children a reward from him.

Selah had her sedated brain MRI and skull CT scans yesterday, but we won’t find out the results until April 5, when we meet with the neurosurgeon and craniofacial surgeon. The results will determine whether or not Selah will need the second phase or her skull reconstruction. We’re praying God will (or already has) miraculously healed Selah’s skull so beautifully to where she won’t even need phase 2 of her skull reconstruction. Jehovah Rapha is able!!!
Selah never does well with restraints, nor with anesthesia. Together, the two make for a VERY unhappy, stressed little girl, for hours…until we get to the car, away from hospital staff, where Selah knows she’s safe. I love that she knows she’s safe with us, I just wish she didn’t have to endure yucky hospital visits and sedations at all.
Once we got home from our 6.5 hour hospital excursion, Selah was ready to PLAY. She ran to meet Kiefer and hop on his tricycle so he could push her around. I love these kiddos so much. My heart swells with delight to see the sibling relationships God is knitting within our family. Here’s a video of Kiefer pushing Selah on his tricycle (Conner and Cooper are also sitting outside watching the action):
Today we are readopting Conner and Cooper so that they will have Texas birth certificates, and so I will be listed as their mom on their birth certificates. Because Matt adopted as a married individual in Ukraine (since we filed our dossier that way so I wouldn’t have to travel to Ukraine since Selah was supposed to have phase 2 of her skull reconstruction last fall, at the same time we were supposed to be traveling), I was not able to officially adopt the boys in Ukraine, only Matt could. Because only Matt adopted the boys (even though I ended up traveling), I need to readopt the boys in the US. And, because only one parent legally adopted the boys in Ukraine, Conner and Cooper didn’t enter the US as American citizens, like they would have if we had both adopted them in Ukraine. In order to become American citizens, I need to readopt them, then apply for US citizenship. (BTW, if you adopt internationally, I highly recommend readoption in the US. This will allow you to easily obtain your child’s birth certificate in the future, as you would be able to get it from whatever state you readopt in.)
Before I close, I wanted to share the video below of Cooper worshipping at church last Sunday. He LOVES the music, and we all just melt when he voluntarily starts clapping to the beat and/or flapping his arms up and down with excitement. I haven’t been able to fully capture this on video, but the short clip below shows Cooper flapping his arms with excitement at the same time the worship leader sings, “We are FREE”!!! Priceless.
If the casts work, after six weeks of castings, Cooper will have surgery to clip his heel cord, then be in casts for three more weeks.
If that works and Cooper's feet are no longer clubbed after this nine week procedure, he will be fitted for shoes with bars/braces between them that he will wear every night for three years.
Would you please keep praying for my friend's custody trial for her foster son? I was able to testify yesterday (Tuesday) because the judge and attorneys agreed to my being called out of order since I couldn't come back in the near future due to my schedule. He trial will resume tomorrow (Thursday), but Selah (our 17-month-old) has a sedated brain MRI tomorrow, so I won't be present at the trial. Just keep praying for birth mom's rights to be terminated and for my friend to be filled with His wisdom and His peace that passes all understanding.
Thank you so much!
If you're in the Houston area and would like to show your support of justice, adoption, fostering, and love, please send me a message and I'll give you the address of where to go and where to sit in court to support my awesome friend.
Keep praying for birth mom's rights to be terminated, as that is in the best interest of the child.
Thank you!
Sent from Lorraine's iPhone
Sent from Lorraine's iPhone
When you adopt from Ukraine, one of the rules of Ukraine is that the adoptive parent(s) register the Ukrainian child(ren) with the Embassy of Ukraine in the USA after you enter the US with the child(ren).
While at the US Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine, to obtain Conner’s and Cooper’s visas, the Ukrainian office gave us the forms necessary to register the boys with the Ukrainian Embassy after we entered the US. We were told we must register them within 30 days of entering the US. These forms were given to us March 2. We entered the US March 3.
Because I didn’t want to risk forgetting to register the boys, I decided to take care of this task before we left for the hospital, which was just one day after entering the US with the boys. I filled out all of the Ukrainian forms (that were given to me by the Ukrainian officer in Kyiv), made copies of everything, gathered all of the required documentation, included the boys’ original passports, along with a stamped return envelope (so the boys’ passports can be mailed back to me), and then mailed all of the paperwork to the correct address to the Consular Office of the Embassy of Ukraine to the USA.
Yesterday I received a letter in the mail from the Consular’s Office. Here’s what it said:
The Consular Office of the Embassy of Ukraine has received your registration documents, but we can’t use them because you sent us the old form.
Starting from January 1, 2012, the registration rules were changed. Please visit our web-page. There you can find the new information regarding required documents for consular registration.
