I talked to Matt around 5:30AM CST (1:30PM Kiev time). He said that when he went to the SDA to receive their referral, he was told that Vlad and Dima's aunt filed for custody. There's a hearing in a week to determine if the Ukrainian court will approve her, but there's no reason for her to not be approved. God's hand is all over this, even with curve balls being thrown. Vlad and Dima love their aunt, and she loves them, too, so it appears that God used our pursuit of Vlad and Dima to bring about a positive outcome for their futures by being adopted by their Ukrainian aunt. Being in a family is God's best for each of us, so we're praising God that He is in the process of delivering Vlad and Dima to His chosen forever family, even though that's a different family than ours. God is sovereign and loves Vlad and Dima more than we do, so we trust His will and embrace it as His best for Vlad and Dima.
Apparently the SDA gave Matt a bunch of files of other adoptable children to review. At this time, to my knowledge, Matt has not made a decision about which children he would like to pursue. We're all praying for God to reveal exactly who He has already chosen for our family. We're approved by USCIS (US immigration) to adopt up to 4 kids, ages 6-14.
Please join us in praying for God to reveal His chosen children for our family. We KNOW that God called us to Ukraine; there's too many God details and provision in this for it to not be from God. He's already got some kids picked out for us, we just need to figure out who they are! :-)
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