect, and medical malpractice?


We have to be educated in this.  We have to be the voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.  We cannot sit back and keep these hidden treasures locked in nursing home rooms across America.  We have to defend the weak, seek justice for the oppressed, provide and plead for the needy, visit the sick, and CARE FOR THE ORPHAN.


If you have ever adopted a child from a nursing home in the USA, would you PLEASE contact me?  

If you are interested in adopting a medically fragile child from a nursing home in the US, would you PLEASE contact me?


You may leave a comment or email me at BossYourHeart [at] gmail [dot] com. 


I’m just beginning to have my eyes opened.  Please help educate me.  Please spread the word.  Please help me get into contact with as many families as possible who have adopted a child from a US nursing home.  I want to help however God will allow.  I need your help.  Together we can be a voice for those who have been abandoned in the US to live and die, alone, in a nursing home, and, God forbid, that a precious child be stuck in one of the not-so-good nursing homes. 


“Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die.  Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.”  Proverbs 31:8-9

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