I am not even kidding you!!! Those who either live in Ukraine, have visited Ukraine, have adopted from Ukraine, or have dealt with Ukraine in any way will most likely laugh out loud as you read this!!! Me, not so much. I’m screaming out loud. My words were, “I cannot believe this. Oh, wait, I mean I can believe this, but we’re in the USA now. Oh, but wait, we’re dealing with the Ukrainian Embassy. So, this is normal, but I still can’t believe this. Oh, wait, yes I can.” And, remember, the forms I sent in were given to me by a Ukrainian office in Kyiv on March 2, but apparently the rules and requirements changed January 1. AGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
The letter included a copy of the new forms (only one copy was included, but I have to fill out two copies because we adopted two non-related children), but the other problem is that the forms are entirely in Ukrainian. Yep, not kidding there either. Not a word of English on any of the pages. These forms are specifically created for American adoptive families to register their Ukrainian children with the Consular Office. I’m sure I’m not the only non-Ukrainian speaking/reading adoptive family who must fill out these forms!!! Hmmmm, one would think there would be an English translation in there since the forms are for Americans, but, then again, we are dealing with Ukraine…in America.
So, just in case you’re in the same situation I’m in, click HERE for the NEW registration forms, along with a sample form you can print out to help decipher what info goes where on the Ukrainian forms.
Ugh, I just thought we were done with Ukrainian delays, but apparently Ukraine followed us home.
I woke this morning to such a joyful noise: the sound of laughter over the baby monitor, compliments of Conner and Cooper. BOTH boys reminding me before my eyes even opened that THIS is the day the Lord has made, let us REJOICE and be GLAD in it! Hallelujah!
Cooper had his visit with the pediatric orthopedist yesterday to examine his club feet. We spent FIVE hours there!!! WOW! First, Cooper had MANY x-rays of both feet, probably about 10-12 in all. Then we waited to see the specialist. While we waited, we visited with a nurse and social worker who came in to check on Cooper’s needs. Finally, the doctor made it in (along with an orthotics maker), and determined that he needed more x-rays before he could make any decisions regarding a plan of action.
So, off we went for more pics. This time, the x-rays were of Cooper’s hips and spine and neck region, about 10-12 more pictures. The iPad rescued us because Cooper had to do some flexion x-rays where he had to look in various directions to have his spine and neck in various positions. We never would have gotten Cooper to cooperate with this if it weren’t for the videos on the iPad. All I had to do was hold the iPad wherever they needed him to look, and voila, Cooper held his body in the perfect pose for each x-ray!
We went back to the peds ortho after the second round of x-rays, then he shared his thoughts with us.
Both of Cooper’s feet are clubbed, which keep him from being able to walk. His feet scored in the SEVERE category. Dr. D has never repaired club feet on a 6-year-old child because in America, club foot repair begins shortly after birth.
Dr. D decided to approach Cooper’s case as if he’s a two-year-old because of his size. He’s hoping his bones and such will respond like a two-year-old’s would.
So, the plan is for Cooper is to follow the Ponseti method, which begins with a 6-week series of castings. The casts will be changed weekly, slowly bending his feet into a more normal position over the course of six weeks. Hopefully Cooper will start this treatment next week. (BTW, God made a miraculous opening yesterday for Cooper to see this specialist, who is booking six months out!)
After the six weeks of castings, Cooper will have surgery to “clip the heel”, which I believe is cutting a ligament, but not exactly sure. Haven’t had time to research this yet.
After surgery, Cooper will be in a cast for three weeks, then he will wear shoes with a bar/brace in between them for a total of three YEARS. Most of the time, the special brace only has to be worn at night, but sometimes the shoes must be worn 23 out of 24 hours for the first three months.
No one is able to determine how Cooper’s case will turn out at this point since this method of correction usually begins within 7-10 days of birth. We’d love for you to join us in praying for the miraculous healing that our Jehovah Rapha provides, for His glory.
Oh, and we received a surprise discovery while at the orthopedist’s office. Based upon his interpretation of Cooper’s various x-rays, Dr. D believes that Cooper does NOT have rickets!!! The hospital specialists diagnosed both Cooper and Conner with Rickett’s based upon the extremely low amount of Vitamin D in their systems. We’ve been told by numerous specialists that they’ve never seen Vitamin D levels as low as what Conner’s and Cooper’s tests reveal, which would mean it would be nearly impossible NOT to have rickets. The hospital specialists felt the boys didn’t need x-rays to prove they have rickets since the Vitamin D levels were nearly non-existent. So, if Dr. D is correct, this is a miracle for Cooper!!!
