We’re heading back to the hospital today because Matt’s pain in his side (right ribcage) area hasn’t completely gone away. He spent the entire weekend in bed, not in severe pain like he experienced Thursday night, but not feeling well enough to move around. I called the ER doctor Saturday to inquire about the HIDA test that so many of you suggested (to test functioning of gall bladder, since all of the other tests didn’t show anything wrong with his gallbladder), but the ER can’t order that test. Orders for the HIDA have to come from a gastroenterologist. Now that it’s Monday and Matt’s GI doc is back in the office, we’ve requested he order the HIDA test. Based upon how Matt’s been feeling, we’re fairly confident he’ll be having his gallbladder removed today, but, of course, we could be wrong. We’ll know more after his HIDA test.
We’re so grateful for your prayers and support. The number of people who contacted us Friday to offer advice for Matt’s health scare was overwhelming. So many of you have had gallbladder attacks! Wow! The advice and wisdom y’all shared was invaluable. After reading all of the comments and emails, we feel sure that this crazy episode of pain/nausea is Matt’s gallbladder.
It takes A LOT to keep my husband down and out. Even with his back broken in five places, he was still up and at ‘em. Nothing really slows Matt down, so this weekend was just a big fat bummer, especially since it was Father’s Day weekend. Our Father’s Day celebration is postponed. We were supposed to take a family vacation to a nearby resort that our family loves, but we’ll reschedule it after Matt’s well again.
And now a few pics to brighten your day:
Conner sacked out at nap time. Love his chub. Love that he now sleeps on his belly, instead of cross-legged, bent over with his head on the mattress. He’s settling in nicely.
Cooper showed off his newest milestone for me during nap time—STANDING—BY HIMSELF—as in he willingly, on his own, pulled himself up to stand in his crib all by himself!!!!!!
I think he’s proud of himself.
Notice his left hand isn’t even hanging on to anything! I just know that once Cooper figures out this whole standing and walking thing, our lives will never be the same. He’s a mischievous little guy who is now looking much more like a big boy than a baby. Amazing what 3 months home (and a whole lot of God) can do!!!
Thank you all for praying for us. We are truly grateful. I’ll keep y’all posted once we know more about Matt’s situation.

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