I woke this morning to such a joyful noise: the sound of laughter over the baby monitor, compliments of Conner and Cooper. BOTH boys reminding me before my eyes even opened that THIS is the day the Lord has made, let us REJOICE and be GLAD in it! Hallelujah!
Cooper had his visit with the pediatric orthopedist yesterday to examine his club feet. We spent FIVE hours there!!! WOW! First, Cooper had MANY x-rays of both feet, probably about 10-12 in all. Then we waited to see the specialist. While we waited, we visited with a nurse and social worker who came in to check on Cooper’s needs. Finally, the doctor made it in (along with an orthotics maker), and determined that he needed more x-rays before he could make any decisions regarding a plan of action.
So, off we went for more pics. This time, the x-rays were of Cooper’s hips and spine and neck region, about 10-12 more pictures. The iPad rescued us because Cooper had to do some flexion x-rays where he had to look in various directions to have his spine and neck in various positions. We never would have gotten Cooper to cooperate with this if it weren’t for the videos on the iPad. All I had to do was hold the iPad wherever they needed him to look, and voila, Cooper held his body in the perfect pose for each x-ray!
We went back to the peds ortho after the second round of x-rays, then he shared his thoughts with us.
Both of Cooper’s feet are clubbed, which keep him from being able to walk. His feet scored in the SEVERE category. Dr. D has never repaired club feet on a 6-year-old child because in America, club foot repair begins shortly after birth.
Dr. D decided to approach Cooper’s case as if he’s a two-year-old because of his size. He’s hoping his bones and such will respond like a two-year-old’s would.
So, the plan is for Cooper is to follow the Ponseti method, which begins with a 6-week series of castings. The casts will be changed weekly, slowly bending his feet into a more normal position over the course of six weeks. Hopefully Cooper will start this treatment next week. (BTW, God made a miraculous opening yesterday for Cooper to see this specialist, who is booking six months out!)
After the six weeks of castings, Cooper will have surgery to “clip the heel”, which I believe is cutting a ligament, but not exactly sure. Haven’t had time to research this yet.
After surgery, Cooper will be in a cast for three weeks, then he will wear shoes with a bar/brace in between them for a total of three YEARS. Most of the time, the special brace only has to be worn at night, but sometimes the shoes must be worn 23 out of 24 hours for the first three months.
No one is able to determine how Cooper’s case will turn out at this point since this method of correction usually begins within 7-10 days of birth. We’d love for you to join us in praying for the miraculous healing that our Jehovah Rapha provides, for His glory.
Oh, and we received a surprise discovery while at the orthopedist’s office. Based upon his interpretation of Cooper’s various x-rays, Dr. D believes that Cooper does NOT have rickets!!! The hospital specialists diagnosed both Cooper and Conner with Rickett’s based upon the extremely low amount of Vitamin D in their systems. We’ve been told by numerous specialists that they’ve never seen Vitamin D levels as low as what Conner’s and Cooper’s tests reveal, which would mean it would be nearly impossible NOT to have rickets. The hospital specialists felt the boys didn’t need x-rays to prove they have rickets since the Vitamin D levels were nearly non-existent. So, if Dr. D is correct, this is a miracle for Cooper!!!
I’ll finish this post with some pictures of our beautiful baby Selah (17 months old now). Please remember her in your prayers as she will undergo a sedated in-depth brain MRI in the hospital next Thursday, March 29. Sedation is never fun for this sweet girl.

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