I wanted to provide an update on what is happening and what will happen to Katie in the next 3 days.
She was moved from the ER to the ICU last night sometime after 3:00 AM. Brett and I were allowed to see her for about 15 minutes. Since the hour she was admitted, she has been encased in a hyperbaric blanket that cools her core body temperature to 33 degrees C, or about 92 degrees F. This dramatically slows down vital body functions, alleviating her from having to work so hard, but also reduces the amount of oxygen required by the body. She'll be kept in this state until approximately 9:00 PM Tuesday. She is also on a ventilator to assist with her breathing. She is essentially in a medically induced coma using drugs that act as both an anesthetic and an amnesiac so that she will not remember any of the days of her treatment.
Sometime on Tuesday night they will begin the process of very slowly warming her core temperature back to normal. This, by necessity, requires anywhere from 24 to 36 hours. Likely sometime on Thursday they will attempt to wake her up and evaluate her neurological condition to determine the degree of injury she may or may not have sustained.
For the time being Katie's heart is beating strongly and there does not seem to be any immediate threat. However, it's what we don't know that will determine what happens going forward and we won't have an idea of that for at least 2 or 3 days.
What we need more than anything at this hour is prayer. It can be cliche to say or request that, but this is no cliche. In the natural there are circumstances about this event that make it difficult to hope. But there is nothing more encouraging than to read texts, emails, Facebook posts, and tweets from people literally all over the world who are praying around the clock in a wall of passionate supplication before God on Katie's behalf. We can't thank you all enough for the way you've reached out to Katie and the family. But now is the time to seek the sovereign will of God and beg for the life of my little girl.
***Update from Brett John (husband to Katie John), via his Facebook around 3AM: Thank you, my dear friends, for your outpouring of love and prayers from all over the world... My wife Katie is in the ICU and will be sedated until sometime Wednesday morning, at which point she will be further diagnosed. We simply won't know more until then. Please remember my dear, sweet Katie - a woman who does so much for everyone - in all of your prayers over the next 36 hours. "For the Lord takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with victory." ~Psalm 149:4 NIV
Please, please, please get on your knees to beg our Jehovah Rapha for a full, rapid, complete miraclulous healing, by His hand.

A young mom named Katie, who has two young daughters and is also in the process of adopting a “famous” orphan named Jack (whom hundreds of people have prayed for and advocated for), had a heart attack today and died, BUT our Jehovah Rapha brought her back to life!!! She’s now alive in ICU, but is non-responsive. The first 24 hours are the most critical, so a fast has been declared on behalf of Katie, and I ask you to consider joining the fast and pray for the full healing of Katie.

This is “Jack”, and many of you have prayed for him to find his forever family. Katie and Brett are Jack’s forever family, but Katie will obviously need to be 100% healed in order to adopt Jack.
What I’ve been told is that Katie’s husband, Brett, came home Monday afternoon to shockingly find Katie without a pulse, not breathing. It is a miracle of miracles that Katie was able to be resuscitated, and that she is now ALIVE. Praise Him, praise Him, praise Him!!!
However, it has not been determined how long Katie was actually dead and without oxygen to her brain, so doctors are not able to predict if she will make it through this and, if she does, what this trauma might have done to her brain. I am told that Katie is breathing on her own (miracle!), but is currently non-responsive.
Y’all, we have lived this path with our Chrissie, and we watched first-hand the miracle healings of our Jehovah Rapha. He IS able. Chrissie’s brain was not damaged by her codes, and her brain went without oxygen as well. The situation is different with Katie since no one knows yet how long Katie went without oxygen, but our Jehovah Rapha is the same and He IS able to do ALL things, regardless of the situation.
Please storm heaven for Katie to be fully healed. May Katie become a living testimony of God’s miraculous healing, for His glory. Please join me in prayer for Katie and her family. I’ve never felt as carried by Christ as I did when thousands of people were praying for Chrissie and our family at this same time two years ago. Please help this family feel Christ’s peace that passes all understanding during this time by praying for Him to wrap His loving arms around them, healing Katie from the top of her head to the soles of her feet, in Jesus’ name!
Thank you!

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