I’ll finish this post with some pictures of our beautiful baby Selah (17 months old now). Please remember her in your prayers as she will undergo a sedated in-depth brain MRI in the hospital next Thursday, March 29. Sedation is never fun for this sweet girl.
Cooper and Conner had check ups/follow up appointments with our pediatrician Monday morning. Conner failed his hearing test. (They used the infant hearing test that doesn’t require active feedback/input/following instructions from the patient.) The peds recommended we follow up with a peds ENT doctor.
I called the ENT doc when we left the pediatrician’s office, and they happened to have a cancellation occur just before I called, so we snagged that opening. Conner had his hearing tested with an audiologist at the ENT’s office, and he basically failed that test as well.
The test revealed that Conner can hear some sounds, but not all sounds. They did a test that detects the amount of movement the eardrum has, which revealed very little movement (not good). This made the doctor suspect there’s fluid hiding behind Conner’s eardrum, which could be the source for poor hearing and poor movement of the eardrum.
The ENT put Conner on an antibiotic for 2 weeks that works about 70% of the time to clear up fluid. If the fluid clears up with the antibiotic, we should see an increase in Conner’s ability to hear.
If there’s not an increase in Conner’s hearing after his course of antibiotics, we will need to consider ear tubes. And if the ear tubes don’t increase hearing, we will need to consider hearing aids.
The discovery of Conner’s hearing issues might explain why the orphanage staff felt like Cooper was so much more high functioning than Conner. I don’t know, but it’s something to consider. If Conner couldn’t/can’t hear, that would explain a lot about his development delays (in addition to being left in a crib 24/7). Poor little guy!!!
Please be praying that God will give Conner the gift of hearing. It would be awesome if God would heal Conner’s hearing the same way He healed his heart.
BTW, the ENT was amazed that neither boys has any heart issues. He kept commenting on the percentage of children with Down syndrome who have heart issues, and how rare it would be to adopt two boys with Ds with neither one having a heart issue. Then we realized that in Ukraine, most of the children with Down syndrome who have heart issues don’t live to be six years old. They would normally die of heart failure since people with Down syndrome are not allowed to be treated in most Ukrainian hospitals. So sad. Praise God for healing Conner’s heart and allowing Cooper’s heart to be healthy.
We adore these precious gifts from God!
Today is the two week anniversary of the boys being in Texas. Eight of those days were spent in the hospital, but the boys are catching up quickly. All that was stolen from them is already starting to be restored.
In just two weeks of being home, Conner (age 6.7 YEARS) went from weighing just 16 pounds to now weighing 20 pounds 1 ounce!!! He has gained FOUR pounds in two weeks!
Cooper (age 6.9 YEARS) went from weighing 21 pounds to now weighing 26 pounds 6 ounces!!! In just two weeks, Cooper has gained a little over FIVE pounds!!!
The boys’ hospital pediatrician called yesterday to let me know that their blood results are not showing signs of refeeding syndrome (huge praise), but there are some things that are still “off”, which is what she expected to see. Conner’s liver enzymes were still elevated, but the levels are decreasing with time, which is good. Hopefully they’ll be in the normal range soon. Both boys kidneys are still stressed and working hard, but with more water intake, hopefully this will continue to decrease to a normal range. Cooper’s iron level is still EXTREMELY low (anemic), but they expect that to increase over time, as he’s now receiving an iron supplement.
We praise God for these encouraging results, and for His protection of the boys and their bodies/organs as they begin to receive proper nutrition.
Cooper is consistently using the potty during waking hours. This is not something we’ve taught him, in fact, he’s taught us! He was apparently trained at the orphanage to use the toilet, so as long as we set him on the potty, he goes! Yippee! One thing he does that just totally cracks him up (and proves he’s all boy!) is squirting urine (on purpose) all over the room! Every one of our boys (and yours, too, most likely) has done this at some point in their toddler years, thinking it’s such fun to have the ability to spray the room with urine. We’ve now discovered that it’s best to give Cooper a toy that requires two hands to hold so his little hands are occupied while he uses the bathroom. This helps reduce the likelihood of urine being sprayed about, accompanied by the most adorable laugh ever.
The other thing Cooper does that I think is just precious is that he laughs BEFORE he does something he knows he’s not supposed to. You can just watch his little mind thinking things through. During meals, when I’m feeding him baby food, he likes to sputter and spit and crack up when the food splatters everywhere. That’s great fun for Cooper. Well, he now knows we don’t like this behavior, so each time he takes a bite, we can just see the wheels turning in his mind. He controls his behavior (by not spitting and sputtering the food out), but he just laughs and laughs and laughs as he THINKS about spitting it out!!! I just love learning about this boy!
