One of the things I treasure most about this age of technology is “cyber friendships”. I just love when God introduces me to someone who becomes a dear friend to me, without even having met her. My sweet friend, Pam, is one of those sweet friends. Pam’s oldest daughter, Kaleigh, is also precious to me. God introduced me to them back when Chrissie was in the hospital (spring 2010), so it’s fitting that I would be introducing this sweet family to you during the same month that we are celebrating the two-year anniversary of Chrissie’s courageous hospital battle.
Today, I’d like you to read Pam’s story, be encouraged by it, and pray about donating to help them with the final finances to bring their daughters home. Click HERE to donate, and please know that your contribution will be matched (up to $2,000), so please give, knowing it will be doubled! Now, here’s Pam’s adoption testimony (written by Pam):
Over 10 years ago the Lord started us on an incredible journey. Our 10 year old daughter had been praying for several years (unknown to us) for God to bless her with a little sister. She had two little brothers and longed for a sister to share her girly heart with. She specifically prayed for God to give her an "adopted" little sister.
That must have been a prayer that pleased our father because we did not pursue adoption nor our God with it. "HE" pursued us.
In January of 2002 we were contacted by missionary friends telling us that they had met a blind South American Baby girl who needed a home. She was 10 months old and was in foster care at that time. She was being sent back to live at the orphanage. They went on to say that they felt that the Lord was impressing them that we might be this baby’s forever family.
There is so much more -so many miracles that took place, but within 5 months (unreal) we were in Ecuador and had become her forever family. The Lord told us clearly to Go and we did GO. It was an act of obedience.
Our family was now perfect with our beautiful little Ecuadorian Princesa. We love children and feel that children are a blessing from the Lord and that we are called to care for the orphan. Soooo our job was complete in that department-so we thought.
We did long for more children and the Lord blessed us with two more babies after that who went to be with Jesus before we even held them.
We felt that our quiver wasn't full -that God still had more children for us, although humanly things were not looking good. We became pregnant again and carried to full term our sweet Kas (miracle boy). During birth we almost lost him. He is a precious miracle.
Life moved on and our lives were full with our beautiful family. We still longed to love even more children that God would give us, but we were busy and had our sweet baby boy.
Our oldest daughter, who had prayed for the adoption miracle, graduated from High school and felt that the Lord was leading her back to the orphanage where our princesa had lived.
She could not explain it but she said that there was some unfinished things in her heart and knew it wouldn't be settled until she could go back. After much prayer , we knew that she was to GO.
This call to GO for us all actually had started when she was just a baby-Keith and I were at a Jericho missions conference and felt an absolute clear call that HE was calling us to GO.
We envisioned going to live on the mission fieldm but that call never seemed to materialize-although we KNEW it was real.
Through time we have begun to see what that call was about- that we are a family called to the plight of the orphan-the abandoned-the solitary. OUR GO is obedience to love and to "BE" the Samaritan and not pass by-to love and care for the orphans that HE gives us.
Back to the story of our daughter’s visit to the Ecuadorian Orphanage. She did go back as a volunteer under the guidance of missionary friends. One of her first emails back said, "mama and daddy -I have met the Ecuadorian Chrissie-she is my sister"!
Our daughter had followed Lorraine’s blog and had a heart for this precious little girl and her sweet family-our blog friends the Pattersons.
After several months of praying we KNEW that we were called to adopt this little one -she had her own special needs but it did not matter. A very short time after our commitment -we learned that another family was coming to adopt her. We knew we had heard God and this didn't make sense-so we literally came to a halt. This was to be our daughter-He had been very clear and we had prayed over this for weeks-we KNEW-but...........What was the Lord doing?
Keith felt that the Lord was saying to wait-just wait -peace-Be still and KNOW.
Months crawled by and I cried literally again and again for the Lord to reveal himself and to deliver this little girl to where HE wanted her to be. At the same time we were introduced to another little one with special needs-a little girl just older than our D-we felt a pull to her but resolved to wait upon the Lord.
We stepped forward in January and heard that D's parents had arrived in August-
Folks we received word -that they came for her but turned around and left-disrupting the adoption with nothing that had to do with her.
We had heard God correctly-D was to be our daughter-then what about L? Ok-God clearly said -they need each other bring them "both" home.
We have been on this journey for 8 months now and have faced mountain after mountain but our God has pulled them down and parted the sea. We have grown -changed -learned -and hopefully increased in Him.
We are in the last phase of our journey and hope to go for our girls within just a few weeks.
Please pray for us as we are awaiting D's final assignment document and then our I-800 and Article 5. We will then travel. (Note from Lorraine: The Andersons got D’s paperwork, praise God!)
We are so grateful that God has placed His hand on our family and called us out of ourselves to a life of abandon-a life commited to caring for those He puts in our care.
We wouldn't trade the journey for any thing that could ever be offered. He is working a love and peace in us that we have never known before.
The journey has not been easy in every aspect-not everyone has just loved what we are doing. We are learning to live solely to please HIM and rely upon HIS grace and provision. He has met every need thus far and we trust that He will continue to care for us as we walk with Him.
Blessings to you all , Pam Anderson
PS. I want to clarify that it is not a "special call" to care for the orphan -we are all called-but some (many ) to GO:)!

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