Day 28 of Mission Boss Your Heart Memorial Blitz, Focus #4 (Final Focus): Reach Out to Rowan! View his mommy's blog HERE. View his foundation HERE.
Day 28 of Chrissie's 31-day battle, May 16, 2010: Post 1 (E's obituary), Post 2 (lungs bleeding big time), Post 3 (back on oscillator), Post 4, Post 5 (such a complicated case; planning of heart cath to break up clot in pulmonary artery)
Day 28 of Chrissie's 31-day battle, May 16, 2010: Post 1 (E's obituary), Post 2 (lungs bleeding big time), Post 3 (back on oscillator), Post 4, Post 5 (such a complicated case; planning of heart cath to break up clot in pulmonary artery)
I feel so very blessed that God chose to connect our family with the Windham family. It's crazy to think that Rowan occupied the PICU "suite" just before Chrissie, yet I didn't know him or his family at that time. Carrie found out about Chrissie the second day of her hospitalization, and from that day on, Carrie has blessed Matt and I (and our entire family) in ways that far exceed anything what seems humanly possible. I'm not exaggerating either!I already told you about the A-M-A-Z-I-N-G photo memory quilt that Carrie made for us last summer., so let me share a few recent things Carrie's been doing to bless our socks off! You know how we have Chrissie's memorial benefit this Saturday, right? Well, Carrie isn't the type to sit back and hope someone else pitches in. Carrie JUMPED all over helping with the benefit. I'm quite certain she's doing WAY more than I am.
Let me just share a FEW of the recent things Carrie has said/done (this is just a small sampling):
- Oh, I'd love to help with the auction, and I have a good friend who would like to help, too. We'll be the chairpersons for the auction.
- Oh, wow, I saw you needed someone to decorate! My daughter, Zoe, and I would LOVE to take that on! We want you to approve everything, but, if it's OK with you, we'd like to just purchase everything and not worry about being reimbursed.
- (Did I mention that Zoe, Carrie's daughter, is the artist who created the fabulous Boss Your Heart logo?!?)
- Hey, I found a custom stamp making company online, do you mind if I order a Boss Your Heart stamp?
- And what color stamp pad should I purchase to go with it?
- Do you mind if I make some signs and posters for the event?
- Let me show you some of the things I'm making for the silent auction! I love making aprons and customizing them. I'm also putting together some gift baskets that we're going to donate.
- Zoe and I love to bake. Are you having a cake or cookie walk? Oh, a bake sale, that would be perfect! I just texted and emailed about 25 people who are going to bake, and we'll make a ton of things, too. It's covered, don't you worry about a thing!
Thank you, Carrie, for always going above and beyond to bless my socks off. You are a rare and beautiful gem, and I'm so very grateful that God chose to bless me with a friend like you!
Here are the photos from recent texts from Carrie:
Yep, that's what I said! Can you even believe the HEART and TALENT of this awesome lady?!? And, remember, she is mom to Iron Man Rowan, who requires extra TLC due to his rare syndrome, plus Carrie has 2 other awesome kiddos. Amazing!
Carrie, you bless me more than you'll ever know with your kindness and generosity. I pray for God to shower His abundant and glorious blessings upon you and your family. Love you!

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