As you know, the Blocks totally ROCK. I don't have to tell you how awesome they are, what an inspiration they are, how much they love Jesus, how they've modeled that their lives are not their own, because you already know all of this. I will simply say that I am so proud of the Blocks for joyfully and enthusiastically obeying God's call for their big ole Jesus lovin' family to move to Guatemala to serve hundreds of orphans every single day in His precious name. I wanna be just like the Blocks when I grow up!
And, as you probably know, the Blocks NEED 147 families to "Back the Blocks" with a monthly pledge of just $25 in order for their family to move to Guatemala and serve as His missionaries there. Praise God that 10 families have signed up in just two days of this blitz, but, really, folks, we can do better than this!!! WAY better! We waste $25/month on so many things that have no eternal value and do nothing to further His Kingdom. I am so guilty of wasting money and not being as good of a steward as I should/could be. I signed up to "Back the Blocks", and I'm asking you to do the same. I know without a doubt that there are 147 people in this world who can spare just $25/month in order to bring the love of Jesus Christ to hundreds of orphans on a daily basis. In fact, I bet there are 147 people who will read this message TODAY who could spare $25/month! We just have to FIND those 147 families, get them to make their pledge, and then the Blocks can get to Guatemala and deliver His message of life, love, faith, hope, and redemption. Can't ask for a better return on an investment!
Will you please help us find 147 families who will "Back the Blocks"?!?
I KNOW without a doubt that God can do this. I know without a doubt that He called the Blocks to serve in Guatemala. God equips those He calls, and He gives all of us an opportunity to SEND the ones He calls. We have the opportunity to help equip this family to serve Him. God's probably not asking us to sell our homes and all of our belongings, to leave the comforts and conveniences of America to serve His children in Guatemala, like He has done with the Blocks, but I believe He is asking us to SEND the Blocks. (Whew, we got the easy end of the deal, huh?!?) God knows what He's doing by allowing some of us to be senders while He asks others to actually GO. Right now, I feel very blessed (and grateful!) to be a sender of this incredible family!
Will you please join me by helping SEND the Blocks to Guatemala? Click HERE to make your pledge of just $25/month, then go leave a comment on my blog by clicking HERE to let me know you're "Backing the Blocks" so that I can update the counter/ticker. (It is very important that you leave a comment for me so that I can accurately tally the number of families God has lifted up to "Back the Blocks"!) Oh, I have a giveaway on my blog, too, for those who leave a comment on THIS POST. Once the Blocks reach 147 supporters, they'll be on their way to Guatemala!!!
After you make your pledge, be sure to spread the word (Facebook, Twitter, blog) about the need for SENDERS to help this precious family get to Guatemala, for His glory. Let's rally around the Blocks, spread the word, and SEND them on their merry way to Guatemala before the end of May!!!
Thank you for allowing me to hijack this blog, but don't worry, Amy will be back here soon! :-)

Grab this badge, put it on your blog, make it your Facebook profile picture, spread the word!
Day 17 of Mission Boss Your Heart Memorial Blitz, Focus #3: Backing the Blocks (Missionaries serving orphans in Guatemala)
Day 17 of Chrissie's 31-day battle, May 5, 2010: Post 1 (Q&A's), Post 2

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