Will you please pray for me? I’m supposed to speak this Friday at the Hays Hills MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) meeting, but right now my voice is pretty much shot due to some serious laryngitis. I’ve been ill for a few days with yucky cough, congestion, sore throat, body aches, crackling in my chest/lungs, fever that comes and goes, then I completely lost my voice…probably the same stuff Conner had when he was admitted to the hospital with his 105 fever. Most of our children also had this, I’m just lagging behind everyone with my timing of it. I wouldn’t be concerned about it if I wasn’t booked to speak this Friday!!! I would be most grateful for your prayers that I’ll be well enough to speak by Friday, and that my voice will be totally healed so God may be glorified. Thank you!!!
On another note, here’s a video of Conner practicing his walking. He’s still not very fond of walking without support, but he’s getting there. He’s come SOOOOOOO far!!!
And, shortly after videoing Conner walking, I walked into the kitchen to discover this little monkey:
Yes, that’s our Selah in the kitchen window. Oh my. The joy in our home abounds. Thank you, Jesus!
PS Would you please pray for our precious buddy, Rowan? He had two brain surgeries in the past week, and he’s having a lot of pain that’s not responding well to many cocktails of pain meds. Pray for his pain to lessen, and keep his full healing in your prayers as well please. This is Rowan’s 53rd surgery. On our blog, go to the search box and type in “Rowan” and you’ll be blessed to read several entries about this precious boy whom we adore.

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