Conner’s chest X-ray was clear, meaning he doesn’t have active TB. Hallelujah! This means Sawyer will get his first Remicade infusion treatment today at 11AM. Please be praying for Sawyer not to have any negative reactions to the medicine, and, of course, that it would be effective in controlling his Crohn’s disease. Since my husband also takes Remicade (for his ulcerative colitis), the gastroenterologist is betting that Sawyer will react well to the Remicade, too, since their genes are the same. This would be wonderful. Sawyer’s infusion is expected to take 5-8 hours, so hopefully he’ll be occupied easily with a good book. :-)
Sawyer is currently taking 20mg Prednisone to control the Crohn’s. This was an emergency quick fix since Sawyer couldn’t begin Remicade until we proved that no one in our family had active TB. Sawyer will have to slowly wean off the Prednisone over time, so please be praying for this weaning to go well, too, as it can be challenging to get completely off Prednisone after taking high dosages.
Thank you all for praying for Sawyer. We’re still praying Jesus will heal him completely!!!

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