Conner continues to prefer very little stimulation. I think he’d stay in his crib all day if we’d allow it. It seems his favorite other place to be (besides his crib) is in a jumparoo (see video above). He doesn’t jump in it though, he rocks himself. Conner is a sweet snuggle bug who we all adore.
I wanted to share with you a blessing that felt like God reached out and gave me a big ole hug. About a month or so ago, a local family gave our family a brand new beautiful cherry wood baby crib. We had planned to use Pack-n-Plays for the boys, but this gift was one we couldn’t resist. So then another friend delivered a different crib when she heard we were looking for a second crib. The second crib was used, and it didn’t match the first crib (it was a honey colored pine Jenny Lind crib), but we really didn’t mind a bit. We were just grateful that both boys would have cribs, and that both families donated these cribs to us.
Well, I discovered that the second crib had been recalled, so I followed the steps to filing the claim in order to have a safe crib. Well, I was STUNNED when a BRAND NEW crib arrived that is IDENTICAL to the first crib we were given!!! (I had no say in this, I simply filled out the forms, expecting to receive another Jenny Lind crib.) We now have identical cherry wood cribs for the boys!!! This was nothing short of a sweet blessing straight from God. He continues to provide in abundance for Conner and Cooper. (Did I mention before that a Facebook friend sent bedding for both boys?!?! LOVE it!!!)
Today is a day full of our singing praises to our King of kings!
Many of you have asked about how Conner got his black eye that is in a few of our photos. I had written a post about it, but hid the post because our adoption hadn’t been finalized and I didn’t want it to jeopardize our case in any way. Click HERE to read that post and draw your own conclusion about how Conner got his black eye. I’m just glad he’s home and in our care now. Praise God for protecting and delivering this sweet bundle of love.
Speaking of bundles of love, I took the photo below of our boys’ feet while they were sleeping together at the hospital. I just LOVE those precious tootsies!!!
Conner and Cooper are doing well. Both boys are meeting their nutritional intake requirements (32 ounces of nutrition drink for Conner and 40 ounces for Cooper), and we’re figuring out what each boy needs in order to not be overstimulated.
Conner enjoys sitting in this Little Tikes car on our porch. He doesn’t push the car around, but he enjoys opening and closing the car door all by himself. Conner CRAVES much more down time than Cooper, and he basically falls apart if he gets overstimulated. He cries the most pitiful cry I’ve ever heard and seen, a cry that won’t stop until Conner gets into a quiet, safe place. So, so, so sad, but I’m grateful he cries because many orphans completely lose their voice when no one responds to their cries day in and day out.
Thursday was blood draw day for both boys. We took them to our “local” (30 minutes from home) lab. Mattie was my helper, and the boys adore her. She was tickling them and “getting them” (you know that I’m gonna get you game that we all play with babies?), and both Conner and Cooper just laughed and laughed.
Until it was time to get blood drawn. Cooper went first, not by his choosing, but because he bleeds easier, so I figured we should get his out of the way. Sure enough, one stick, some tears and fussing, and about 2 minutes later, Cooper was all done. I held Cooper in my lap for his blood draw, then Mattie took him and held him outside the little room we were in while Conner got his blood drawn.
Conner is HARD to get blood from, for many reasons. Oh how he cried and cried and cried. I think he cries just as much (or more) because he’s so angry about being restrained than the actual pain of the needle sticking him. He HATES to be restrained. He doesn’t like anything touching him, unless it’s on his terms. He pushes away blankets, toys, food, drink, people…anything at all, unless he decides for himself that he wants something. I’ve found that holding Conner in my lap with him facing outward, away from me, helps him feel safe, but when people are coming at him with needles and tourniquets, he totally freaks.
Needless to say, after two pokes accompanied by MANY scream and tears, complete with sweat, the lab tech hoped she had gathered enough blood to complete Conner’s blood tests. We won’t know until Friday afternoon if it was enough because the blood had to be sent out for testing.
After the blood draws, Conner had an extremely difficult time regulating himself. He throws fits that are directed at injuring himself. He bangs his head, hits his head, picks the skin off his thumb until it bleeds, and stims crazily. Poor guy. I know God will redeem this precious boy, restoring him to a healthy place in God’s perfect timing.
I just feel SOOOOOOO grateful to parent these boys. So grateful for all the ways God is opening eyes to the plight of the orphan. It seems like every person who sees Conner falls in love with him and wants to know how to help orphans like him, the neglected, malnourished, near-death orphans who have no voice of their own. I praise God for the opportunities He’s opening through Conner, for the testimony He’s building through our precious sons. God loves His children dearly. He has not forgotten them. He will not leave us as orphans, He will come to us (John 14:18). Praise Him for His unfailing love and faithfulness. Sooooooo happy our boys are HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!