The only thing constant is change! This Ukrainian adoption has been, by far, our most unpredictable adoption. The plan, as of now, is that we will leave Monday morning for Ukraine. Please pray for the head minister to return our paperwork to the SDA (Ukrainian department of adoption) so that we will be able to sign the required documents Wednesday, January 11.
Jan. 11th is the first day for the SDA to re-open for adoption appointments, but our facilitator was working on getting us in earlier to sign a necessary document that she expected would be ready last Friday. It’s still not ready, but it’s out of anyone’s control, except God’s. Just waiting on the head minister to return our paperwork to the SDA, but God knows when that will be, and His timing is always perfect, even when it might not feel that way.
January is filled with holidays in Ukraine. New Year’s Eve/Day is their big celebration. The orthodox Christmas is January 7, and the governmental offices shut down for a big chunk of time to celebrate the holidays. Our facilitator said that many people are working on days they normally would not, but no one can do anything without the required paperwork that is now with the head minister.
Didn’t I just write that God’s timing is always perfect, even when it might not feel that way? Yes, this we know. He is even sovereign over the head minister’s vacation days, and every detail of this adoption has been ordained by God. Praise Him!
As we wait, God has provided for our family so abundantly. With my mom’s recent and unexpected passing, I wasn’t sure what God would do to meet the needs of our family while Matt and I are in Ukraine, but I was sure He had a plan. My mom wouldn’t be here to watch our kids, she wouldn’t be able to cook our meals, she wouldn’t be here to drive our kids to appointments and church and activities, she wouldn’t be here, period.
But, guess what? Our meal calendar is almost full! God has provided people to oversee the kids, as well as our home and ranch. He has provided drivers, He has provided meals, He has provided for our children’s education, He has provided for our finances, He has provided for every single need. He is our Jehovah Jireh, our provider.
But, guess what? God didn’t stop with fulfilling just the needs. He went over the top to also abundantly provide for our wants. Because our home wasn’t stocked for two more little ones, we were in need want of 2 more of everything “baby/toddler”! The director of the Down Syndrome Association of San Antonio contacted me to let me know that she has prayed for our family and read our blog since Chrissie was in the hospital in April/May 2010! She offered to help our family in any way, and she asked members of the DSASA to donate items to bless our family and welcome our two newest sons!
God and the DSASA went over the top, didn’t they?!?! The director took these snapshots of the items that were donated to our family. She collected all of the items at the DSASA office, and Matt went and picked them up yesterday. There are some of the coolest toys in this collection that we’ve ever seen! (Keifer and Ella have been entertained all morning!) Incredible! Thank you to everyone who donated items, our family is deeply touched by your generosity!
God has moved even more people to donate, in addition to what’s already been donated (in the photos above)! God already has everything lined up, just as He always does. It’s incredible to watch His plan unfold. Just incredible. We feel over-the-top blessed. Thank you ALL for supporting our family with your prayers, gifts, and service. We love you and are so grateful for you all!!! We seriously could not do this without you.
I’ve been completely blown away as I’ve watched God arrange for a variety of people to meet our family’s needs, as well as our wants. Jehovah Jireh has provided abundantly. Thank you for being His hands and feet. Words cannot express our gratitude adequately. You have blessed us beyond measure.
Thank you!

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