I truly cannot believe that I’m writing this post. My mom is now in heaven, most likely playing with Chrissie. She passed away Dec. 23 unexpectedly at the age of 67. We don’t know the cause of death yet, but we’re suspecting her heart. She had a heart attack 9 years ago, had open-heart surgery, had a pace-maker installed, and was doing great, as far as we knew.
My mom is the sweet grandma pictured above with all of her grandkids on her 67th birthday, October 15, 2011. She was the best Nana any grandkid could ask for, so giving, loving, selfless, always putting others before herself. Always. My mom always LOVED kids, and she loved them well. My children were so blessed to have her as their Nana, even if it was for a shorter time than we would have all liked. I wish she could have met her newest grandsons, as she would have made them feel like the most treasured children on the planet. I’m sure of it. She would have helped me love on them, teach them, encourage them, and cherish them. She was good at that.
This is what my brother, John, wrote on my mom’s Facebook wall on her birthday:
Just wanted to say Happy Birthday once again today. To the best mom a son or daughter could ever ask for, always thinking about others before yourself. Thanks for all the the sacrifices you have made in your life to make ours better. As your children, we have truly been blessed. I hope you enjoyed your day. Happy Birthday.
That pretty much sums up how we all feel/felt about my mom. I cannot believe she’s in heaven now. As my dear friend, Ann Rolling said, “HOME for the holidays” has a whole new meaning.
We are so very grateful for your prayers. My little brother is the one who found my mom, so lift him up, as I truly cannot imagine. We were supposed to have our annual Immel Christmas Eve celebration in our home today. Instead, we are meeting with the funeral home.

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