Please share this button on your blog! Also, for this week, I'm using this button/badge on Facebook as my profile picture. I encourage you to do the same, as we advocate as one voice to raise up an army of supporters who will "Back the Blocks"! To donate to the Blocks, click HERE!

I am pleased to report that 7 people (as of 2:20AM today) have made commitments to back the Blocks in the amount of $25/month (ongoing). YAY! Thank you so much to everyone who has joined the team to "Back the Blocks"! Now we need 140 more. Can God do it? YES HE CAN!!!
Did you know that the Blocks have sold EVERYTHING, including their home, and they're just waiting for enough monthly pledges/support in order to GO to Guatemala?!? They have such an inspiring story. The Blocks have 11 people in their family: Amy and Todd (Mom and Dad), plus 4 bio kids, 2 adopted from the US foster system, 2 adopted from Guatemala, and 1 adopted from Ethiopia. The Blocks totally ROCK.
This time, God isn't calling them to adopt another child, but He has called them to GO and SERVE orphans on a much larger scale. He has asked them to move their big ole, Jesus lovin' family to Solana, Guatemala to serve hundreds of orphans on a daily basis, where they will deliver His message of unconditional love and hope. The Blocks didn't make excuses when God called them, instead, they embraced God's plan with ENTHUSIASM, saying, "Here WE are, Lord, send US!" They put a "House For Sale" sign in their yard one day, and the next day, it SOLD! Only God!
This weekend, the Blocks will be moving into a very temporary rental unit that God has provided (for FREE, thank you, God!). If the Blocks get 147 pledges of $25/month, they can go to Guatemala and bypass life in a rental unit!!! :-) Let's join the army of supporters and SEND the Blocks to Guatemala, for His glory!
I forgot to mention yesterday that anyone who leaves a comment of encouragement/prayer/support for the Block Family will be entered in a GIVEAWAY. If you share the "Back the Blocks" blitz (on Facebook, Twitter, or your blog), leave a separate comment for each "share", and you'll receive an entry in the giveaway each time you share their info! If you sign up to be one of the new 147 commitments who pledge an ongoing monthly gift of $25/month (or more), you'll be entered TWENTY-FIVE (25) times in the drawing!!! (Be sure to leave a comment if you join the team of 147 new commitments so I can update the ticker!) The giveaway will include several Boss Your Heart items (including a book, t-shirt, and bracelet...maybe more!), in memory of Princess Chrissie.
Speaking of Princess Chrissie, be sure to look at the very bottom of each post where I'll include links to last year's posts from her 31-day hospital battle. On this day last year, I wrote that I was confident Chrissie would be coming home to Forgotten Saw Ranch. This year, as we are in the midst of the anniversary of Chrissie's battle, it's easy to feel defeated. I can hardly believe that Chrissie did come home to Forgotten Saw Ranch, but it wasn't in our car. It was in a hearse. I feel so emotional about everything because God gave us so many miracles, so much encouragement, so many prophecies through friends with the spiritual gift of prophesy and discernment, yet He chose to take Chrissie Home with Him at the end of her battle.
But, we must take heart and believe without a doubt that we ARE NOT defeated. We serve a sovereign God who does NOT make mistakes. His plan is perfect, even when it feels painful and looks messy. In order to see God's light amidst the darkness and feel His joy amidst the pain, we have had to really boss our hearts to beat in sync with His. We have had to study His Word, learn more about heaven (where our daughter's permanent residency is now, and where we are assured permanent residency in our future through Jesus Christ), and claim His Truth over any lies Satan tries to trip us up with. Chrissie so courageously and miraculously taught us how to boss our hearts back on April 28, 2010. Bossing our hearts has been vital in our journey through the valley as we learn to live on earth without our precious princess.
