You might have followed my Facebook updates Saturday regarding The Moghadam Family.
If not, I’d like to ask you to pray for a US adoptive family involved in a tragic situation that occurred this past weekend while they were in Ghana (in the process of legally adopting four children).
The Moghadam Family is a legitimate US family in the process of adopting four boys from Ghana. They are using a US agency for their adoption, and they have done everything required of the US government, as well as meeting the requirements of Ghana, to adopt these children. The Moghadams took their two biological sons with them to Ghana this June to attend court and finish the legal process of bringing their newest sons home. They had court and filed their I-600 in country (official adoption paperwork required by US immigration in order to bring children into the US) this past week, then things suddenly and unexpectedly spiraled out of control.
Apparently an anonymous tipper contacted the Ghana police and made accusations that the Moghadams were child trafficking. The police acted upon this tip, interrogated the Moghadams, but when the Moghadams only had copies (as opposed to originals) of their adoption paperwork, the Ghanaian police arrested Sol and Christine Moghadam and removed all six of the children from their custody for further investigation. Sol and Christine were put in jail while their six children, including their two biological US children, were held in a government orphanage overnight.
The Moghadams’ adoption agency (Dillon International) acted quickly, as did others in Ghana, as did countless people in the US adoption community. Sol and Christine were released from prison Saturday afternoon, their two biological children were returned to them, but their four adoptive children from Ghana remain in the orphanage until the Ghana government investigates and clears the children for international adoption.
The Moghadams have been falsely accused of child trafficking, and they have all of the official legal paperwork to prove that the adoption of these four children has been done legally and with integrity. While it’s wonderful that the government officials of Ghana take child trafficking seriously, it’s heartbreaking to see this happen to a legitimate adoptive family.
The Moghadams need your prayers and support. Please prayerfully consider donating to help them with the extra costs this delay and detour will cause. We don’t know how long this will take to clear up, but prayerfully, God’s TRUTH and JUSTICE will prevail in Godspeed.
Click HERE to donate to the Moghadam’s adoption fund. (Donations are tax-deductible.)
Click HERE to follow the blog of the Moghadam family.
Please pray for this family and support them with encouraging comments. This is a highly unusual circumstance, so please don’t let this episode deter you from adopting. God will use this for His glory, He will use it for good, and He is sovereign over this. Thank you for praying!

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