There are lots of ways to come up with $32 today. Ask 8 of your friends to give you $4/each. That's $32, which could send Taylor to Israel to deliver the love of Jesus Christ to hurting children and their families. You could choose to skip taking your family out to dinner, and give $32 to Taylor instead. You could choose to split the cost with your co-worker or neighbor, which would be just $16/each. The investment is eternal. That "value meal" at the drive-thru? Not an eternal value.
I can tell you first-hand how hard it is to watch your child go through open-heart surgery. I don't know how people do such things without Jesus. Taylor will be bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to heart children and their families in Israel. Believe me, the $32 investment in sending Taylor to Israel is WORTH IT. You just can't put a price on having someone love on these sick kiddos, sharing the love of Jesus Christ, delivering the message of His hope to families who might feel like they have nothing: no hope, no love, no future. Jesus is our only future; He offers salvation, hope, love, ETERNAL life. Without Him, there really is no future. These children and their families NEED Him. We all do. Please be His hands and feet and help send Taylor to Israel, in His name, for His glory.
If you're viewing this in a reader or via email, the ChipIn probably won't appear. Go to the blog at to donate today via Taylor's ChipIn, entitled Missions 2011.
Day 14 of Mission Boss Your Heart Memorial Blitz, Focus #2: Mission Mending Broken Hearts in Israel, Taylor Nicole
Day 14 of Chrissie's 31-day battle, May 2, 2010: Post 1, Post 2, Post 3

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