We had a family meeting the other night, and the thing I was most intrigued with was how everyone (who was a part of our family when Chrissie was with us) said they felt like they never missed one single day of Chrissie's life on earth, yet she didn't join our family until she was 4 years old. I realize now what an awesome gift from God it was that He allowed our family to fully experience Chrissie for the 7 months she was in our family. We loved her as deeply as one can possibly love, and what a blessing it was for her to love us the same. This was a gift from God. He allowed Chrissie to speak English within a few weeks of joining our family, He allowed us to focus 100% of our time on being with Chrissie, enjoying every day to its fullest. Again, this was a gift from God. Every member of our family talked about how they recall each and every day of Chrissie's time with us as a day of family fun time, even if it was just mundane things, it was time solely focused on being together as a family. We were always together, always having fun, always "experiencing" Chrissie fully. This was truly a gift from God.
As I ponder that miraculous time of "experiencing" Chrissie, I can't help but think of the parallels to our relationship with our Abba Father. Even when we have missed out on many years with Him, wandering around as an orphan without a heavenly Father, once we join His forever family as His beloved adopted child, He gives us a special gift. It's a gift that feels miraculous. A gift we'd never want to miss out on. A gift that feels so incredible that words simply cannot explain it. A gift that takes love to another level, a level deeper than we've ever experienced. A love we never want to lose. A love that is simply indescribable. A love that is nothing short of miraculous. And the best thing about this Love is that we NEVER have to experience losing it. Through the blood of Jesus Christ, we are able to fully experience God's love NOW and for ALL ETERNITY. A priceless gift like no other.
Just as we experienced here on earth when we adopted Chrissie, when we are adopted into God's family, He allows us to feel as though we've never missed out on a single day with Him. He listens to us and enables us to hear Him, without any language barriers, no matter what country we're from or what type of accent we might have. God loves us as deeply as One can possibly love, despite our circumstances, despite our special needs, despite our shortcomings, despite our struggles. God is always available to us, ready to wrap His loving arms around us, as if we complete Him and He completes us. It's a miracle that we begin to experience in real life, during the challenging times, the stressful times, the fun times, the life-threatening times, even during the mundane times.
God wants us to really know Him, as if we've never missed one single day of being His adopted child. No matter how old you are, no matter how long you've gone as an orphan without a loving Father, no matter how many problems and issues you might have, no matter how many failures you've faced in life, no matter how many times you've been let down or let others down, I encourage you to run to your Abba Daddy, wrap your arms around His neck, and begin to fully experience Him. It's a relationship I don't want anyone to ever miss out on. Such a special Gift to treasure. An everlasting gift that never expires. A gift that never forsakes us either. There's simply no gift like it.
I am so very, very grateful for the 7 months God gave us with Chrissie. It truly felt like she was in our family for all 4 years of her precious life. We could not have loved Chrissie, known her, or experienced her any more fully. What a treasured gift from God. And I am so very, very grateful for the gift He gives us through His Son, Jesus Christ. The precious gift of an earthly relationship with the One who resides in heaven, along with another treasure like no other, the gift of salvation. I am so very grateful that we get to spend eternity with the One who loves us like no other, and I'm a tad bit jealous that Chrissie is already dancing with her beloved King of all Kings.
Now, I hope you'll watch the following video and be inspired by the Block Family, who is fully experiencing their Savior as they live their lives on earth with their eyes on their King, their hearts open, and their feet walking in His path!!!
Day 16 of Mission Boss Your Heart Memorial Blitz, Focus #3: Backing the Blocks (Missionaries serving orphans in Guatemala)
Day 16 of Chrissie's 31-day battle, May 4, 2010: Post 1, Post 2, Post 3, Post 4, (this is the post where I rejoiced that Chrissie would be coming home, to Forgotten Saw Ranch, but I didn't realize it would be that she'd be buried here...sigh, sad face, tears) , Post 5
The Block family and their children will be working at Eagles Nest Orphanage in Solola, Guatemala. They will be bringing the word of God to the children residing at Eagles Nest helping provide holistic orphan care. They will be touching the lives of the children who are served each day in the Manna Feeding program and to those who are involved in the Sports Ministry. Because Guatemala closed its door to U.S adoptions these children have little hope of finding a forever family. The Blocks would like to invite you to join their team and become involved in the work God is doing in Guatemala. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with the Blocks? They are in need of 147 sponsors who are able to give $25 in monthly support. To be on the Block's team go to www.cten.org/toddblock/

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