Selah spent Saturday at the ER because she developed these fluid-filled pockets all over her skull and had HUMONGOUS lymph nodes below her ears (both sides) in her neck. One of the lumps appeared to be infected/abscessed. We weren’t sure if her VP shunt was failing and cerebral fluid was leaking through cracks in her skull to form fluid-filled pockets outside her skull.
The ER doctor said the one lump that is all red with white in the center was definitely infected, resembling an abscess. He wanted to insert a needle into it, draw pus out for cultures, and aggressively treat with IV antibiotics to avoid a brain infection. ER doc contacted Selah’s neurosurgeon to consult with him. Neurosurgeon (Dr. George) ordered CT scan of head. Selah was not a happy camper patient.
Dr. George reviewed the CT scan via his computer from home. He said it looked as though Selah was reacting to the chemical resorption of the plates/screws/hardware in her skull from her skull reconstruction almost a year ago. He didn’t want to treat the infected lump in the manner the ER doctor suggested because Dr. George felt that opening the lump would put Selah at greater risk for further infection from bacteria that could invade if it were opened. Dr. George requested Selah be seen in his office Monday morning for further review.
I talked to the neurosurgery office this morning, and they explained that Dr. George is on vacation until August 6. UGH! What?!?! A covering neurosurgeon (who happens to be the person we said we’d never see again after he disappointed us with a negative, opinionated comment about Selah’s worth or lack of it back when she was an infant) would see her tomorrow in Dr. George’s absence.
Momma wasn’t very happy with this. My wise husband suggested I contact Selah’s reconstructive surgeon (Dr. Harshbarger) since this appears to be a result of the plates/screws he installed. I talked to Dr. Harshbarger’s nurse, who said this can occur. Apparently the body sends white blood cells to fight what the body believes is infection at the resorption sites as the biodegradable hardware decomposes. So, these are pus-filled “blisters” all over Selah’s skull, but there’s still the issue of the infected one.
So, Dr. Harshbarger will see Selah at 11:30AM today to observe the infection and determine how he wants to treat it. We appreciate your prayers!
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